| LIFE CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

POTUS Biden finally admits to no federal solution...yet built a campaign on it. The media isn't holding him accountable like they did the with his predecessor.

They've shifted the narrative. But nobody cares now. Classic by the book.

Fauci's retirement šŸ˜’
Admission by the CDC that the PCR test doesnā€™t work. They have lied constantly about every aspect every day for over 2 years. Maybe now everyone is just too proud to admit that you have been sold a pig in poke.

Admission by the CDC that the PCR test doesnā€™t work. They have lied constantly about every aspect every day for over 2 years. Maybe now everyone is just too proud to admit that you have been sold a pig in poke.
Neither side is right in all of this but one side is dying in much larger numbers. That would be the side who refuse to do anything at all and pretends they are morally and logically superior.
Neither side is right in all of this but one side is dying in much larger numbers. That would be the side who refuse to do anything at all and pretends they are morally and logically superior.
I agree with part but take issue with the way death numbers were and continue to be manipulated for fear. Dead with c19 is not the same as from c19. Co-morbidities kill every year when flu season rolls around but we havenā€™t had any flu deaths to speak of, only c19. When the science is declared settled it isnā€™t science it is propaganda. I donā€™t pretend to be morally and logically superior. Iā€™m just not a frightened sheep.
I agree with part but take issue with the way death numbers were and continue to be manipulated for fear. Dead with c19 is not the same as from c19. Co-morbidities kill every year when flu season rolls around but we havenā€™t had any flu deaths to speak of, only c19. When the science is declared settled it isnā€™t science it is propaganda. I donā€™t pretend to be morally and logically superior. Iā€™m just not a frightened sheep.
My dad died from Covid. Yes a heart attack was what killed him, after fighting Covid for 2 months and it tearing up his heart and lungs. Without Covid he would be here today. One side calling the other sheep is no different than the other side calling that one Nazis. All garbage.
Nation and medical care divided by race.
This policy was first flagged by New York journalist Karol Markowicz, whose Twitter summary described it as ā€œwhite people need not apply.ā€ That summary is not accurate. White people who are sick from COVID can still be eligible for antibody treatment, but only if they first demonstrate that they have ā€œa medical condition that increase their risk for severe illness.ā€ But non-white people have the significant advantage of being automatically eligible without having to demonstrate that, since their non-white race is deemed to inherently constitute an increased risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19. In other words, when determining eligibility for life-saving treatments, New York state is explicitly prioritizing some races over others.
No idea why the line through part of the quote.

Nation and medical care divided by race.
And it only gets worse by the day. The idea that racism against white people can't exist no matter what happens and that anything that hurts whites while helping minorities is actually good are going to cause a race war at some point. And the folks who will get hurt the most are those of us who just live our lives treating everyone equally until they show through their own actions they don't deserve it.

Agree BamaMD. I am a cardiac ICU nurse. I have seen the effects of this disease and it is horrendous! Close to one million deaths is hardly close to the symptoms of the common cold. I am not in favor of mandatory masking or lockdowns, however, I suggest that my Bama friends on her e take this virus seriously. Some will have mild symptoms. But...some will die from it.
May I ask something? I have lost friends (more like acquaintances really) over this virus and I don't mean that they died. I mean I am dead to them. They quit talking to me because I won't "stay home and save a life". Nevermind that I have been fully vaccinated AND had the booster. It's me not staying at home like it's still March of 2020 that's making me a bad guy. When this virus first took hold back then, it was new and nobody had any idea of what to expect. So, while I despised the shutdown, it was absolutely necessary at the time. However, pushing two years later and with treatments and vaccines, (which will only get better over time) locking it all back down again isn't the answer, in my opinion. But that has been a point of contention in my circle. I'm of the mind that it's really too late for that to work now. The virus is here and here to stay. So, from your standpoint, are my now former acquaintances right that lockdowns would be the be all end all to this if only everybody would "get it right this time". Or am I closer to right that it's too late for that measure to really be all that effective? Or are both sides way off by a mile? LOL
Admission by the CDC that the PCR test doesnā€™t work. They have lied constantly about every aspect every day for over 2 years. Maybe now everyone is just too proud to admit that you have been sold a pig in poke.

How long have these assholes known this.

12 fucking weeks later you can still be positive.

Liberal fucktards...
How long have these assholes known this.

12 fucking weeks later you can still be positiv

Liberal fucktards...
Known since the beginning but the fear was needed to drive profits and force compliance. Before the world heard of c19 the WEF (World Economic Forum) game planned a world wide coronavirus pandemic lots of billionaires involved in it. An underling of Fauciā€™s had a symposium on ā€œProfit in Pandemicā€ thatā€™s paraphrased btw.
My wifeā€™s best friend just caught C19. Works as office manager for a medical group here in the Birmingham area. Double jabbed. She feels like she has a mild case of the flu. Her Dr prescribed ivermectin, an antibiotic, and zinc. How do I know this? My wife went to a Cullman pharmacy for it. $35 there, $700+ at a local Walgreens. The same ivermectin thatā€™s available the world over for a few dollars. Follow the money. Fauci got his name on vax patents and the patent was issued prior to the outbreak.
Fauci has NEVER said about taking ivermectin and ivermectin doesnā€™t work with Covid.
Known since the beginning but the fear was needed to drive profits and force compliance. Before the world heard of c19 the WEF (World Economic Forum) game planned a world wide coronavirus pandemic lots of billionaires involved in it. An underling of Fauciā€™s had a symposium on ā€œProfit in Pandemicā€ thatā€™s paraphrased btw.
Fauci isnā€™t the bad guy yā€™all would like to think. Trump was FAR FAR worse


They've had to double the scale of the new case graph to capture going through 1,000,000 cases a day. The 1/21 and Delta peaks now look like bumps in the road. Hospitalizations are problematic, but hopefully they - and the more lagging death numbers - will continue to be flatter than new cases.

In regard to how causes of death are categorized, what is not up for debate is the actual number of deaths and the 1.5 year decline in life expectancy in 2020. That's the largest decline since at least WWII. I expect 2021 will show a further decline, but it's COVID and, to a much lesser degree, increases in drug overdoses and murders. Car accidents declined.

It'd be nice to get through this together.


In regard to how causes of death are categorized, what is not up for debate is the actual number of deaths
It isn't deniable that even with other causes dropping, monthly excess mortality is up in the 01/2020 to 12/2021 time frame for the United States. Over that time frame it is 16% greater that the average of the previous 5 years. Anyone denying this is causing people to die in large numbers is a blind sheep bleating at this point.
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