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So instead of replying with a "haha" reply to one of my post. I'm going to ask you simple questions and learn more about your viewpoints as a leftist

1. Are you for open borders or closed borders? I'm for closed borders. It's documented everywhere where crime where illegals are is far and above other cities. If you are for open borders. What good to America does open borders do?
2. What's your stance on sanctuary cities? Again I am against them because again it's documented everywhere where sanctuary cities are having more crime and financial issues then non sanctuary cities.
3. Should trans athletics be allowed to shower in the same bathrooms and participate in women sports? I say no. It's an unfair and dangerous situation to put women in
4. Should people like Ben Shapiro or pro life speakers be banned from college campuses? I say no because just like those with opposite views, every voice has a right to be heard if done in a peaceful way
5. Should pro Palestine people be allowed to harass and intimidate Jews or Christians? I say no. Regardless of what side you fall on, no protesters should be allowed to harass the other side
6. Should faith led or Republican speakers have just as much right to speak at schools just like people who participate in drag shows? Again. Everyone should have the right to speak if done in age appropriate ways
7. Should pro left wing protesters have to follow the same guidelines as right wing protesters? I say yes. There should have been many arrests done during the pro Palestine sit ins inside the capital, yet there weren't.
8. Should Christians and the lgybt community be treated equally? I say yes if done in a humane way. Yet don't we see many Christians sued because they won't bow down to the lgybt community? I've seen plenty of lawsuits where the Christian believer was forced to cowtail to the lgybt community
9. If a grown person stripped in front of a minor, they would rightly be arrested. Yet libraries for primary and elementary schools have books that are basically porn books. Why should this not be considered a crime?
10. Are you financially better off with bidenomics? Im not. The prices of many goods and services have skyrocketed
11. Should crimes against people with a different sexual orientation be punished? I say yes. Yet I see the lgybt community doing absolutely nothing against calling out these hate crimes in many Muslim countries
12. In your opinion, should federal branches such as the FBI, DOJ and Supreme Court be politically motivated? I say no. Yet look how differently Trump is being treated than the Bidens
13. Should teachers have the right to hide sexual identities from the parents? I say no. Again, that's the parents job regardless of which side you fall on
14. Should the federal government have the power to tell me what kind of guns I can own? I say hell no.
15. What's your opinion on the government forcing us to go to electric vehicles? I say it won't work. Not enough people want them. The cold weather is hindering the charging stations from working. Not enough charging stations for those who do want them

I'm sure there are other different ideologies between the left and right. If you are going to hide behind blanket statements of calling Trump supporters Trumpers who need deprogrammed, at least share your opinions instead of hiding behind just throwing insults
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So instead of replying with a "haha" reply to one of my post. I'm going to ask you simple questions and learn more about your viewpoints as a leftist

1. Are you for open borders or closed borders? I'm for closed borders. It's documented everywhere where crime where illegals are is far and above other cities. If you are for open borders. What good to America does open borders do?
2. What's your stance on sanctuary cities? Again I am against them because again it's documented everywhere where sanctuary cities are having more crime and financial issues then non sanctuary cities.
3. Should trans athletics be allowed to shower in the same bathrooms and participate in women sports? I say no. It's an unfair and dangerous situation to put women in
4. Should people like Ben Shapiro or pro life speakers be banned from college campuses? I say no because just like those with opposite views, every voice has a right to be heard if done in a peaceful way
5. Should pro Palestine people be allowed to harass and intimidate Jews or Christians? I say no. Regardless of what side you fall on, no protesters should be allowed to harass the other side
6. Should faith led or Republican speakers have just as much right to speak at schools just like people who participate in drag shows? Again. Everyone should have the right to speak if done in age appropriate ways
7. Should pro left wing protesters have to follow the same guidelines as right wing protesters? I say yes. There should have been many arrests done during the pro Palestine sit ins inside the capital, yet there weren't.
8. Should Christians and the lgybt community be treated equally? I say yes if done in a humane way. Yet don't we see many Christians sued because they won't bow down to the lgybt community? I've seen plenty of lawsuits where the Christian believer was forced to cowtail to the lgybt community
9. If a grown person stripped in front of a minor, they would rightly be arrested. Yet libraries for primary and elementary schools have books that are basically porn books. Why should this not be considered a crime?
10. Are you financially better off with bidenomics? Im not. The prices of many goods and services have skyrocketed
11. Should crimes against people with a different sexual orientation be punished? I say yes. Yet I see the lgybt community doing absolutely nothing against calling out these hate crimes in many Muslim countries
12. In your opinion, should federal branches such as the FBI and Supreme Court be politically motivated? I say no.
13. Should teachers have the right to hide sexual identities from the parents? I say no. Again, that's the parents job regardless of which side you fall on

