| FTBL Did Y'all See the Opinion Piece on CNS in NY Times?

So we are a second rate country because we pay Nick Saban what we do. I know what he was getting at but please, the article fails to mention the amount of Revenue he alone brings to the University. It also fails to mention any charitable things he has done while at the university. Besides the writer contributes to that rag he calls a paper anyway, he needs to lay off CNS.
That guy is no beter than those hippies who were crying and mourning trees being cut down in North Carolina. He is a hippie and needs to be shot. Now. In the face.
The media can not get enough of Saban, good or bad. I wonder how long it will be before no one mentions the Miami situation and/or his salary when talking about Alabama football or Saban. The talk hasn't slowed down since he got here.
Someone needs to send that jack@$$ the revenue figures from last season. And alert him to the fact that all departments benefit from the athletic department. Including the academic departments. Why is everyone so obsessed with Nick Saban? Outside of LSU fans what gives?
It is like what coach Bryant said when someone ask him about his salary one time.........

"How many people pay money to come down here and watch someone take a math test?"

Fact remains that while Witt has done a lot to help with the enrollment at the U of A and it has blossomed under his watch................Hiring CNS was the greatest single investment he could have made while here. It helps to insure that we have young people wanting to flock here and be associated with a winner. This in turn benefits all the poor professors scrimping by on 116K a year by making sure that they have plenty of students to teach.
rammajamma said:
NY huh? And how much is the Yankess payroll again? ;scr

Exactly. I heard they were wondering what happened to them this year...................Wonder if they would like to have Joe Torre back? I have always liked Torre and for the life of me cannot figure out why he has such crummy luck. When he was with the Braves in the early 80's they won. Braves fired him. Then they go on a 15 year losing streak. Torre bumps around and does well at his stops, but goes to NY....they light it up and are in the hunt year in and year out.......Yanks say they didn't fire but essentially invited him to leave..............I'll shut up I don't want to bogart the thread. Disregard.
..so he has a problem with how much Saban makes and how much power Saban has. And, according to him we're a second rate country because we don't have our priorities straight.

I guess if we had our priorities straight we'd just hand over all that money and power to someone with an Ivy League education, like him! Then, everything would be OK.

Oh, and he hates the "blog-o-shere" too. Gee, I wonder if that's because more people read blogs than read him column?

He's jealous.
just goes to show you that anyone can be a writer. You don't have to know your butt from a hole in the ground and you can write( see your most hated sports writer). Opinions are like butt holes, everybody has one and they all stink.
"I don’t see much joy in Nick Saban"
"his face locked most of the time in a constipated grimace"
"Nick Saban should try to look a little happier on the sidelines. When you’re laughing all the way to the bank, you should at least be smiling"

I'm sure the jackass smiles from ear to ear while he writes his articles telling others what is important and what is not.

Didn't this guy write Friday Night Lights?

I'm sure he donated all his profit to a worthy cause...
norwood said:
"I don’t see much joy in Nick Saban"
"his face locked most of the time in a constipated grimace"
"Nick Saban should try to look a little happier on the sidelines. When you’re laughing all the way to the bank, you should at least be smiling"

I'm sure the jackass smiles from ear to ear while he writes his articles telling others what is important and what is not.

Didn't this guy write Friday Night Lights?

Yes, he did, and he also has received a Pulitzer Prize.

Here's wiki's bio on MISTER Bissinger:

"H. G. "Buzz" Bissinger (born November 1, 1954) is an American journalist. He was born in New York City.

In 1987, while writing for The Philadelphia Inquirer he won the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting for his story on corruption in the Philadelphia court system. He is also the author of the article "Shattered Glass," featured in the magazine Vanity Fair, where he is a contributing editor; the article was later adapted for the 2003 film of the same name. His magazine work has also appeared in the New York Times and Sports Illustrated. His most recent article for Vanity Fair, "Gone with the Wind" (August 2007) about the saga of 2006 Kentucky Derby Winner Barbaro, has been optioned by Universal Pictures.

Bissinger was educated at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, The University of Pennsylvania, where he was the sports editor and editorial page editor of the university paper, and was the recipient of a Nieman fellowship at Harvard University.

He is perhaps best known for his book Friday Night Lights, which documents the 1988 season of the football team of Permian High School in Odessa, Texas. This work went on to become a successful film, which was released in October 2004; and a television series which debuted on NBC on October 3, 2006. It has sold nearly two million copies. In a list of the one hundred best books on sports ever, Sports Illustrated ranked Friday Night Lights fourth and the best ever on football. ESPN called Friday Night Lights the best book on sports over the past quarter century.

He has written two books in addition to Friday Night Lights; A Prayer for the City (1998), which offers insight into the urban political scene of Philadelphia during Mayor (now Governor of Pennsylvania) Ed Rendell's term in the 1990s; and the New York Times' bestselling Three Nights in August (2005), which chronicles a series between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs through the perspective of Cardinals manager Tony La Russa.

