Reminds me of a scene a few weeks ago when one was tossing out "follow the science" and was rebutted with "life begins with conception." I watched in amazement seeing the literal breakdown. Apocalyptic.I asked a question (back around late June) to someone I know who is a big liberal and wanted to keep everything shut down, regardless of what it did to the economy or the side effects it caused kids who were not in school (and similar issues). He kept going with the line, "one COVID-19 death is one too many..." He was adamant that death prevention was all that mattered.
I asked this, "Would you trade a COVID-19 vaccine today for four more years of Trump?" His response, "No way!" I had no issues with his answer in the sense that at least he was being honest that time, but it told me that for him it wasn't really about deaths. It was pure politics.
And people wonder why I say, "stay out of my life and my wallet. Ain't your damn business."