I'm sure there are other different ideologies between the left and right. If you are going to hide behind blanket statements of calling Trump supporters Trumpers who need deprogrammed, at least share your opinions instead of hiding behind just throwing insults
So, you didn’t tag or @ me, but I know you’re talking to me, so I’ll answer every question

1) Open or closed borders- I’m for comprehensive, fair immigration reform not just “build the wall”. I obviously against let‘s leave the borders wide open and let whoever whenever come on in.

2) I 100% agree with sanctuary cities. If not for those safe cities then there would a gestapo police agency chasing folks down. And separating families that have been here for 20,30 years. Birmingham, Memphis, Little Rock, Anchorage those are sanctuary cities? No police dept should be allowed to ask about immigration status on somebody that hasn’t committed a crime plain and simple.

3) If a trans person has transitioned then yes they should be treated just the same as every other person of that gender. If a trans woman has transitioned there isn’t anything male about her.

4) If their rhetoric isn’t dangerous then no it shouldn’t be banned, but it’s up to each institution

5) Palestinian protesters should be allowed to protest just like pro Israeli protestors are. I do find it funny that the right only talks about the cases where pro Israel protestors are harassed, but not the times when Palestinian protestors are harassed, like what just happened at Columbia University where pro Israel people threw chemicals at Palestinian protestors.

6) No, faith based institutions shouldn’t be allowed to speak at schools. Drag performances very very very rarely happen, but there’s a huge difference between drag performers and faith based speakers. Drag performers aren‘t indoctrinating kids, that‘s a made up thing by the right, but faith based speakers are in fact indoctrinating children. If a faith based person came in and read a normal book to kids then that would be fine, but they wouldn’t, they’d want to read some faith book. Who’s been convicted of more crimes against children, faith leaders or drag performers? The answer is simple.

7) If a person can’t tell the difference between Jan 6 and the Pro Palestinian sit in then I can’t help them because they‘re obtuse. During the Pro Palestine sit in nobody was injured, no cops were attacked, nobody was chanting hang “insert government official here”, they simply sat down and chanted pro Palestinian chants. HUGE difference.

8) Yes, they should be treated equally. Christians in this country are treated FAR better than the LGBTQ community. Churches aren’t taxed, Christians can come and go without the worry of being attacked for their choices. You’ve seen “Plenty of lawsuits” where christians had to cowtail to the LGBTQ community….I’ve seen where lots of people from the LGBTQ community have been harassed, attacked, and even killed, so you’ll have excuse me if I don’t cry crocodile tears because a fucking bakery got sued for not making a cupcake for a gay person. I’ve also seen a Christian cake maker sue a gay couple over a cake that they didn’t order simply because she wanted the SCOTUS to reaffirm her bigotry. So, your equally is FAR different than mine, I want people in the LGBTQ community to be able to live their lives without being attacked, harassed, or killed and you want christians to be able to be bigots.

9) Libraries don’t have porn, I’d suggest turning off right wing nonsense tv/news. Parents should have the right to determine what their child can and cannot read not a government agency or politicians, the right screams parental rights, but they don’t think they can decide what books their child can and cannot read? I’ll only speak of where I live, the “patriots” here bitched and bitched about a book that was “essentially porn”, they wanted it banned, the book was about genders, it hadn’t been checked out in 11 years, but it was a problem…..they called it porn, so I bought the book and read it, there was absolutely nothing pornographic about it, but it didn’t stick to the right’s idea of gender, so it needed to be banned. In Florida one of the books banned by DeSantis was a Dr Seuss book, Dr Seuss is porn?

