Unqualified based on the fact that never in his life has he ever had any experience with anything that could ever possibly give him expertise in these areas. How is that difficult to understand?
You just compared a real estate developer - who also had experience (shitty experience but experience) in media - successfully using social media on a campaign to negotiating middle east peace, responding to a medical crisis, border security, etc.... Good grief. Yes, unqualified.
You seem to always find something very small, pick at it and pick at it and pick at it to make your point. I didn't say "Ivanka Trump is unqualified to give economic advice." I said she is unqualified for the position she has been given, Senior Adviser to the President. She supposedly gives advice and "council" on every thing involve in government. Donald Trump is also a graduate of Wharton, by the way...
The "economic turnaround" that started in 2010? That one? K...
Stereotypes. Just like you placing a stereotype of me being a stupid liberal thats just jealous of rich people. I have no problem with rich people. I have a big problem with the system and the way many of these people step on the heads of those under them to remain rich, however. And the fact that many of them are considered "successful" for no other reason then they wore born into wealth. If that makes me a horrible person, I will gladly accept that.
First off, I never called you stupid. I don't think you're stupid at all, just blind to most things you don't align with. Personally I think you're well written even with the attitude and vitriol you spew almost daily. Second, I believe in stereotypes. They are more right than they are wrong a lot of the time. Just politically incorrect, but not a bad way to gain some perspective while doing other research.
You don't have a problem with rich people? You are talking shit about them in this thread. Even your big Democratic supporters and donors are doing the same things you are unhappy with, yet I have never heard you say a word about them or their qualifications.
You don't know anything about Kushner other than his dad gave him money, he bought his way into Harvard, yadda yadda. I have a feeling Kushner would run circles around you mentally with what he has been exposed to. He still had to take classes and pass them even if he was bribed in with a donation. You are describing the Liberal playbook to a T. All hearsay, no facts. Don't you get onto QAnon folks for this very thing? And for the record, I think Kushner is a rat. I don't trust him, much like I don't trust Obama, Biden, or Hunter Biden. Ha, talk about a guy underqualified. Anyways, you just come off as very sour towards people that are in high ranking positions, not related to your party, and are targeted by the media. But once again, I don't think you're stupid as you put it.
At this point in time, the response is still being talked about negatively. I mean gracious, focus on the future and what is being done now. The past and furor cannot and will not change anything.
One last thing, Ivanka would run circles around us both as well mentally. She gets a bad rap because of her dad, but she has proven she can handle the spotlight in business and now in politics.
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