🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

A buddy of mine just sent me a text. He's on the ledge about a possible season cancellation announcement since Vanderbilt-Missouri and Florida-LSU have been postponed. I told him to chill the hell out and step away from said ledge. First of all, nothing surprising is happening here. These aren't the first games having to be postponed and they won't be the last. We knew that this would happen. Second of all, that's why the December 12 open date was built into the season this year. It's a designated make up date. And last but not least, it would take players and/or coaches and other personnel ending up hospitalized with horrible cases for the season to be cancelled. And thus far, from what I can tell, players who have tested positive have had either no symptoms or, at worst, mild symptoms. If any of them had ended up hospitalized, there is NO way that could have been hidden from the media.
@planomateo I remember back in the spring you had said that the worst of Covid was probably still many months away. You think we've hit that point yet, or do you think it's still ahead of us?

I'm not sure at this point. Based on what I've read, this is getting worse in Europe. Flu season could be interesting.

It's highly politicized in other countries. It's certainly not limited to a US election for what it's worth. Never underestimate a politicians ability to whip their constituents into a freenzie.

I'd love to see China get a massive bill when all of this is over.
Just reported on F'baum and confirmed by Cecil Hurt. G. Byrne testing positive as well.

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You would think that would be a strong possibility. If anyone could pull it off it'd be Saban and Alabama.

He's supposedly still having his PC today (from home), so I would imagine he's fine. I just don't see him missing the game. Let him roll around the sidelines in an inflatable hamster bubble if need be.
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