Christmas (football season) is almost here!

I feel like this thread is an exact representation of Christmas get togethers with the Cleary family on Wedding Crashers. We need a couple more girls naturally (with one of them being a major whore) but overall I think we've got everyone else.

Also this post is made in jest. If you get offended by, please look in the mirror and figure out why in the world you're pissed at a guy you've never met about a comparison with a fictional character in a ridiculous comedy movie.

John - Boz - People consider him a phony and a jerk when he's really a good guy

Jeremy - Anyone of a million people - Playing our part trying to score with the hot redhead

Sec. Cleary - Terry - He's a very powerful man and don't touch his daughters

Mrs. Cleary - Pink - No Pink isn't female but he just wants to have some sex, drink his booze, and for everyone to leave him the hell alone

Claire - PhillyGirl - Shes a cool chick ans I sure as hell wasn't making her the whore

Gloria - (we need a female qualifier - please PM me pics and a summary of your qualifications)

Sack - BamaLedge - He seem like nice people but once and awhile he gets all peeved at you and really comes after you - look on the bright side guy. that guy is now one of the biggest movie stars in the world and has probably had the relations with Jennifer Lawrence

Granny - PsychoJoe - I don't know why but something about Joe makes me think he could easily be the Granny aside from the FDR wet dreams and he seems like he really doesn't like much about the younger folks

Todd - Doemasters - Take the whole gay thing out of the picture and the man just really wants to do his art and be left alone, kinda like Doe and his photography

Bratty Kid at Wedding - Several people just want bicycles damnit and they don't care how they get one

Randolph - Flash - Cmon everyone knows the Jamaican butler was a pot head

Chazz - Biff - He just wants his meatloaf and he wants it now

There I think that's most everybody. Now let's quit the bitching and Roll Tide.
OK, not my story but thought some of you might enjoy it anyway. Warning, some language. Copy/paste from the Shag...

Quote Originally Posted by wide-e-wide
After much deliberation, I will reluctantly tell the story of my family touring the Christmas lights in Waco last week.

My wife told me about this thing at the beginning of December. To be honest I had forgotten all about it until the night before. I did not want to go. Call me a scrooge but riding around looking at electricity captured in colored bulbs is not my idea of entertainment. However, the kids were looking forward to it and apparently at some point I had agreed to do it.

This little tour got us for 6 bucks a head. My wife, her parents, our 4 kids and I all went. Now I wasn't a math major but that's $48 to ride around in a trolley and look at lights. WTF? (I found this out the day of)

So we drive all the way the hell to downtown Waco and sit and wait for this trolley to take us on the tour. They've got a tree, Santa, hot cocoa...all that shit. Finally all the trolleys roll up and Shaquandra our official Christmas lights tour guide hops out and says "Y'all goin' to look at the lights?....(pause) Okay "˜den let's get our roll on"

My initial gripe is that the bitch is driving at mach speed and you can't see shit but a blurry-ass Santa and the occasional Wal-Mart $9.99 wire light-up reindeer. My father-in-law asks if she could slow down a bit so that we could take pictures and appreciate the lights a little more..(his words not mine). By this time I've already leaned over and whispered in my wife's ear "$48 for this shit?"....she's gives me the obligatory elbow and "stop being like that".

We roll along for about 15 minutes looking at every tacky piece of shit overkill light extravaganza in East Waco. Suddenly we get on the highway and start heading to the other side of town. We ride for a good 12-15 minutes without seeing a single damn house decorated. So I lean over to the wife again and say "umm where the hell are we going?".
Elbow "shut up" and all that again. Shaquandra has Mariah Carey's Christmas cd blasting and we're just gettin' our roll on"...............and then it happened.

Signs and streets started to look really familiar. My oldest daughter says "hey there's HEB." As in the HEB right down the road from our house (approx. 1/2 mile)
I lean over to the wife again...."This bitch better not turn right at this light"
What does the driver do????? That's right folks...fucking turns right and heads right to our neighborhood. Not only our neighborhood ...BUT OUR FUCKING STREET!!
I am just at a loss for words by this point. I cannot believe this is happening. Street after street, house after house for a good 30 minutes. The driver is going on and on about "oooh like over thurr...look at the Santa up on the roof kids"....I know bitch...I'M THE ONE THAT FUCKING PUT HIS FAT ASS UP THERE LAST WEEK.

I can't type this's just too painful. The point is....

We spent almost $50 to look at the Christmas lights in our own damn neighborhood. My wife just hung her head in shame. I'll be in charge of Christmas spirit next year thank you very much.
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