The old woollyal site used to call them "talibanfans"You need to go over to TideFans.
The old woollyal site used to call them "talibanfans"You need to go over to TideFans.
Oops. There ya go again.It’s the same with your buddies Tucker and Hannity,
You’ve repeatedly stated that you’re libertarian.Oops. There ya go again.
I've asked you a ton of questions of the last few months. So here's another. Have I ever really taken a side on an issue? Or, is it more about questioning your position on different subjects?
It's my opinion you've been quick to label; pigeon hole in a sense.
An antiautonym. "Pigeon holing" and "making blanket statements." In the Brittney Griner conversation I believe it was @rocknthefreeworld who used the latter. Funny, one throwing a large covering over a group and the other in a small hole; yet they mean the same thing.I’m not pigeon holing anybody nor quick to judge, but if my belief that you’re conservative, right wing, etc then my apologies, but I don’t believe my opinion of where you stand politically is wrong
If you find the word conservative outdated then I’d suggest talking with that side about changing what they call themselves because people on this site, Boebert, Trump, MTG, and every other person on the right call themselves “conservative“, so what would you have me call them? If they themselves call each other and themselves “conservative“ should I invent another word for them? But, you’ve got no issue grouping all of us on the left as liberal, woke (whatever the hell that means), leftist, communist, etc, a bit hypocritical don’t you think?An antiautonym. "Pigeon holing" and "making blanket statements." In the Brittney Griner conversation I believe it was @rocknthefreeworld who used the latter. Funny, one throwing a large covering over a group and the other in a small hole; yet they mean the same thing.
Conservative is a word I find outdated: useless, to be frank—right wing is the same. It's too "all-encompassing" leaving out individualism.
Circling back to Dr. Malone I see the need for these questions to be asked; these theories he has had to be considered. It doesn't make me a fan but I believe he has the right to speak on what he believes—everyone has the right to be heard. This is a core belief of a liberal; equal rights for all. Here we have a personal responsibility (health) issue where I'm struggling to see "conservative," or "right wing."
Circling back to our conversation about the protests outside of the residence: SCOTUS. I saw that as "breaking the law, a choice, and they should face the consequences." Is that right wing, a conservative view? I see things like marijuana as a personal responsibility issue, one where the law is being broken and if caught the consequences are fair. That's a choice made. Is that conservative? Consciously breaking the law? I look at the law, and its intent to protect everyone in an idealistic equal society, and realize that decision comes at an expense; personally and financially. That also echoes a liberal stance on personal responsibility.
In retrospect, this is a little funny. We're back to individualism which is what we were dancing around in the Elon Musk thread. I mentioned he was breaking up the status quo: essentially, shredding the blanket covering so many.
Here's your blanket.But, you’ve got no issue grouping all of us on the left as liberal, woke (whatever the hell that means), leftist, communist, etc, a bit hypocritical don’t you think?
"I don't want to hear Malone." What's that other than your desire to "mute" what he's said?As for Malone, I’m not sure why you felt the need to add “he has the right” and “it’s a core belief of liberals; equal rights for all” when nowhere did I say he doesn’t have the right, other than so you could add your little “equal rights” thing.
The world's leading experts who have been correct on what, exactly? Are we talking about the same people who chose to redefine the word vaccine because it wasn't a vaccine?Sure he has the right and nobody is or has done anything about that right, but every question you stated in a previous comment has been answered at nauseam by some of the world’s leading experts, but you guys refuse to accept that and just keep repeating the same things over and over and over and over. You can say you struggle to see “conservative“ or “right wing”, but it’s only that side that doesn’t accept the overwhelming proof to those questions.
Alright, Linus: leave the blanket at home.As for your breaking the law and whether that’s conservative or not, here’s where you and I have a drastically different idea or opinion on this, standing on a public sidewalk (keyword being public) protesting isn’t against the law, standing on his or her private yard or private sidewalk is against the law and there should consequences for that, but here’s the difference in my side and your side, my side believes that the people that rioted (keyword: rioted) during the George Floyd protests should be held responsible, people on your side don’t believe the rioters of Jan 6th should be held responsible, so the right (guess I shouldn’t say your side) is either hypocritical, racis, ignorant, or all of the above, you can decide which is it. Again you and you’re throwing liberal stance into things. See, I’m for equal justice for everybody and the same type of justice for everybody.
