🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

I just saw an article that says chloroquine (a medicine used to treat malaria) has shown some promise in treating coronavirus. Hopefully, this might be a solution or at least a means to manage it. It's too soon to jump up and down, but I'll grab onto any optimism, no matter how tiny it may be.
I just saw an article that says chloroquine (a medicine used to treat malaria) has shown some promise in treating coronavirus. Hopefully, this might be a solution or at least a means to manage it. It's too soon to jump up and down, but I'll grab onto any optimism, no matter how tiny it may be.

Damn, this is a long video.
I have only began to watch it.
But I am told that this is a very
important video. Sent to me by the smartest
most intelligent person I have ever known.
He believes, with out doubt, this is as true as it gets.

No, this is not QAnon. This is about the new world order
that no doubt, some of you have been hearing about for years.
Trump and the Patriots have been at war with the NWO players literally for over
three years now. NWO are not going to give up and just roll over and die. Not without releasing havoc on all the world.

Again, I have only watched about 10 minutes of this vid, but I trust the person
who sent it to me whole heartedly. I have known this person for 64 years, he knows what he is talking about.

Today they closed all public places including daycares, bars, restaurants, etc. There’s still drive up and the liquor stores are open, but no more than 10 people can be in a store at a time and people are losing their shit. While on shift today (some of us are doing 14 hr shifts and some are doing 6-8 hr shifts) people were bitching to me about the closures like the PD came up with the damn rules.

Had a guy today tell me “let’s see you redcoats try that martial law with us, you’ll have a shit storm on your hands from us patriots” there was a lot I wanted to tell him like “you’re a damn idiot” to start, but kept it at “ok buddy”. Shit is going to get sporty directly. We’re up to 18 positive cases in 72 hrs
According to Dr. Fauci there are no very encouraging results from chloroquine. At this time there are no safe or affect treatments for this virus.

People keep pushing it because it was effective against SARS and this is being called SARS2 in some circles. But SARS is basically a generic description (Sever Acute Respiratory Syndrome) of a group of things now. Worth trying but it isn't some miracle cure like folks are selling, it may or may not work at all.
Today they closed all public places including daycares, bars, restaurants, etc. There’s still drive up and the liquor stores are open, but no more than 10 people can be in a store at a time and people are losing their shit. While on shift today (some of us are doing 14 hr shifts and some are doing 6-8 hr shifts) people were bitching to me about the closures like the PD came up with the damn rules.

Had a guy today tell me “let’s see you redcoats try that martial law with us, you’ll have a shit storm on your hands from us patriots” there was a lot I wanted to tell him like “you’re a damn idiot” to start, but kept it at “ok buddy”. Shit is going to get sporty directly. We’re up to 18 positive cases in 72 hrs
Thats shit...this is where people should be 100% behind PD for putting their ass on line instead of being home ..... for its the patriots that are staying home....complying with government.....
Short story ...

I went to Lowe's yesterday to buy paint with a friend of mine (PSA, buy one, get one at half off is a good deal.) As he pulled up my next door neighbor told me she'd been quarantined.

"Okay, take care" was my only response as I "tried" to get in the truck and move along with my day. As it ends up she'd been in contact with someone who'd been in contact with someone who had test positive, right?

Hey, no big deal on my end...don't talk to her anyway. When we returned I saw one neighbor sitting on the porch chatting with her, another standing by listening, while kids were playing in the front yard.

Now, don't get me wrong. I knew some of my neighbors were dumbasses...but to that degree?
Another ...

Stopped by Parker's to get some beer yesterday. A guy in line (@It Takes Eleven holding up the line buying lottery tickets) was taking his own time lecturing the cashier on how the virus would remain on his gloves for eight hours.

I don't think he appreciated my telling him to "go home and google some more shit so I can enjoy a cold beer." 🤷‍♂️
Had a guy today tell me “let’s see you redcoats try that martial law with us, you’ll have a shit storm on your hands from us patriots” there was a lot I wanted to tell him like “you’re a damn idiot” to start, but kept it at “ok buddy”. Shit is going to get sporty directly. We’re up to 18 positive cases in 72 hrs

You're going to be dealing with a lot of that, especially if the state forces a quarantine. A lot of these couch patriots are bragging about no one can make them stay at home.

It's ironic seeing the reports coming in from NBA teams considering the Morey, Tsai, and others...

One thing for sure this better open this countries eyes about is the fact that we HAVE to start manufacturing in this country again.

Short story ...

I went to Lowe's yesterday to buy paint with a friend of mine (PSA, buy one, get one at half off is a good deal.) As he pulled up my next door neighbor told me she'd been quarantined.

"Okay, take care" was my only response as I "tried" to get in the truck and move along with my day. As it ends up she'd been in contact with someone who'd been in contact with someone who had test positive, right?

Hey, no big deal on my end...don't talk to her anyway. When we returned I saw one neighbor sitting on the porch chatting with her, another standing by listening, while kids were playing in the front yard.

Now, don't get me wrong. I knew some of my neighbors were dumbasses...but to that degree?

Have you seen the videos of spring breakers talking about it? I will never doubt the stupidity of humanity again after this whole mess.
This country is going bat$hit crazy. We all need to take the chill pill and stop and think. Touching door knobs or other things like even money are making people paranoid. Social quarantine is just a preventive measure not a sure thing. I know now why all the TP is sold out. If someone sneezes on you you $hit your pants.
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