It's the bad joke thread

Recently, I was sitting in my lawn chair watching my wife mow grass on our tractor. The neighbor comes over and is really upset that I am having my wife mow the yard. He goes on and on about how mean I am and disrespectful to my wife for making her do this while I sit back and watch from my chair. Every time he says, something, I just reply that I have her trained well and that she is happy to do it. Finally, in total disgust the neighbor tells me that I ought to be hung. Calmly, I look at my neighbor and reply, I am, that's why she is mowing the grass!
Mom and dad rushed little Johnny to the hospital after he swallowed an entire roll of dimes. His grandmother calls several hours later from another part of the country to check on his condition. "I am checking on my grandson Johnny." The charge nurse replies, "there has been no 'change' in his condition." Relieved, the grandma says, "that makes cents".
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