10) I am financially better off right now than I’ve ever been. The cost of things have gone up, but investments? I’m doing very well.

11) So, the LGBTQ community should call out Muslim countries More than they do? That community has a much much larger fight here in this country, but LGBTQ leaders do call out injustices in other countries, you just have to listen.

12) No, agencies shouldn’t be politically motivated, but I find it funny that you on the right only think the FBI, DOJ, etc are politically motivated now, but not when Trump was trying to use them for his gain and to go after people he deemed disloyal or his enemies.

13) Yes, teachers should be allowed to hide sexual identities from parents. A lot of kids don’t have supportive parents, so if their sexual identity/preference is known by the parent then they’re disowned or they’re sent to faith based camps to attempt to change said identity. That’s been well documented

14) I’m for common sense gun reform. I’m a gun owner, but I’m also intelligent enough to know that there needs to be reform to our gun laws.

I’m not hiding behind anything. I didn’t make an insult, I care about mental health and there is a lot of Trump supporters that need deprogrammed. Come visit Wyoming sometime, these people are in a damn cult, these aren’t republicans in favor of Trump, these are people in a damn cult and I also know for a fact the Trump supporters here aren’t the only ones that are in that cult. There are Trump supporters that are normal or not in a cult, but to deny the fact that there is a lot of them in a cult is like an ostrich with its head in the sand.
I in fact answered your questions, you’re just choosing to ignore words, so that you can continue to put words in my mouth.

Nowhere in everything I wrote did I say I’m advocating for the government to do anything with anybody for fucks sake. Nowhere did I say anything hiding behind “Save Democracy”, you’re allowing your knowing my political affiliation to cloud your reading and understanding of words. Either that or you‘re being intentionally obtuse or both.
Asking a question is not putting words in your mouth.
You said "they need to be deprogrammed." I asked "how?" I asked "if they are deprogrammed, what are they reprogrammed with?"

These questions are not putting words in your mouth. They are questions about what you've said, and the next logical progression. "With every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." It's the law of nature.
The Trumpers I’m talking about are 100% cultists and that’s not up for debate at all. Most of them don’t have the slightest clue what his policies or ideals are, they simply watch him, and fawn over his every word, kind of like David Koresh or any other cult leader. So, the deprogramming of them would be treatment the same as any reformed member of a cult.
You just made that up. That is bullshit, and you know it's bullshit.

You've yet to say which policy decisions have been bad, and yet you say they don't know his stance on inflation, energy, immigration, taxes, Big Tech...

And here's where it's a BIG TIME bullshit statement, "they simply watch him." Yep, for four years and everything said about him today, didn't happen then.

Yet, it's still the "orange man bad."

How are they a cult? What beliefs make them have the need for deprogramming? I've asked you this several times. Yet, no response.

You say I'm ignoring what you're saying when I'm going back to what you said in the first place: still left unanswered.
Polls of a few thousand people is half the country huh? Shit I learn something new daily. I went and looked at 26 polls and the most people were 11,306 voters, that’s not the majority. But, let’s go with your “polls of every side of the spectrum show Trump winning in a head to head”, those same polls also showed Trump stomping Biden in 2020, so curious what happened to your half of the country then? Did they decide to vote for Biden instead of supporting Trump?
Calling bullshit, again.

My half of the country. Calling bullshit, again.

In 2020, Biden was project to win by 4.4% across the board.
11) So, the LGBTQ community should call out Muslim countries More than they do? That community has a much much larger fight here in this country, but LGBTQ leaders do call out injustices in other countries, you just have to listen.
They get killed in other countries, but a far larger fight here. You don't think before you speak.
They get killed in other countries, but a far larger fight here. You don't think before you speak.
They fucking live here….jesus man. What do you want them to do about other countries? Rob the military and nuke them? Like Jesus Christ this isn’t hard to figure out. LGBTQ groups have spoken out about treatment in other countries, but the bigger fight is in the country that THEY LIVE IN
Asking a question is not putting words in your mouth.
You said "they need to be deprogrammed." I asked "how?" I asked "if they are deprogrammed, what are they reprogrammed with?"

