I've thought about how to respond to this for a few days. I'm changing the subject, a bit. It's still posting about something you don't know anything about—and it's not true.
When my comments here are on the administrative side, I note such. This bit you're on about "insults" and "being kicked off" comes across as playing the role of some victim versus remaining in the framework of the actual conversation. Appearances aren't always true though that's my perception. These conversations have nothing to do with my position here.
First of all a little research and you'd know this site is owned by Doemasters, LLC.
Secondly, if you took the time to learn anything about me—versus jumping to unfounded conclusions—you'd know I was one of the original four who started TF. I'm here now because of their—not everyone in administrative roles—knee jerk reactions; the proclivity to ban someone just because their opinion differed from yours. You won't, because you
can't, find an example of that here in the 18 years I've been here.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you this site wouldn't run without me.
@doemasters knows "his shit." He would figure out the modifications I've made to the core of this software as well as the add-ons. I will state that I spend a couple of hours a day working on different modifications and such which in turn gives me an administrative position here.
If you're curious ... over 33,000 accounts have been banned since the move to Xf software in 2010. 97%, plus, have been "kicked off" before they were able to post. (I have a half of a dozen filters I've installed that run "background" on IP's, email addresses, usernames, etc. It now goes to the length of someone banned at the aforementioned site gives me a notification here.) The number of accounts that have been banned from this site due to posting their opinions in the last five years, probably longer? One.
-- They were one of the most racist posters I've seen and it was
@It Takes Eleven who dealt with them the majority of the time. And, quite frankly, they didn't break any site rules. This non-sports forum had an "entry warning," it was not moderated. BUT, too much was too much. --
Now, I'm not going to lie. We've had people here who I felt were disrespectful to staff and other members—I'm included here. I didn't ban them, BUT...
Through a few key strokes I have made it where it takes :30 seconds or more for a page to load. I've locked these people out of threads. I've made it where they can only post a message per day. In a few cases making it where every time they try to visit, I redirect them to another site altogether. They haven't been banned, but they do get the picture; "time to chill out, or leave."
Stating your opinions, in spite of my role here, isn't going to warrant, nor cause, you to be "kicked off the site."
Last but not least...to "clue you in," so to speak. A lot of, the majority really, of my posts here are cases where I'm being serious about a topic. However, I'm not immune to posting something I know is going to elicit a reaction. Yes, it's a little sadistic but you get none of me, or all of me.
That said, I look at that under these lenses; if I'm going to spend a couple of hours working here I'm also going to spend a few minutes having a little fun—I have that leeway.
...and now back to regular programming.