Bissinger has self-professed "abiding hatred" for blogs and the "blog-o-sphere", and recently launched an angry tirade against sports blogger Will Leitch on a roundtable on Bob Costas's HBO series Costas Now. He has been widely criticized for his tactics in confronting Leitch, critics arguing his tone and language undermined any message in his rant. He has also found many new fans. Leitch and Bissinger recently appeared together again on CostasNow -- this time sharing pre-show hot dogs and beer. Bissinger was elected to the Deadspin Hall of Fame on August 26, 2008.

Bissinger currently writes "The Throwback" online sports column for the New York Times.

Bissinger is married and has three sons. He divides his time between homes in Philadelphia and the Pacific Northwest."
This ought ta explain things........

Women's Accessories:
NORTH: Chap Stick in back pocket and a $20 bill in the front pocket.
SOUTH: Louis Vuitton duffel with two lipsticks, waterproof mascara, and a fifth of bourbon. Money not necessary - that's what dates are for.

Stadium Size:
NORTH: College football stadiums hold 20,000 people.
SOUTH: High school football stadiums hold 20,000 people.

NORTH: Expect their daughters to understand Sylvia Plath.
SOUTH: Expect their daughters to understand pass interference.

Campus Decor:
NORTH: Statues of founding fathers.
SOUTH: Statues of Heisman trophy winners.

Homecoming Queen:
NORTH: Also a physics major.
SOUTH: Also Miss America.

NORTH: Rudy Giuliani
SOUTH: Archie & Peyton Manning

Getting Tickets:
NORTH: 5 days before the game you walk into the ticket office on campus.
SOUTH: 5 months before the game you walk into the ticket office on campus, make a large financial contribution and put name on a waiting list for tickets.

Friday Classes After a Thursday Night Game:
NORTH: Students and teachers not sure they're going to the game, because
they have classes on Friday.
SOUTH: Teachers cancel Friday classes because they don't want to see the few hung over students that might actually make it to class.

NORTH: An hour before game time, the University opens the campus for game parking.
SOUTH: RVs sporting their school flags begin arriving on Wednesday for the weekend festivities. The really faithful arrive on Tuesday.

Game Day:
NORTH: A few students party in the dorm and watch ESPN on TV.
SOUTH: Every student wakes up, has a beer for breakfast, and rushes over to where ESPN is broadcasting 'Game Day Live' to get on camera and wave to the idiots up north who wonder why 'Game Day Live' is never Broadcast from their campus.

NORTH: Raw meat on a grill, beer with lime in it, listening to local radio station with truck tailgate down.
SOUTH: 30-foot custom pig-shaped smoker fires up at dawn. Cooking accompanied by live performance from the Dave Matthews Band,...who comes over during breaks and asks for a hit off bottle of bourbon.

Getting to the Stadium:
NORTH: You ask 'Where's the stadium?' When you find it, you walk right in.
SOUTH: When you're near it, you'll hear it. On game day it is the state's third largest city.

NORTH: Drinks served in a paper cup, filled to the top with soda.
SOUTH: Drinks served in a plastic cup, with the home team's mascot on it, filled less than half way with soda, to ensure enough room for bourbon.

When National Anthem is Played:
NORTH : Stands are less than half full, and less than half of them stand up.
SOUTH: 100,000 fans, all standing, sing along in perfect four-part harmony.

The Smell in the Air After the First Score:
NORTH: Nothing changes.
SOUTH: Fireworks, Gunpowder (from the cannon in the end zone), with a touch of bourbon.

Commentary (Male):
NORTH: 'Nice play.'
SOUTH: 'Dammit, you slow sumbitch - tackle him and break his legs.'

Commentary (Female):
NORTH: 'My, this certainly is a violent sport.'
SOUTH: 'Dammit, you slow sumbitch - tackle him and break his legs.'

NORTH: Neutral and paid.
SOUTH: Announcer harmonizes with the crowd in the fight song, with a tear in his eye because he is so proud of his team.

After the Game:
NORTH: The stadium is empty way before the game ends.
SOUTH: Another rack of ribs goes on the smoker, while somebody goes to the nearest package store for more bourbon, and planning begins for next week's game.

Two questions:
1. How many Americans can successfully teach a college class? Answer -- around 4 Million (interesting number that 4 million :lol: )
2. How many Americans can coach the University of Alabama's football team? Answer -- ONE.

Speaking of teachers, is there and Economics teacher that can introduce this rag writer to the concepts of market value and seeing good returns on one's investments?

As for the other overtones, that we have our priorities wrong, this military member who just returned from the Middle East will side with Ruddy G. and show strength by going on and doing what American's normally do--work on Friday, watch football on Saturday, and go to church on Sunday.
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