🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

I normally don’t get into political discussions online, but wanted to say my peace in this. The truth is that by the letter of the law definition...this is a pandemic. However, if a person can’t see that this pandemic is being manipulated for political gain, they aren’t that bright or extremely naive. The “COVID death” numbers have absolutely been skewed and the mandates for “our safety” are remarkably different depending on who is in charge (Democrat vs Republican). The coverage will change after the election. If Biden wins...it will be significantly diminished. If Trump wins it will be ramped up in an attempt to try to declare him unfit. Whether you agree with this post or not will tell me everything I need to know about your political leanings. Regardless...we all love Alabama and our football team! Roll Tide...
I don't see giddiness, but feel free to read into it.

Mullen's statement was dumb, and as it turns out, really bad timing as his program obviously has major issues now fielding a team.
There's a thing about writers, especially young ones, where you sense their tone from day one. Here's my voice, so to speak, in written form.

His mentor is Goodman in this market. Talty has been salty from day one with rumor mongering story lines. He's a "gotcha" guy in Wolken terms.
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