🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

You cannot let your guard down against this virus it will find you.
This is proof that these dumb ass mask dont work,,,,CNS takes more precaution then most people and still gets it. The CDC report last week identified in a study that shows that 65 to 70 percent of those who contracted the Wuhan flu in mid summer wore mask. This flu is no different then the others that come along, they are all serious to those with health issues but has been totally over blown....
I'm not sure at this point. Based on what I've read, this is getting worse in Europe. Flu season could be interesting.

It's highly politicized in other countries. It's certainly not limited to a US election for what it's worth. Never underestimate a politicians ability to whip their constituents into a freenzie.

I'd love to see China get a massive bill when all of this is over.

They won't pay. Should the unlikely happen and Trump be reelected, it would be beautiful for him to cancel the US Treasuries held by Red China. THAT would be epic.
The masks (the real masks, when worn correctly), combined with the other stuff like staying away from people as much as possible, washing hands, etc. absolutely helps. Obviously it isn't fool proof though and I'm not #TeamMask. I hate wearing one, but if this virus had a death rate closer to 25% than 1%, I suspect we'd see more folks buy into the "masks help" argument. As for Saban specifically, there's probably a reason he didn't catch the virus over the summer when half the team had it at some point or another. Also probably a good reason Saban is the only staff member that tested positive today, as he's in and out of meetings with them all day, all week.

I will say, I'm curious how he and Byrne both tested positive on the same day with no others (if everyone was tested at the same time). I'm not a fan of testing people who don't have symptoms, but I get it, especially in that environment. But all in all, it's just not a huge deal. The game will hopefully go on in a few days, and this could be a big opportunity for Sark. Also thankful that Saban got the asymptomatic version at his age.
I will say, I'm curious how he and Byrne both tested positive on the same day with no others (if everyone was tested at the same time).

They are the only announced ones. They absolutely do not have to announce players testing positive and actually can't name them without their permission. This was as much a PR move as an accountability one. This is an announcement that Alabama takes their testing seriously and immediately take precautions until they know the person is negative.
With the Vandy/Mizzou and Florida/LSU games postponed and now this...it’s really starting to feel like the whole 2020 college football season is just teetering on the edge.

How long before the Big10 and Pac12 get skiddish and flake out again?
They are the only announced ones. They absolutely do not have to announce players testing positive and actually can't name them without their permission. This was as much a PR move as an accountability one. This is an announcement that Alabama takes their testing seriously and immediately take precautions until they know the person is negative.

Supposedly no players tested positive though and I would imagine the entire team has been tested today (of course a big portion are immune at this point). Just strikes me as odd that the 2 head guys both tested positive. But they were going to have to release those statements as soon as possible regardless, word was already starting to leak out. I'm surprised they beat Matt Zenitz to the punch.
Supposedly no players tested positive though and I would imagine the entire team has been tested today (of course a big portion are immune at this point). Just strikes me as odd that the 2 head guys both tested positive. But they were going to have to release those statements as soon as possible regardless, word was already starting to leak out. I'm surprised they beat Matt Zenitz to the punch.

Any player exposed to Coach will have to quarantine for 14 days. Let that sink in a bit.
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