"Get to know each other" game?

Now that smart. Buttermilk, the wife don't like it at all.

Would you eat or drink something that you don't like, if your girl/boy friend, wife/huband like it.
Nope!!! Boyfriend has been trying to get me to eat onions for years, not happening EVER.

Guys like Tim Tebow, Jameis Winston, and Johnny Manziel have really gotten under people's skin .. Who is a player that a lot of folks liked, but you couldn't stand?
There is a cruise that leaves from New Orleans and goes to the Bahamas. The whole cruise is about 7 days.There is also one that goes to the Mediterranean Sea. It has stops in Spain ,France, and Italy,maybe even Greece.

Do you have any pet peeves?
People who constantly talk about themselves, people who argue for the sake of arguing, people who vote along party lines, and that sound when you drag shoes on a dusty floor .. EEEEK!

First pet you remember having?
Coins. State coins, international coins, old coins, etc. Also books, I am an avid reader and need a huge library! Still have all my Beanie Babies too ..

What was your bed time as a kid? When the sun went down, a certain time, etc. ?
I never had a set time as a child because I usually went to bed early enough that I wasnt a problem to get up. My younger brother on the other hand....

If you could have only one wish, what would it be?
Honestly, after most Bama wins I'm more relieved than elated. If I'm staying with my buddy in Northport, we'll build a pretty good fire outside at his place, have a drink or two and reminisce. If I get back to the lake and the weather's nice many times I'll sit on the back deck, count the shooting stars and my blessings. If I'm watching from home, I'll watch other games and unwind.

What friendship of yours has suffered that you'd like to repair/regain?


Loved your answer, Tim.

My ex best friend and I didn't speak for 4 years. We chatted a bit last month, and will be meeting up near Thanksgiving. I hope we can move forward. I miss her very much.

What is the most romantic thing you e ever done for someone?
Corny, but any vacation I ever spent with my family .. Disney World, the Outer Banks, Arizona, California, Florida .. Always good memories.

What is your birthday?
Actually ,I was at work.

What do you like to do to relax?
My relaxing time is when I'm with my gradkids.

What is something you keep putting off ,and ,you know it has to get done?
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