Ok, you’re for individualism- you’re against grouping…..noted.Here's your blanket.
What should I call this statement other than calling it exactly what it is: a blatant lie. You won't, because you can't, find a single example where I've said such a thing. In fact, you'll find the exact opposite when I've pointed to, and then questioned, your innate and incessant need to label anyone who happens to believe differently.
Let me double down here. If anything, you'll find where I've consistently referred to individualism which is the direct opposite of "grouping." I've criticized that—specifically.
"I don't want to hear Malone." What's that other than your desire to "mute" what he's said?
My little "equal rights" thing? My, MY little equal rights? Are you serious? The constitutionally protected rights for each and every American? Based on what you're saying I'm left wondering if you know what "equal rights" actually means.
The world's leading experts who have been correct on what, exactly? Are we talking about the same people who chose to redefine the word vaccine because it wasn't a vaccine?
Alright, Linus: leave the blanket at home.
Have I ever suggested those involved in the January protests shouldn't be held responsible for their actions? No. I haven't. You won't find where I've suggested, or even hinted at this. You can't. Because it didn't happen.
I'll tell you what I have questioned—this being labeled as an insurrection while we haven't seen anyone convicted of insurrection. It's akin to charging someone with armed robbery when they weren't armed.
While we're at this, let's circle back to these "people on the sidewalk." What was their purpose, their goal? To influence a decision by SCOTUS through intimidation: a violation of the law.
What am I left with here? According to what you're saying, I'm a hypocrite, a racist, ignorant, or all of the above. What are we left with here? Your attempt to label, throw a large blanket over what I'd said, with nothing to support your stance.
This is the quintessential example of identity politics.
One last note: here's something I fear. To quote Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain.
"It's a lot easier to fool someone than it is to convince someone they've been fooled." I'm afraid that pill is going to be difficult, if not impossible, for some to swallow. Without questioning what you've been fed, how will you know if you have been fooled?
"Truth is treason in an empire of lies." And I see what can only be described as an unwillingness to seek out the truth; through questioning what's being told.
Ignore the "they will kill us" part, video is not about killing. It is about a view through LOOKING GLASS. Very interesting. @TerryP
Coup? Not even close. It wasn't sudden—people on Capitol Hill knew it was coming. It wasn't violent—sans the case of Ashley Babbit being killed. This fella is going to seize power from the government?Ok, so you don’t think it was an insurrectio, is coup better? Or what would you like it to be called?
Where are all of these people that say those involved shouldn't be held responsible? Is this not like those who repeat the line "white supremacy is an existential threat to democracy" but when you ask "where and whom" there's no clear answer? And I don't mean exercise.I didn’t call you racist, ignorant, or the such. I said the people on the right that believe the BLM rioters should be held responsible and not the Jan 6 rioters are either racist, ignorant, or all of the above and according to your own words you’re not a right winger nor have you ever said the Jan 6 rioters shouldn’t be held responsible
14 years in academia and you seem lost on the definition of intimidation. The law, as it reads, doesn't say "except for the sidewalk." But allow me to circle back here. What was the purpose, the goal, of those protesters outside of his personal residence? Through their protest they were attempting to influence the upcoming decision from the SCOTUS. Are we going to call a group yelling during all hours of the night an act that wasn't intended to influence a decision? We had leaders in Congress encouraging people to not give them a minute of rest. That's not intimidation? As defined, it's an action meant to compel a behavior. Their actions were what? To compel a SC member to vote a certain way.What was the purpose of the people on the sidewalk? To protest a decision the court made. It was a protest protected by the constitution. It wasn’t intimidation, it’s not like they were chanting “hang kavanaugh” or “hang alito“, although I’m sure some might’ve been.
People believe they are just as smart as these leading experts. Okay. When you see someone labeled as an expert, but continually wrong in their expertise, are they supposed to believe in their expertise? Or question what's being "force fed?"The world’s leading experts- here’s an issue in this country, people have been led to believe that they’re just as smart on a subject as experts who have spent their entire professional careers on any given subject simply because they choose to believe they are. The arrogance of people to think they’re smarter on this subject than the world’s leading immunologist, virologist, etc is astonishing. They’re far smarter on the subject than you and I are.
