The most valuable thing I own is either my wife's crappy car or my college degree (not some play on importance, I'm talking cost of tuition). The most interesting thing I own is probably an engraved bottle of Woodford Reserve from my bachelor party. That's not exactly that interesting.
A few Nick Saban signed footballs, Trent Richardson and Marg Ingram ball, Stabler, Namath and Starr ball, Wilbur Jackson, Shaun Alexander, Musso, Tony Nathan and Bobby Humphrey ball, a few championship team signed balls
Mohammad Ali, Joe Frazier, George Forman and Holyfield Boxing glove
Ken Griffey Jr, Cal Ripken, Nolan Ryan, Barry Bonds, Michael Jordan, Derrick Jeter, Gary Carter, Tom Glavine, Greg Maddux, John Smoltz, Yogi Bera, Johnny Bench, Will Clark
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