"Get to know each other" game?

Without .. though I do like it with a splash of lemon flavor .. just not the fruit! I hate the seeds haha

Do you have any sports superstitions? For example, if my game day outfit isn't cutting it, I immediately change my entire outfit. I will also switch positions, move to another chair, turn off the game altogether, etc.
@bcracker not yet but I will! Thanks for the recommendation!

I've only ever read Michael Lewis's works, but Grizzard sounds interesting too.

What do you want for Christmas this year?
Don't know Lewis, but Grizzard (He was aUGA fan, pass away sometime ago.)will make you laugh. I would like to say watching my daughter opened her Christmas gifts, but she all grown now. Would love to watch the grand kids opened them up, But 18,16,13 no fun now.
Lewis wrote books like "Moneyball" and "The Blind Side", both turned into movie hits. Grizzard sounds fun, I'll definitely have to check him out!

Hey, I'm almost 24 and I still have lots of fun opening my Christmas gifts! Tell your grandkids to remember they aren't young forever and to enjoy it more :-)
Grizzard was a columnist for the Atlanta Constitutional Journal. He had a dog named Catfish. A hero to many southern humorists--Grizzard that is, not Catfish. Grizzard also appeared a few times in Designing Women.

I am definitely Old School for the most part.

Hamlet or Mid Summer's Night Dream?
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@PhillyGirl By the way, if you do try Moore, I recommend The Fool for your first go. It's a rewrite of King Lear. It's a little ribald but HILARIOUS!

Guitar--if you define "play" broadly.

What is your ideal family size (Mom + Dad equals how many kids)?
Thank you! :-)

I grew up with mom, dad, an older brother, and myself .. I always wished I had another sibling .. Ideally, I would love 3 kids. My boyfriend is adopted, so we have discussed adoption for child #3.

I don't know if this is too personal for some, but what is your heritage? (for example, I am half Polish, then the rest is Russian, English, and a smidge of Turkish).
Anglo/Irish. I'm the whitest white guy in the history of mankind! In fact, color escapes me. I'm more of an opaque translucent than white. I do, however, belie the stereotype when it comes to dancing. I can bust a move if the situation demands it.

What is your worst fear?
The preacher at our church whom I first met when I was about 10. He was a person who more closely lived by what he taught than any other person I know, including myself.

Who is/was the best world leader of your lifetime?
I was born in 1990, just FYI, so you'll see more recent names here. #1 is Angela Merkel, by far. Though Bill Clinton (under-appreciated prez IMO), Nelson Mandela, and Aung San Suu Kyi are in the mix.

Saddest movie you have ever seen?
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