| FTBL How Would You Feel?


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We go on to play Florida in a tight down to the wire game. We're down by 1 with 2 secs on the clock. On the 25 yard line about to kick the game winning field goal that would send us to the BCS game. What's going through your mind?

I'll be honest, I'd be more of a wreck than I was for the LSU game. And given that he's missed his share of field goals my heart rate would be about 180. But deep down I think he could pull it together, and take his place beside his father in Alabama history.
JAshley37 said:
We go on to play Florida in a tight down to the wire game. We're down by 1 with 2 secs on the clock. On the 25 yard line about to kick the game winning field goal that would send us to the BCS game. What's going through your mind?

I'll be honest, I'd be more of a wreck than I was for the LSU game. And given that he's missed his share of field goals my heart rate would be about 180. But deep down I think he could pull it together, and take his place beside his father in Alabama history.

I would be crying and praying to god "Dear God,Please,for Leigh Tiffin's sake,let him make this Field goal,Because I know,you are a Bama fan"
Number1TideFan19 said:
I would be crying and praying to god "Dear God,Please,for Leigh Tiffin's sake,let him make this Field goal,Because I know,you are a Bama fan"

Then you might want to take the pentagram out of your sig first..... :?
Tideboy said:
Number1TideFan19 said:
I would be crying and praying to god "Dear God,Please,for Leigh Tiffin's sake,let him make this Field goal,Because I know,you are a Bama fan"

Then you might want to take the pentagram out of your sig first..... :?

For real bro! I don't think your a satanist by the things you post so remove the satanic symbols! :)
How about picking another player on the team to do "what if's" with?

Leigh Tiffin is ranked 2nd in the SEC in field goals made per game and 23rd nationally.

He is the 5th ranked player in overall scoring in the SEC.

Not too bad.

http://web1.ncaa.org/mfb/2008/Internet/conf stats/2008000000911PD.HTML

Let's play a game of what if Arenas drops another kickoff and has it recovered by the other team during the SEC Champ game. That would be much more reality based.

I mean, if we just have to create these fantasy based scenarios wherein players are critiqued for imaginary things, let's do it for some players that deserve it more than Tiffin.

How crazy and on the edge of your seats would you be if Coffee fumbled the ball away 5 times during the SEC Championship game? Wow, I would be really upset if that happened. I would be like: Hey, Coffee, why can't you hang onto the ball man?

Then, I would be really, really nervous because if you fumble 5 times during one game and don't recover them, your chances of winning would be drastically reduced. So, like, wow, that would be just totally crazy dude.
I'd be looking for a patio at the Dome. :D

I've spent all of Tiffin's kicks in my yard and if I've been at Bryant-Denny I've spent them all staring at the pavement. :shock: Just can't watch!
Serous question here.
If we enter the game as Number 1, are underdogs by more than one point, and are down by only one with two seconds, should the kick have anything to do with IF we are in the BCS CG?

That's SHOULD IT, not WILL IT?

It's like when the #1 and #2 team play. The #2 team loses, but covers the spread. Why would that team drop, as if the #3 team would have fared better.
It's a fake...lol

Seriously, though...I'd just say a prayer and hope he does he job. All you can ask for is a chance to win, and if he has a FG attempt with the clock ticking down...we got our chance.

Games don't come down to FGs. Screw ups along the way lead to last second FGs. FG kickers don't cost you the game...everything else does.

If you're having to depend on a last second FG to win the game, something went wrong along the way.
If a game comes down to a single player and a single kick...something went wrong.

That is why EVERY PLAY IS SO IMPORTANT. The dropped pass on 3rd and 5 in the first quarter, could be the reason the game comes down to a FG.

I hope he can make it...but don't make him have to try.

~Bryan :)
The South Carolina Florida game would be going through my mind. The one where they blocked 3 field goals in one game. :shock:
Leigh would have to go in and get it done. Kickers are no strangers to pressure situations. He's prepared his whole life for this opportunity. He won the job. It's up to him. Complete confidence. Kick it through, son.
RollTide1980 said:
Games don't come down to FGs. Screw ups along the way lead to last second FGs. FG kickers don't cost you the game...everything else does.

If you're having to depend on a last second FG to win the game, something went wrong along the way.
If a game comes down to a single player and a single kick...something went wrong.

That is why EVERY PLAY IS SO IMPORTANT. The dropped pass on 3rd and 5 in the first quarter, could be the reason the game comes down to a FG.

I hope he can make it...but don't make him have to try.

~Bryan :)

While I agre every play is important I do not agree that last second FG's are due to screw ups.

Typically you try to get in scoring position in a final drive, and if you are in FG distance with say :07 on the clock down by 1 or 2 your best shot is a FG. Its a higher percentage attempt than a hail mary.

Sure you want TD's, but you wont get them every drive. A FG from a long distance at least puts some points on the board as opposed to just punting.
Roll Tide Rev said:
Tideboy said:
Number1TideFan19 said:
I would be crying and praying to god "Dear God,Please,for Leigh Tiffin's sake,let him make this Field goal,Because I know,you are a Bama fan"

Then you might want to take the pentagram out of your sig first..... :?

For real bro! I don't think your a satanist by the things you post so remove the satanic symbols! :)

It's Just a band guys! :lol: Geez jUst because I listen to weird music,does'nt mean I'm a satanist! :D C'mon,you know,freedom of expression! :lol:
Number1TideFan19 said:
Roll Tide Rev said:
Tideboy said:
Number1TideFan19 said:
I would be crying and praying to god "Dear God,Please,for Leigh Tiffin's sake,let him make this Field goal,Because I know,you are a Bama fan"

Then you might want to take the pentagram out of your sig first..... :?

For real bro! I don't think your a satanist by the things you post so remove the satanic symbols! :)

It's Just a band guys! :lol: Geez jUst because I listen to weird music,does'nt mean I'm a satanist! :D C'mon,you know,freedom of expression! :lol:


Tell Lucifer I said Alabama by 17 over the Barners! lol J/K, bro!

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