📡 Clear the air.

He’s a good dude. He’d get worked up with the best of them right after a Bama loss. LOL
Believe this or not. We were at the beginning of a couple of New Tides sites back in the early 2000's. The first one I join I won't say! But then we both join one that the owner was living in Jacksonville. Some of you may remember the guy. We did a lot of PMs and I told him I was deleting my account because I didn't like the way the site was headed. He told me to wait that he was just been asked the be a Mod on the site. The we have one that a kid starter,(he was 13 at the time.) and we all know how that ended. But again Pork kept me for deleting my account with that one too. I know he kept that one up and till some of you started this one.
Best I can recall.....

It goes back to around 2004... A few of us were members of TideFans and had gotten to know each other a bit. @Kirk Van de Graaff decided to start his own site and knew enough programming stuff to get it off the ground and up and running. Crimson Tusks was then born (some will recall that @porkchop was an admin). It was a pretty small community that started to grow, especially as some other TF members began to venture over. We had struck up a friendship with @doemasters around the same time, and he was running his own site, this one. If I recall, at the time there was no message board though. A decision was made to merge the sites under the RTB Banner and migrate the message board over here. I can't remember the exact year, but it wasn't too long later that Terry was invited to join as an admin, ironically by porkchop, who still dipped into TF's at the time. Chop then rode off into the sunset shortly after (though a few of us keep in touch with him some, he just doesn't do the message board thing anymore).
Pretty much...spot on.

@doemasters had the "Flash" site up and running that was being used as the front page/landing page for the site and the CT message forum. He was adding videos and images (through our SmugMug site for a long time now, and now it's FreelancePictures .) The content on the landing page was coming from our WordPress site (also CrimsonTusks) which I was throwing out at the time...around my AL.com gig time. Geez, can't remember the year. ('09 was the last year for that media group.)

Ol' Porkchop. I miss Keith. He asked me over knowing I was in the same situation you guys were in...but in an administration role there as well: hell, since '99. What do I remember about Keith and the site, specifically?

IPB and the versions of the software he was running. Hell, it was free, so there's that. But it was clumsy as hell!!! I ran through two versions of that software here and then talked Keith and Kirk into moving to BBS. (Do I remember this correctly, @Kirk Van de Graaff ?) I remember playing with MyBB and phpBB. The last version we ran before Lance and I got together on the message boards was the last one; phpBB.

Now (or then) Lance and I are talking a lot because of content on the front page (Flash and Wordpress) and I'm talking with the two K's about the message forum ... and then the merge.

We scrapped BBS, went with vB1.X.X. ... the software packages we pay for now-a-day. (vB largely patterned after phpBB ...both based in php. The XF we're running today...largely based on php.)

I want to say two or three versions of IPB, then a few versions of BBS, myBB, then phpBB (several versions,) five different packages of vB ($) which included two dozen updates per version...the move to XF now and we're on our third package, likely 40th version of XF?

Today: I still love playing with the software. I just haven't had the time this past year and a half ...

One thing for sure:

When all of this started it was open source; free all around except for server space. Today? If you can't write it/make it you will pay for it. Any bell or whistle, basically.

FWIW, I keep telling myself 'if I get one more monitor' I'll get it done more quickly. 🙃 The live chat is a great example. I paid for that one and still haven't had the time to make it do what I want it to do.

My Drunk History told sober. 🙃
I never liked Tidefans that much, so I found this place around the time of Shula's hiring or firing, can't remember which lol, never looked back

Edit, I joined in Nov of 06, so it was after he got fired
Best I can recall.....

It goes back to around 2004... A few of us were members of TideFans and had gotten to know each other a bit. @Kirk Van de Graaff decided to start his own site and knew enough programming stuff to get it off the ground and up and running. Crimson Tusks was then born (some will recall that @porkchop was an admin). It was a pretty small community that started to grow, especially as some other TF members began to venture over. We had struck up a friendship with @doemasters around the same time, and he was running his own site, this one. If I recall, at the time there was no message board though. A decision was made to merge the sites under the RTB Banner and migrate the message board over here. I can't remember the exact year, but it wasn't too long later that Terry was invited to join as an admin, ironically by porkchop, who still dipped into TF's at the time. Chop then rode off into the sunset shortly after (though a few of us keep in touch with him some, he just doesn't do the message board thing anymore).
It was all about those chat sessions back in those days @Brandon Van de Graaff . Keith LOVED him some chat sessions that always evolved to other shit but it sure was fun.
It was all about those chat sessions back in those days @Brandon Van de Graaff . Keith LOVED him some chat sessions that always evolved to other shit but it sure was fun.

Have mercy, I had forgotten about those! Wish we had some of the chat transcripts... we'd all be cancelled if they got loose, but at least we'd have the laughs!
I was on only one other. WooleyAL And someone on there suggested coming on here.
Kind of foggy but seems it was crashing or was some issue...
But was fun and interactive...

Dont remember when i came over
Same here came over from WolleyAl. Never had done message boards with anything of significance. I do not do other message boards. I am one of those find one and stick with it types. Now some folks on here make me question that sometimes :).
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I can tell you how good Keith(porkchop) is he talk me into writing a thread on a Bama game. I wish I had saved it, but it was Miss. St vs. Bama game. Bama won the game. I wrote it send it to him to proofreading. He told me to post it and I did.
One more think if you need or want to know about cast iron/skittle he the one you need to talk to. He did had a FB page on them.
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