These questions are not putting words in your mouth. They are questions about what you've said, and the next logical progression. "With every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." It's the law of nature.

You just made that up. That is bullshit, and you know it's bullshit.

You've yet to say which policy decisions have been bad, and yet you say they don't know his stance on inflation, energy, immigration, taxes, Big Tech...

And here's where it's a BIG TIME bullshit statement, "they simply watch him." Yep, for four years and everything said about him today, didn't happen then.

Yet, it's still the "orange man bad."

How are they a cult? What beliefs make them have the need for deprogramming? I've asked you this several times. Yet, no response.

You say I'm ignoring what you're saying when I'm going back to what you said in the first place: still left unanswered.

Calling bullshit, again.

My half of the country. Calling bullshit, again.

In 2020, Biden was project to win by 4.4% across the board.
Saying I’m advocating for the federal government to reprogram people is putting WORDS IN MY MOUTH!!! You didn‘t ask a question you stated it.

It’s not bullshit. The people I’m talking about are in a damn cult and have a cult like mindset. Let’s take this state for instance- this is a cult, nothing to do with policies, if he told his followers to eat their own shit they’d gobble it up like Skittles.

I’ve responded to the need for deprogramming question, I’m not going to repeat myself over and over and over, I’ve responded several times.

Call bullshit until you‘re blue in the face man, I’m not going to continue to go round and round with you, here‘s how this is going, you think my beliefs and opinions are bullshit and I think yours are bullshit.

He was projected to win? Yet cultists still today swear it was stolen…..weird
So, you didn’t tag or @ me, but I know you’re talking to me, so I’ll answer every question

1) Open or closed borders- I’m for comprehensive, fair immigration reform not just “build the wall”. I obviously against let‘s leave the borders wide open and let whoever whenever come on in.

2) I 100% agree with sanctuary cities. If not for those safe cities then there would a gestapo police agency chasing folks down. And separating families that have been here for 20,30 years. Birmingham, Memphis, Little Rock, Anchorage those are sanctuary cities? No police dept should be allowed to ask about immigration status on somebody that hasn’t committed a crime plain and simple.

3) If a trans person has transitioned then yes they should be treated just the same as every other person of that gender. If a trans woman has transitioned there isn’t anything male about her.

4) If their rhetoric isn’t dangerous then no it shouldn’t be banned, but it’s up to each institution

5) Palestinian protesters should be allowed to protest just like pro Israeli protestors are. I do find it funny that the right only talks about the cases where pro Israel protestors are harassed, but not the times when Palestinian protestors are harassed, like what just happened at Columbia University where pro Israel people threw chemicals at Palestinian protestors.

6) No, faith based institutions shouldn’t be allowed to speak at schools. Drag performances very very very rarely happen, but there’s a huge difference between drag performers and faith based speakers. Drag performers aren‘t indoctrinating kids, that‘s a made up thing by the right, but faith based speakers are in fact indoctrinating children. If a faith based person came in and read a normal book to kids then that would be fine, but they wouldn’t, they’d want to read some faith book. Who’s been convicted of more crimes against children, faith leaders or drag performers? The answer is simple.

7) If a person can’t tell the difference between Jan 6 and the Pro Palestinian sit in then I can’t help them because they‘re obtuse. During the Pro Palestine sit in nobody was injured, no cops were attacked, nobody was chanting hang “insert government official here”, they simply sat down and chanted pro Palestinian chants. HUGE difference.

