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Here's a bit of a story for you guys...

A couple of weeks ago I saw a preview for Mr Robot on USA. The lead actor, Rami Malek, caught my ear more than my eye even though I've seen him in several things (the last one probably the movie Larry Crowne. )

I say my ear because he was doing a voice-over of sorts but it was part of the script. In this case, talking to the viewer. The clarity in his speech, the content, etc. made me watch the premier.

Funny because he's talking about hacking into a company in E:2 and one of the things he mentions is this particular company doesn't even have "Two-Step Verification" set up as security. The thing is...

Here we are in the off season and Lance and I have been talking about upgrades, etc. here and there around the site. One of those upgrades deals specifically with security and includes adding a two step verification process.

Odd character in this show as well...still to be determined if I just wait and try to make it through the series on a really boring day On Demand.
Right now my shows are True Detective, Last Ship, Tyrant, and Suits. I also just finished up Trailer Park Boys on Netflix and looking forward to the movies. Hilarious series if you haven't seen it yet.
Right now my shows are True Detective, Last Ship, Tyrant, and Suits. I also just finished up Trailer Park Boys on Netflix and looking forward to the movies. Hilarious series if you haven't seen it yet.

I don't know why, but we like Tyrant, too. We don't like the main character or his whiny family, but that hot-tempered idiot Jamal and his smoking hot wife are what make the show move.
My current shows are The Brink, Ballers, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Halt and Catch Fire, Mr Robot, Suits and Graceland. Also, just finished binge watching BoJack Horseman and Daredevil on Netflix.
I liked daredevil more than I thought I would. I'm a big Marvel fan, but never could get into daredevil, and Ben Afflack ruined it even further for me when he had the role. But after that series, I'm actually excited about the next season.
Yeah, wondering if we might get a ScarJo appearance sometime next season. In the comics, Daredevil and Black Widow have a relationship. I got that from Wiki, never was a comic reader except for Neil Gaiman's Sandman.
Would be cool if they have Thomas Jane reprise his role as the Punisher for this. Also, would not expect ScarJo to be a major part but maybe a cameo, like some characters from the movie realm have made cameos in The Agents of SHIELD.
If Black Widow does appear, it will be ScarJo, but probably only a brief cameo for a single episode. Marvel does a good job of keeping the characters in both movies and series. Obviously Coulson in SHIELD, but SHIELD also featured Sam Jackson as Fury and the chick in Thor playing their same characters
Would be cool if they have Thomas Jane reprise his role as the Punisher for this. Also, would not expect ScarJo to be a major part but maybe a cameo, like some characters from the movie realm have made cameos in The Agents of SHIELD.

Taken from the link I posted above...

The excitement surrounding year two of Netflix’s Daredevil was already high after the stellar debut season, but it ratcheted through the roof with the casting of Walking Dead alum Jon Bernthal as the Punisher.

I can certainly see him in the role.

Yeah, he would make a good one, I just know that they lept talking about a Punisher sequel with Jane that never materialized. Only thing was that Punisher short(which was awesome). Pre Marvel taking all their rights back, The Punisher(2004) was one of my favorite Marvel adaptations.
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