What are You Sick of??

political correctness

plain and simple

i get told a lot that i'm not being very "pc". my answer, "i don't give a shit. i'm not a politician and i don't plan on being a politician, so kiss my ass if you don't like it."

Amen!!! I love non-PC jokes and I say some non-PC stuff and I hate people policing me. Get over it! Don't like it? Don't talk to me!
I'm sick of my employees being so dependent that they can't do the most basic parts of their job unless someone spells it out in detail, especially if you've been doing that job for over 20 years. Then when they screw up and you try to hold them accountable for it, they cry ignorance and get away with it. Then the powers at be actually start discipline proceedings against you for not instructing them on how to do their job which they've been doing for 20 years.

I'm sick of all my employees talking nonstop about how my generation is a bunch of entitled whiners when all they do is come in and complain about their pay and the fact that it's hot and the fact that they don't like their shift and that someone looked at them wrong.

Sorry rough morning. Rant over.
I'm sick of my employees being so dependent that they can't do the most basic parts of their job unless someone spells it out in detail, especially if you've been doing that job for over 20 years. Then when they screw up and you try to hold them accountable for it, they cry ignorance and get away with it. Then the powers at be actually start discipline proceedings against you for not instructing them on how to do their job which they've been doing for 20 years.

I'm sick of all my employees talking nonstop about how my generation is a bunch of entitled whiners when all they do is come in and complain about their pay and the fact that it's hot and the fact that they don't like their shift and that someone looked at them wrong.

Sorry rough morning. Rant over.

I love my job, but sick of the people I work for. If you want me to do the job correctly. Buy me the damn tools to do it with. Quit 1/2 assing everything. The money is not coming out of your wallet. Im not asking for the latest and greatest of everything, just the basic shit.
To be continued.
I'm sick of all my employees talking nonstop about how my generation is a bunch of entitled whiners when all they do is come in and complain about their pay and the fact that it's hot and the fact that they don't like their shift and that someone looked at them wrong.

Nailed it on the freakin' head ..
Y'all sure do bitch a lot.

I am so freakin sick of this one mf'er in my office. This has to be one of the dumbest people in a 100 mile radius. I honestly can't believe he finds his way to work every morning. He's been working here for about 15 years, and will ask questions, that you'd swear, it's his first day on the job.

Sounds like we work for the same company. No one can stand him. He is completely worthless doing absolutely nothing and gets away with it everyday. To top it off, he makes some big bucks.
My company does the same shit... something breaks and they take week's to send back refurbished and outdated replacement equipment.

I end up having to do most repairs myself just because I can't afford to have some of the equipment down for too long... do I get paid extra for it? Nope.

Frustrating as hell waiting 2 weeks for something to come only to open the box and find they sent another broken piece of equipment. For about 6k my entire security system could be upgraded to work a thousand times better and more efficient... yet they would rather spend $500 a time here and there doing patchwork fixes.
Amen!!! I love non-PC jokes and I say some non-PC stuff and I hate people policing me. Get over it! Don't like it? Don't talk to me!

that's usually my response as well. that, or, "if you don't like what i have to say, then don't listen."

this happens mostly at work. and to those people, i carry an "i don't give a shit" attitude towards them.

it's almost like i was back in high school with all the whiny little bitches and feelings that people wear on their sleeves.

people ask me why i'm mean to them. i tell them, "i'm not mean, i just don't give a shit about whiny little bitches who do nothing but complain about how so-and-so hurt their feelings."

well, GET THE F*CK OVER IT! if you get that butt-hurt about what someone at work said, how the hell are you gonna survive in the world when you get a more demanding job? or are put in charge of others working below you and are held accountable for important things?
EMS that start 24 gauge ivs on cardiac patients.

Patients' Families.

Flight Nurses

Paying extra for pico de gallo or sour cream


Wondering if @PhillyGirl is as Hawt as I hope

Deflate Gate (it's worse here in New England)

Lawn care done while I'm sleeping (or trying to)

Dunkin Fucking Donuts!!

Not smoking

Drake (rapper not Soon to be Bama Heisman Finalist)

People saying "wicked" when they mean "very"

Drug Seekers
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