If you changed your username to BamaTeacher this would still ring true.This entire pandemic has been HELL for those of us on the front lines trying our best to help people in need. Everyone has become exponentially more rude, verbally and physically aggressive towards those of us in the ED. Its a daily occurrence and it's driving good people out of the profession. There is no sense of safety or security. I stand 6'4 245 lbs, thus only a few ever try to approach me physically, but I answer to call of my staff routinely from those that try to verbally and physically harm them. And the hospital administrative team is strictly focused on profits and are completely disconnected from reality of daily medicine. We don't have the staff, supplies or additional resources needed to do our job safely anymore. We can't send trauma patients to the trauma center because the lack of staffing has them on diversion a far amount of the time. I treat the vast majority of my patients in the triage area near the waiting room. All of this is a product of the pandemic. Honestly, I'm tired of the struggle. I'm currently in the process of starting up my own business just to get away from it all. If this is the way of medicine, then I'm out. No big loss right? There's another doctor waiting to fill my spot.
If I may ask, doing what?I'm currently in the process of starting up my own business just to get away from it all.
Yeah, I definitely sympathize with our educators. I'm opening up care homes for the elderly and intellectually disabled.If you changed your username to BamaTeacher this would still ring true.
If I may ask, doing what?
I'm opening up care homes for the elderly and intellectually disabled.
First paragraph- Speaking of blatant lie, if you and I are to have a convo/debate on this subject you have to be honest and your very first paragraph is dishonest as hell.Coup? Not even close. It wasn't sudden—people on Capitol Hill knew it was coming. It wasn't violent—sans the case of Ashley Babbit being killed. This fella is going to seize power from the government?
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It certainly wasn't peaceful—protest seldom are. It most definitely wasn't an insurrection or a coup—by the very definitions of both words.
It was trespassing just as we've seen the convictions reflect.
Where are all of these people that say those involved shouldn't be held responsible? Is this not like those who repeat the line "white supremacy is an existential threat to democracy" but when you ask "where and whom" there's no clear answer? And I don't mean exercise.
14 years in academia and you seem lost on the definition of intimidation. The law, as it reads, doesn't say "except for the sidewalk." But allow me to circle back here. What was the purpose, the goal, of those protesters outside of his personal residence? Through their protest they were attempting to influence the upcoming decision from the SCOTUS. Are we going to call a group yelling during all hours of the night an act that wasn't intended to influence a decision? We had leaders in Congress encouraging people to not give them a minute of rest. That's not intimidation? As defined, it's an action meant to compel a behavior. Their actions were what? To compel a SC member to vote a certain way.
Or is this just another case of redefining words like we've seen with recession and vaccine?
People believe they are just as smart as these leading experts. Okay. When you see someone labeled as an expert, but continually wrong in their expertise, are they supposed to believe in their expertise? Or question what's being "force fed?"
Mask, don't mask, double mask and in the end it's "mask don't work unless it's a properly fitted N-95 type mask." That's expertise?
You won't catch the virus or spread it if you're vaccinated. Now you need a booster, then another, then another—now they're up to what, six? Where's the expertise? Hell, Walensky testified before the Senate stating fully vaccinated individuals can’t pass Covid-19 to other people.
You must socially distance yourself by 6 ft. Then we find out it was arbitrary (from Dr. Birx's own admission.) Where's the expertise here?
The CDC comes out with one set of guidelines only to be changed to reflect others opinions (like the teachers association.) Where does the expertise lie here? Walensky or Weingarten?
It's quite ironic that Fauci told a group back in 2019 that we won't know the efficacy or side effects of drugs until three phases of trials had been completed. But now, there aren't side effects without trial phases. This is expertise?
We're told children need to have the shot. Based on what? We're told there are no ill effects from children getting the shot. We're told they spread the virus. Based on what?
After seeing these "experts" proven wrong in so many instances people who question, or don't believe, what they're being told are somehow "experts" as well? No, they're exercising common sense.
Now, let's add the attempts and laws that made these shots mandatory. I won't ask where the expertise is, but I will ask where's the logic? If they are truly experts here, why the need to censor those who questioned their actions? Are we not encroaching on propaganda again?