"Get to know each other" game?

Green mint chocolate chip .. has to be green

You've been given an all expenses paid roundtrip ticket to the place of your choosing. Where do you go and why?
Germany. Probably the main place at the top of my list I would love to visit some day,Neuschwanstein Castle .


At any time in you life while growing up, did you ever play any kind of sport?

My mom went there in the 1970s .. she said it was amazing!

I played Little League baseball (5 years), basketball (3 years), soccer (7 years), tennis (2 years), and swimming (13 years).

Can you speak any languages besides English? (Jive doesn't count, you turkey!)
My mom went there in the 1970s .. she said it was amazing!

I played Little League baseball (5 years), basketball (3 years), soccer (7 years), tennis (2 years), and swimming (13 years).

Can you speak any languages besides English? (Jive doesn't count, you turkey!)

No, but I can read Spanish okay, and I've gotten okay at reading lips.

How many years before you plan to retire, or how many years have you been retired?


Bachelor of Arts, going to try for a Masters now that I work at a uni

Least favorite aspect of your current job? Or, if unemployed/retired/whatever, what is your least favorite chore around/outside the house?
Dealing with the same parents over and over and over again about their kid(s) who never do anything wrong.

What ride do you like best at an amusement park?
Log flume! I love rides with drops and steady climbs and lots of water.

Besides Alabama, is there another CFB team you pull for in any way?
In Yangshuo, China (google it: the most beautiful place on the planet), I got into a rickedy old Jeep with the owner of my hostel, a guy from Dallas, my boyfriend, and 2 friends. We drove through a bamboo forest in the boonies, out past some villages, and found "the secret spot" of the Li River. We went tubing all the way into the downtown area of Yangshuo (we washed up at a somewhat posh restaurant, haha), going through rapids, stopping to jump off cliffs, etc. It was the most spontaneous, potentially deadly thing I ever did, because we barely spoke Chinese, they barely spoke English, and we agreed to get into a car with them and go tubing lol. They could have kidnapped me or murdered me and no one would know .. But instead I had the best experience in my whole time in China.

Shortly after that, we rented motorcycles in a back alley, with ZERO EXPERIENCE, and rode all over the countryside, through villages and mountains, going to hot spots like Moon Cove (again, Google it .. crazy beauty), etc. It was exhilarating.

Sorry for the novel!

You have the house/apartment to yourself, no kids, no spouse, no family, no nothing, nothing that needs to be done .. What do you do?
First off ,I always have the apartment to myself. I live alone. Nothing needs to be done? No chores or errands? I may watch a movie,catch up on some TV episodes, check out the forums, or just take a nap.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
Start with a harsh IPA or an old fashioned. Steer butt tender if Fred Gang's still existed off hwy 280 in Mountain Brook. John Ed Willoughby (of TC and John Ed radio fame) owned it. Some seasoned up green beans and garlic mashed taters. Creme brulee for dessert with some strong black coffee.

What is your longest time, over the last five years, to be completely off grid with no phone or internet service?
Germany. Probably the main place at the top of my list I would love to visit some day,Neuschwanstein Castle .


At any time in you life while growing up, did you ever play any kind of sport?

You got to go see this place. You have two way to get up to the castle: horse and buggy but only half way, the often is to walk all the way up the side of the mountain. we did the walking up, But that was in 1979, but ,if you watch any Disney movie are been to the park you see the castle.
I'm still waiting on the advise.

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would do?
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