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can someone go to tigerdroppings.com and let me know if they see a post titled (Since when...). I posted it there and was kicked off the site. It was not in bad taste, only honest. They must have been really offended because i think they erased it. please let me know. it was such a good post that i can recreate it if ya'll want to read it.
thanks for looking.

what I said was: LSU football has been relevant for how long? Saban made your program. You guys have great food and good lookin' girls, but when it comes to a rich football tradition, ya'll are lacking. when Loser Miles leaves for Michigan, and you hire Bo Panini, LSU football will crawl back into the shadows, in it's rightful place. Remember your past, you'll be back there soon.

they must not have appreciated that because i was promptly denied access
yeah, thanks for looking Terry. also, i was appalled at the language that was permitted on that site until i realized who i was dealing with. i'm proud to know that language and innuendos such as that are restricted here. it tells quite a bit about the difference between Alabama and Louisiana.
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
yeah, thanks for looking Terry. also, i was appalled at the language that was permitted on that site until i realized who i was dealing with. i'm proud to know that language and innuendos such as that are restricted here. it tells quite a bit about the difference between Alabama and Louisiana.

It's not a difference between fan bases, it is a difference between what's allowed on forums and what isn't. Trust me, if this was allowed here it would be the same.
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
thanks for looking.

what I said was: LSU football has been relevant for how long? Saban made your program. You guys have great food and good lookin' girls, but when it comes to a rich football tradition, ya'll are lacking. when Loser Miles leaves for Michigan, and you hire Bo Panini, LSU football will crawl back into the shadows, in it's rightful place. Remember your past, you'll be back there soon.

they must not have appreciated that because i was promptly denied access
Chuck, your comments there may have been honest (in your mind), but you picked one of the most belligerent LSU sites around to post at. I'm sure they didn't take kindly to your saying they don't have any kind of football tradition. Fact is, back in the 70's, they had some really good teams and challenged for the SEC title most years. Problem was, Cholly Mac couldn't beat Coach Bryant. Saban brought LSU back to prominence, just like we expect him to bring Bama back to prominence. But, make no mistake . . . LSU is not without tradition.
Chuck, your comments there may have been honest (in your mind), but you picked one of the most belligerent LSU sites around to post at. I'm sure they didn't take kindly to your saying they don't have any kind of football tradition. Fact is, back in the 70's, they had some really good teams and challenged for the SEC title most years. Problem was, Cholly Mac couldn't beat Coach Bryant. Saban brought LSU back to prominence, just like we expect him to bring Bama back to prominence. But, make no mistake . . . LSU is not without tradition.

roger that Pirate man, I guess i have just had enough of people acting like LSU has been great for a long time. I still think that only recently have they been nationally recognized, but i see what you are saying.
Chuck, had the shoe been on the other foot and you were an LSU fan posting on this site with the same tone, you wouldn't have lasted long either.

It's all about being respectful when you are a guest of a site. Say anything you want about a rival here on your home turf, but when you go over there be on good behavior. We expect the same of rivals that visit here. Beleive me, there are posts by rivals on here that don't last a minute before we nuke them.

It's al about diplomacy :D
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
how is that stupid hoss? i wrote what i felt. am i not correct? LSU is like new money. they don't know how to act with there recent success.

have your opinion, thats fine....your intentions were to flame them, whether you admit it or not. the innocent act doesn't really fly, at least not with me :D

you are curious why they won't accept your post...come on and "think" about it. they don't wanna hear that crap and neither would we if you were an LSU fan.

bottom line is LSU is LEGIT, no matter what you think or say. They have beat us 4 years in a row.
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