| LIFE "Body Chemistry" is such a weird thing in life, for me at least.


When I was a kid, the "go-to" for sinus and cold meds was Sudafed. Everyone, including family, I knew that took that medicine had a "speed" after effect: almost like an amphetamine. I had the opposite reaction. You give me one of those tiny red pills? I'm trying to go to sleep within an hour.

Coincidentally, the same thing with Benadryl type medications. The majority that I know take one and they are looking for a bed. Me? I take one and I'm up for hours: I get that "speed" effect.

NOW, over the last few months, coffee is having the same reaction for me. I rolled out of bed about 3 this morning, made a cup of coffee as dark as motor oil, and as soon as I finished it I'm ready to go back to bed. Caffeine is now making me sleepy.

I LOVE a good cup of coffee; any time of the day. It's getting to the point I'm considering replacing coffee with eating apples in the morning. I understand they have a good energy boost much like some feel with caffeinated coffee in the mornings.
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