8) Yes, they should be treated equally. Christians in this country are treated FAR better than the LGBTQ community. Churches aren’t taxed, Christians can come and go without the worry of being attacked for their choices. You’ve seen “Plenty of lawsuits” where christians had to cowtail to the LGBTQ community….I’ve seen where lots of people from the LGBTQ community have been harassed, attacked, and even killed, so you’ll have excuse me if I don’t cry crocodile tears because a fucking bakery got sued for not making a cupcake for a gay person. I’ve also seen a Christian cake maker sue a gay couple over a cake that they didn’t order simply because she wanted the SCOTUS to reaffirm her bigotry. So, your equally is FAR different than mine, I want people in the LGBTQ community to be able to live their lives without being attacked, harassed, or killed and you want christians to be able to be bigots.

9) Libraries don’t have porn, I’d suggest turning off right wing nonsense tv/news. Parents should have the right to determine what their child can and cannot read not a government agency or politicians, the right screams parental rights, but they don’t think they can decide what books their child can and cannot read? I’ll only speak of where I live, the “patriots” here bitched and bitched about a book that was “essentially porn”, they wanted it banned, the book was about genders, it hadn’t been checked out in 11 years, but it was a problem…..they called it porn, so I bought the book and read it, there was absolutely nothing pornographic about it, but it didn’t stick to the right’s idea of gender, so it needed to be banned. In Florida one of the books banned by DeSantis was a Dr Seuss book, Dr Seuss is porn?

10) I am financially better off right now than I’ve ever been. The cost of things have gone up, but investments? I’m doing very well.

11) So, the LGBTQ community should call out Muslim countries More than they do? That community has a much much larger fight here in this country, but LGBTQ leaders do call out injustices in other countries, you just have to listen.

12) No, agencies shouldn’t be politically motivated, but I find it funny that you on the right only think the FBI, DOJ, etc are politically motivated now, but not when Trump was trying to use them for his gain and to go after people he deemed disloyal or his enemies.

13) Yes, teachers should be allowed to hide sexual identities from parents. A lot of kids don’t have supportive parents, so if their sexual identity/preference is known by the parent then they’re disowned or they’re sent to faith based camps to attempt to change said identity. That’s been well documented

14) I’m for common sense gun reform. I’m a gun owner, but I’m also intelligent enough to know that there needs to be reform to our gun laws.

I’m not hiding behind anything. I didn’t make an insult, I care about mental health and there is a lot of Trump supporters that need deprogrammed. Come visit Wyoming sometime, these people are in a damn cult, these aren’t republicans in favor of Trump, these are people in a damn cult and I also know for a fact the Trump supporters here aren’t the only ones that are in that cult. There are Trump supporters that are normal or not in a cult, but to deny the fact that there is a lot of them in a cult is like an ostrich with its head in the sand.
Holy cow, I thought this was a party thread, didn't know it was comedy...
They fucking live here….jesus man. What do you want them to do about other countries? Rob the military and nuke them? Like Jesus Christ this isn’t hard to figure out. LGBTQ groups have spoken out about treatment in other countries, but the bigger fight is in the country that THEY LIVE IN
Now you are spinning in circles again.

You've stated how much you care about Ukraine. Where is the line of demarcation?
Saying I’m advocating for the federal government to reprogram people is putting WORDS IN MY MOUTH!!! You didn‘t ask a question you stated it.
You literally don't understand conversation. A question posed, with a logical answer, is not putting words in your mouth. It's building on what you said and where it goes.
It’s not bullshit. The people I’m talking about are in a damn cult and have a cult like mindset. Let’s take this state for instance- this is a cult, nothing to do with policies, if he told his followers to eat their own shit they’d gobble it up like Skittles

Give me an example. What policy is cultish? You don't have an answer. You haven't . I"m asking you to think for a minute.
I’ve responded to the need for deprogramming question, I’m not going to repeat myself over and over and over, I’ve responded several times.
No. You have not. What are they "programmed with?" And, by whom?
Call bullshit until you‘re blue in the face man, I’m not going to continue to go round and round with you, here‘s how this is going, you think my beliefs and opinions are bullshit and I think yours are bullshit.
I've voiced my opinions, with things that back them up.

I'm awaiting you to do the same. You're red in the face; pun intended.
You literally don't understand conversation. A question posed, with a logical answer, is not putting words in your mouth. It's building on what you said and where it goes.


