| FOOD Coffee Opinions

not sure if you have to have a particular "Type" of coffee for french press (never used one or had coffee from one); but this company is owned by and employs veterans. might wanna check them out.

CBS Saturday last weekend had something about the Black Rifle Coffee. @XXL TideFan you need to check out the site to see if you find your type of coffee. These guys knew that the 40 weight in the mess hall wasn't for them.
I have not been able to justify the difference between Folgers and the much more expensive stuff. Sure it is better, but not enough for me to spend that much. Tequila is a different story.
For which liquor does that not apply? I've found myself buying Dunkin' Donuts coffee habitually as of late. A lot of that has to do with the taste. A lot has to do with their retail location being less than a mile from my house and it's an easy trip--not to mention 24/7 availability when it's running low.

Can't stand burnt ass Starbucks coffee.
That's the taste and smell I get from coffee made in a perculator, @rick4bama , burnt. Don't get me wrong, I've got one in the camper but we're talking a completely different scenario than making coffee at home.
I only have coffee on weekends. It is more like 20 min to get the full flavor depth and profile. I'm not in a hurry
It's not so much the "hurry up," as much as it is "it's hot, now, and it's convenient as hell." I don't buy the pods. It's ridiculous how much they charge per pound (if you're one that does the math in grocery stores.) I've got a handful of their reusable pods...easy to clean and I use the used grounds in my compost bin or the garden.
Being a person that researches something to death before I buy it proved to be a good thing with coffee. I buy online now from a roaster in Pennsylvania.

Incredible Coffee

I have had 4 different African coffees with an Ethiopian varietal that has become my favorite for the time being. 4 different Indonesian coffees that are deep flavored with zero bitterness. The Indonesian coffees are as black as my x wife's heart with the African having a reddish hue.

Cost is only a little more than 8 O'clock in the store. They roast it the day you order it. I admit it, I'm a coffee snob but I'm keeping the French press because it makes the best tasting. I recently tried a keriug and was underwhelmed to say the least. I'm not advertising for them but if anyone wants to try, just let me know and I'll send you a link to get you $5 off your first purchase. I will get a few points to get a tiny discount at a later date. I'm hooked, back to having coffee daily. My next order will be a 5lb bag of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Kochere
We get breakfast at a place in Denton called Seven Mile Cafe. The coffee they serve is probably my favorite. I'll ask the next time I'm there, fairly certain it's Stumptown Coffee outta Portland.
@planomateo, I'm not a brand guy. The heavy caffeine coffees are typically robusto beans. Arabica taster better but less caffeine and more difficult to grow. I haven't ventured into S. American coffee yet but will. All that I have been trying are direct source and organic. The growers make a better living and a better coffee.
Here one you guys may want to check out? I believe all are Vets in the company.

Black Rifle Coffee Company serves coffee and culture to the people who love America.

Black Rifle Coffee

known about them for a while. and yes, they hire only Vets (from what i understand). also, they give jobs to those Vets who might not otherwise be able to find work for one reason or another. to me, that's good enough to support them.

also, how can you not like their coffee mugs/cups?
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