| LIFE CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

As I understand city murder rates across the nation are at record highs. Not saying this is covid related, but could understand how political decisions have caused this to increase.

Contributing to death versus causing is a better way to frame that in my opinion @rocknthefreeworld
Contributing to death versus causing is a better way to frame that in my opinion @rocknthefreeworld
Semantics. I doubt we would say someone who was shot then immediately had a heart attack and died didn't die because of that gunshot. And we all know HIV and AIDS kills even though nobody ever dies from it. And of course most Dementia and Alzheiners patients don't die from those but from related issues.
As I understand city murder rates across the nation are at record highs. Not saying this is covid related, but could understand how political decisions have caused this to increase.

Contributing to death versus causing is a better way to frame that in my opinion @rocknthefreeworld

The increase in homicides, in my view, is the result of both the anti-policing movement and increasing drug use. From a larger perspective, both homicides and overdoses (along with suicides of all types) fall well short of explaining the rise in deaths. It's COVID. From a mental health standpoint, did the lockdown/mandatory telework isolation increase substance abuse and exacerbate mental health issues? Absolutely, there's that piece of it, too.

Plenty of crappy nuggets in this big data pile, but the virus' impact is paramount. Since more deaths have been attributed to COVID in 2021 than 2020, I expect they will show a further decline in expectancy for 2021.


Must generate maximum anxiety on the path to mass formation psychosis.
At a speaking engagement in Rochester, Governor Kathy Hochul told News 10 reporter Jennifer Lewke that in 2021, individuals admitted to a hospital due to an injury or auto accident, if testing positive for COVID, were counted as a COVID-related hospitalization, even if the hospital did not treat the patient for COVID symptoms.

Deaths ages 18 - 65 up 40% over previous years in Indiana.

Deaths ages 18 - 65 up 40% over previous years in Indiana.

Boy, that guy twisted himself into a pretzel to make the original article anti-vax. Talk about going in with a preconceived notion...

The biggest fallacy is that COVID deaths are down this year. More COVID deaths under Biden than Trump. LR hack touts the insurance industry for their data and then slams them for not saying it's due to the vax. The fewer COVID deaths in tandem with higher overall deaths? It's for one week: "for the week ending Nov. 6, there were far fewer deaths from COVID-19 in Indiana compared to a year ago – 195 verses 336 – but more deaths from other causes – 1,350 versus 1,319."



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The key statement is associated with covid
If you only listed ones where covid was the primary reason you would have basically none. Everyone who dies from it really dies from pneumonia or heart attack or organ failure caused by it. I get the argument that things are over-counted (counting a shooting or car crash is complete BS), but not near as much as people try to pretend.
Boy, that guy twisted himself into a pretzel to make the original article anti-vax. Talk about going in with a preconceived notion...

The biggest fallacy is that COVID deaths are down this year. More COVID deaths under Biden than Trump. LR hack touts the insurance industry for their data and then slams them for not saying it's due to the vax. The fewer COVID deaths in tandem with higher overall deaths? It's for one week: "for the week ending Nov. 6, there were far fewer deaths from COVID-19 in Indiana compared to a year ago – 195 verses 336 – but more deaths from other causes – 1,350 versus 1,319."

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Most are similar to talking heads that can fill a hour of airtime with 10 mins of actual substance. Hannity on the radio is the king. The numbers from the insurance CEO are jaw dropping which was the intent of the post.
Added: C19 death numbers in the US in ‘21 passed ‘20s total in mid November. According to webMD I think. The real question is why? The pfizer vax didn’t get EUA until Dec ‘20. Mass vax happening all year of ‘21 but still more deaths. Multiple boosters on the way. Do you suppose that all of the unjabbed will die off and then it’s over? I just find too many things to question.
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Dokovic, a person Kornheiser declares is a loud antivaxxer, was initially allowed to play in the upcoming Aussie Open, but the outcry...Not any more. He can't get in the country now.

Most are similar to talking heads that can fill a hour of airtime with 10 mins of actual substance. Hannity on the radio is the king. The numbers from the insurance CEO are jaw dropping which was the intent of the post.
Added: C19 death numbers in the US in ‘21 passed ‘20s total in mid November. According to webMD I think. The real question is why? The pfizer vax didn’t get EUA until Dec ‘20. Mass vax happening all year of ‘21 but still more deaths. Multiple boosters on the way. Do you suppose that all of the unjabbed will die off and then it’s over? I just find too many things to question.

I completely agree, many unknowns. The Lew Rockwell guy, though, had his answer and was looking for a story to fit with it. I take issue with that type of approach, whether it's left, right or middle.

In regard to 2021 deaths vs. 2020, remember there were roughly 2 million new cases the last week of 2020. With the lag between positive, hospitalization and death, those weren't going to contribute to 2020 numbers. You could probably go back two (3.2 million) or three weeks (4.5 million) to be more fair about new cases resulting in deaths in 2021. If you do the same thing for 2021 (not counting the last three weeks of cases in the year), that means 2020 had about 15 million cases and 2021 had about 35 million. Deaths in 2020 were 361,000 and 2021 had about 460,000 deaths. So deaths in 2021 were about 28 percent higher than in 2020, but that's with 2.3 times as many cases. The death rate was much lower in 2021, but the sheer volume of cases resulted in higher deaths. Try as he might, the author of that Lew Rockwell article can't legitimately blame the vax for the higher total deaths in 2021.


I would imagine higher death rates have something to do with people being tired of being stuck at home. I don't know how many could blame vaccination rates, as the vaccine wasn't available until December 2020.
I would imagine higher death rates have something to do with people being tired of being stuck at home. I don't know how many could blame vaccination rates, as the vaccine wasn't available until December 2020.
Right now overall deaths are up but deaths per infection are down. Lots more people are testing positive with the way milder variant now. LIke 4-5 times as many positive tests with only 0.15 times as many extra deaths. Before that variant we had a lot of folks getting it also. In comparison to you, I only know of a couple of people who had the vaccine and got Covid but everyone in my family except my brother who caught it has been unvaccinated. My sister now has had it twice.
I don't know anyone who's unvaccinated. I'm struggling to think of someone.

I see it this way. I'm the primary earner and we are putting our kids through college. It would be irresponsible as a parent or husband for me not to get the vaccine.

Having said that, I still don't trust the government. I don't ever see that changing
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