Give me an example. What policy is cultish? You don't have an answer. You haven't . I"m asking you to think for a minute.

No. You have not. What are they "programmed with?" And, by whom?

I've voiced my opinions, with things that back them up.

I'm awaiting you to do the same. You're red in the face; pun intended.
Do I need to send you a fucking video so you understand?

Again man it isn’t a policy it’s the fat orange man they’re cultish with not policy, if came here and asked any of these right wing, uneducated, brainless twits what policy they love in regards to Trump they wouldn’t have an answer, so again it isn’t a policy it’s the fat orange dude. We’ve talked about this over and over and over and you continue to ignore what I’m saying then say I’m not answering your question, not sure if it’s intentional just so you and your righty friends can yuck yuck with each other or if it‘s intentional just so you can keep saying the same shit over and over….not sure which or if it’s both.

I can assure you I understand conversation. “Building on what you said” is not what you’re doing you‘re coming up with shit in your head and writing it down and saying that’s what I’m saying exhibit a) “you want them reprogrammed by the federal government” which is not near what I said as I’ve stated several times.

What are they programmed with? Let me rephrase it just so you‘re not confused- they’re in a fucking cult- if I have to explain that then I’d suggest researching cults.

That’s the thing with opinions is I don’t have to prove shit to anybody
Do I need to send you a fucking video so you understand?

Again man it isn’t a policy it’s the fat orange man they’re cultish with not policy, if came here and asked any of these right wing, uneducated, brainless twits what policy they love in regards to Trump they wouldn’t have an answer, so again it isn’t a policy it’s the fat orange dude. We’ve talked about this over and over and over and you continue to ignore what I’m saying then say I’m not answering your question, not sure if it’s intentional just so you and your righty friends can yuck yuck with each other or if it‘s intentional just so you can keep saying the same shit over and over….not sure which or if it’s both.

I can assure you I understand conversation. “Building on what you said” is not what you’re doing you‘re coming up with shit in your head and writing it down and saying that’s what I’m saying exhibit a) “you want them reprogrammed by the federal government” which is not near what I said as I’ve stated several times.

What are they programmed with? Let me rephrase it just so you‘re not confused- they’re in a fucking cult- if I have to explain that then I’d suggest researching cults.

That’s the thing with opinions is I don’t have to prove shit to anybody
So, once again, you don't have an answer. The only thing you have is "fat orange man." And then you are calling those who support him, uneducated, brainless twits.

You don't have a policy issue with Trump. You have an emotional issue with Trump.

Again, I'll ask.

What policies are in need of deprogramming? And how is that accomplished?

When someone takes a view on politics that differs from you, you immediately go to "name calling." And you say, "brainless?" You say, "twit?"
So, once again, you don't have an answer. The only thing you have is "fat orange man." And then you are calling those who support him, uneducated, brainless twits.

You don't have a policy issue with Trump. You have an emotional issue with Trump.

Again, I'll ask.

What policies are in need of deprogramming? And how is that accomplished?

When someone takes a view on politics that differs from you, you immediately go to "name calling." And you say, "brainless?" You say, "twit?"
I never said any policy believe was in need of deprogramming, from my very first comment on this thread I said it wasn’t policy

You’re wrong-there’s been several people I’ve engaged with on here that differ completely with me politically and I’ve not called them names including you.

If it's not policy, why deprogramming?

Call me slow. You said they need to be deprogrammed, but it's not about policy? Deprogrammed from what then?
BECAUSE THEY’RE IN A FUCKING CULT. Jesus man I’ve said this a bunch of times, I don’t understand the confusion.

They need deprogrammed because they view Trump in the same manner as David Koresh’s followers
BECAUSE THEY’RE IN A FUCKING CULT. Jesus man I’ve said this a bunch of times, I don’t understand the confusion.

They need deprogrammed because they view Trump in the same manner as David Koresh’s followers
And still, you haven't answered the question.

What policy support puts them in a cult? Throwing Waco into the conversation? Dude. Please.

And again, how are they "reprogrammed?"
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