How much are the taxes on your house??

Y'all just stay in a 1 mile radius of your house out there?

Everything I need to get to...including Dallas and Fort Worth is South and West of me. There's no reason to go to Prosper or though it really unless you know somebody that lives there.

ETA: Heere's a map Biff*. Prosper is the red plus sign. Where I live is around where it says Garland and Plano. Everything I need is South.

Y'all don't know this, but @planomateo bought that big house because the Crackers are moving out there to live with him. See you around 9/15, plano. And remember: I like biscuits and gravy for breakfast. And sweet tea.
@bcracker, awesome. Bummed you're gonna miss the Wisconsin game, but you'll be able to make it to the game in College Station.

Text me when you have a sec, I can't find your number.
Never expected to end up in Texas and I don't plan on retiring here. Not sure I'd return to Bama though, been away for 22 years (Cali and Texas). Perhaps Orange Beach or the Athens area, would have to be somewhere near or on the water I'm thinking. Montana is the leading option at this point, we'll see...
Where in Montana?
Big Town Like Billings or Bozeman?
Or small like Kalispell or Red Lodge?
Not sure to be honest. I think I like Bozeman or Kalispell more than Billings due to the college town feel, but then again I haven't been to those places enough to know. With my in-laws living in Billings, I've seen that place many times in the last 20 years. Red Lodge wouldn't be that bad either, takes roughly an hour to get to Billings so you have quick access to things you need.
Not sure to be honest. I think I like Bozeman or Kalispell more than Billings due to the college town feel, but then again I haven't been to those places enough to know. With my in-laws living in Billings, I've seen that place many times in the last 20 years. Red Lodge wouldn't be that bad either, takes roughly an hour to get to Billings so you have quick access to things you need.
I love Red Lodge. You been over the Bear Tooth Pass??
Probably 5 times if I had to guess, no other reason to go up there than to just look around. My in laws used to go up there every weekend or so, he'd go jogging and she'd read/nap. After running 10 miles, he'd go for a dip in one of the many lakes up there. I'm sure caused major shrinkage...

I've eaten breakfast in Cooke City before too, can't remember the place.

Ironically, we were up in Montana for 2+ weeks in June/July, didn't visit Red Lodge, probably one of the first times I've been to Billings and never went to Red Lodge.

Here's a picture from the bear tooth mountains I took probably 8 years ago.

Probably 5 times if I had to guess, no other reason to go up there than to just look around. My in laws used to go up there every weekend or so, he'd go jogging and she'd read/nap. After running 10 miles, he'd go for a dip in one of the many lakes up there. I'm sure caused major shrinkage...

I've eaten breakfast in Cooke City before too, can't remember the place.

Ironically, we were up in Montana for 2+ weeks in June/July, didn't visit Red Lodge, probably one of the first times I've been to Billings and never went to Red Lodge.

Here's a picture from the bear tooth mountains I took probably 8 years ago.

My phone crashed after I lived there before I could back it up. I had 3000+ pics of Montana and now they're gone. You can literally close your eyes and take 10 random pics up there and 8 of them would be post card worthy. I love it up there!!
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