"Get to know each other" game?

Started in the 1970s, or popular in the 1970s? Lol. Allman Bros, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, too many to name. They hit some highs in the 70s .. Probably the Dead.

You are standing at a fork in the road, on a hike. Do you take the road less traveled / more uncertain / rockier / etc., or the well-traveled / familiar / smoother road?
Oops, guess we posted at the same time. Pet peeve = people who care way too much about appearance ..

You are standing at a fork in the road, on a hike. Do you take the road less traveled / more uncertain / rockier / etc., or the well-traveled / familiar / smoother road?
Like I tell all my family I did all my camping, hiking, etc., while I was in the Army.
I would try to do the more uncertain because, we all need to do this, but because I have done that, right now I would do the smoother road.
Infrequent hunter, more frequent fishing. Crappie fisherman mostly because my Dad's the best there is, I've caught many over 2.5 pounds but shy of three.

Thanksgiving: taking the week to spend some time at the lake, in Jackson, MS with the oldest and his new wife, and then back for Thanksgiving with my wife's twin sister and her family.

Do you have any ritual trips/excursions/meals that you religiously observe with the passing of the seasons? (always go leaf peeping, spring break to the beach, etc.)


Not really. I guess I like to go hiking more in the fall.

What is one thing that you think all people could do, that would make the world a better place? (for example, smiling more, saying hello to each other on the sidewalks, giving more to charity, etc.)
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