Going to Istanbul


So as some of you know, I work in study abroad. The school I work at has a center in Istanbul, and we send groups of students there each semester. Usually a staff member accompanies them. Well, I was selected!

I am accompanying a group of 20-30 college kids from JFK to Istanbul in August, and then spending a week in Istanbul meeting staff/sightseeing/etc. I will then spend 4 days somewhere in Europe (looking at Brussels, Amsterdam, or Munich). My boyfriend will be joining.

If anyone has any tips to traveling with/leading large groups, or with Turkey and/or Istanbul, or with any of the aforementioned European cities, please advise! I would love any input or advice you could offer :)

I will be representing Alabama proudly abroad, via t-shirts and swag. I was actually thinking of looking in to any Bama bars in the places I may be going haha.
Take a few pic's and have fun. Just make sure those kids know the drug law. I know a lot of guy from the service that are still living over there because of it.:shock: But, most of the time just have fun!! and leave a few "ROLL TIDE" too.
We didn't make it Istanbul last Summer, but we did make it to Ephesus, which was really neat. This site, http://www.turkeytravelplanner.com/index.html , seems to have good info, some of it a bit offbeat.

You're probably a ferry ride or two away from the Greek Isles. It would be hard for me to pass up Santorini or Mykonos if in Turkey. Santorini is unbelievably beautiful, and Mykynos is beautiful, too, but it's really known as party central for the Mediterranean set.

Does this trip trump your Bama game trip?


Good luck and enjoy. I've never been overseas but my son spent a summer south of Istanbul a couple of hundred miles during his college days on an archaeological dig. He loved it, even the horse meat they had to eat.
Good luck and enjoy. I've never been overseas but my son spent a summer south of Istanbul a couple of hundred miles during his college days on an archaeological dig. He loved it, even the horse meat they had to eat.

I like horse meat! :D I wish it wasn't taboo here to eat it, unlike pretty much the rest of the world. I had it in Europe and China a bunch of times. It's one of the more nutritious meats, and it tastes venison. I still prefer pork and chicken though ..
We didn't make it Istanbul last Summer, but we did make it to Ephesus, which was really neat. This site, http://www.turkeytravelplanner.com/index.html , seems to have good info, some of it a bit offbeat.

You're probably a ferry ride or two away from the Greek Isles. It would be hard for me to pass up Santorini or Mykonos if in Turkey. Santorini is unbelievably beautiful, and Mykynos is beautiful, too, but it's really known as party central for the Mediterranean set.

Does this trip trump your Bama game trip?



Thanks, Tim!

Unfortunately yes, it trumps the Bama game. Ryan (my boyfriend) had to rearrange his vacation time, and we had to reallocate some of our finances.

But 2016 looks promising ..

And just as quickly as it happened, it was over ..

No longer going to Istanbul. Or to Bama.

This has been a rough year of plans being made and broken .. :violin::bandhead: :computerdestroy:

Might still plan a personal trip to Europe though. Would love to take advantage of the super low Euro. Make lemons out of lemonade, I guess.
Her is my advice since your trip has been canceled. Go to Europe on your honeymoon but go to a Bama game next fall. Just saying...........

Fall 2016 = Bama game, no question. That is my big trip next year. I will make it work. I am so tired of planning to go and having something come up. I will start planning NOW!!! Lol.

My boyfriend and I have planned to go to Ireland for a week in September.
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