| FTBL Wetzel’s playoff plan: I’ll drink to that


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Long Read But Good


ISSUE. $$$$

So Troy would forgo a Million dollar paycheck to play in a game against an opponent that it has a chance to beat so that it can bus to Tuscaloosa to get embarrassed on National television for no money?
Meanwhile the #2 team in Troy's conference gets the paid vacation?

I can't see this coming close to being attractive to most of the teams/conferences involved.

Unless there is a way to continue the Millions of Corporate Dollars rolling in (i.e. Same bowl day pay days, school's sharing the gates...) I don't see it.
This would mean we would need to win four more games to win a National Title and right now we are only two wins away. I don't understand why Bama fans would want a playoff. The current system has been awfully good to us.
I agree with Randy. Win all of your games and you don't need a playoff. I look at that bracket and shudder at the prospect of running a playoff gauntlet. The SEC schedule is tough enough. Why reward schools from crappy conferences with playoff berths?
Point being guys we would know who's the real champ! We also know it's all about MONEY so it will never happen.

Sooner or not we will be on the other end of the axe and well see if you want change then :D
reger60 said:
I agree with Randy. Win all of your games and you don't need a playoff. I look at that bracket and shudder at the prospect of running a playoff gauntlet. The SEC schedule is tough enough. Why reward schools from crappy conferences with playoff berths?

Well you say, win your games and your good ? Ha, ask Auburn when they went UNDEFEATED IN THE SEC and was left out. Its all fine until it happens to you. I agree this format is too many games. But I think a 4 team playoff or plus 1 senario would be fine.
lilstat said:
reger60 said:
I agree with Randy. Win all of your games and you don't need a playoff. I look at that bracket and shudder at the prospect of running a playoff gauntlet. The SEC schedule is tough enough. Why reward schools from crappy conferences with playoff berths?

Well you say, win your games and your good ? Ha, ask Auburn when they went UNDEFEATED IN THE SEC and was left out. Its all fine until it happens to you. I agree this format is too many games. But I think a 4 team playoff or plus 1 senario would be fine.

You know as well as I do that Auburn's non-conference schedule was it's worst enemy that season. Two things: The system has been modified since then and teams are now more reluctant to put Division 2 cupcakes on the schedule. Auburn was a victim of the BCS learning curve. Oops.
reger60 said:
lilstat said:
reger60 said:
I agree with Randy. Win all of your games and you don't need a playoff. I look at that bracket and shudder at the prospect of running a playoff gauntlet. The SEC schedule is tough enough. Why reward schools from crappy conferences with playoff berths?

Well you say, win your games and your good ? Ha, ask Auburn when they went UNDEFEATED IN THE SEC and was left out. Its all fine until it happens to you. I agree this format is too many games. But I think a 4 team playoff or plus 1 senario would be fine.

You know as well as I do that Auburn's non-conference schedule was it's worst enemy that season. Two things: The system has been modified since then and teams are now more reluctant to put Division 2 cupcakes on the schedule. Auburn was a victim of the BCS learning curve. Oops.

Strength of Schedule was still a major part then...and out of their 11 regular season games, only 3 teams had winning records.
i prefer 16 over 8 to allow for more teams to get an opportunity to win it. 8 limits it too few in my opinion...of course 32 would be even better, but that will NEVER happen, so 16 is the next best thing.
planomateo said:
i prefer 16 over 8 to allow for more teams to get an opportunity to win it. 8 limits it too few in my opinion...of course 32 would be even better, but that will NEVER happen, so 16 is the next best thing.

Wait a minute, you need to earn the right to play for it. This ain't basketball or baseball where you play 30 some odd games. No this is football with 12 regular season games that count. Traditionally two loss teams (save last year) should not be considered for a shot at the national title IMO. Four teams is plenty in my opinion and yes that will end up someday in team X not being included. Oh well, get over it and schedule some teams on your schedule that prove you are worthy of national recognition.
TerryP said:
reger60 said:
lilstat said:
reger60 said:
I agree with Randy. Win all of your games and you don't need a playoff. I look at that bracket and shudder at the prospect of running a playoff gauntlet. The SEC schedule is tough enough. Why reward schools from crappy conferences with playoff berths?

Well you say, win your games and your good ? Ha, ask Auburn when they went UNDEFEATED IN THE SEC and was left out. Its all fine until it happens to you. I agree this format is too many games. But I think a 4 team playoff or plus 1 senario would be fine.

You know as well as I do that Auburn's non-conference schedule was it's worst enemy that season. Two things: The system has been modified since then and teams are now more reluctant to put Division 2 cupcakes on the schedule. Auburn was a victim of the BCS learning curve. Oops.

Strength of Schedule was still a major part then...and out of their 11 regular season games, only 3 teams had winning records.

Tennessee (times 2), Georgia, LSU.

Out of their 13 games played, they beat 5 teams with winning records.

USC? 5.

Oklahoma? 6 I believe.
Outlaw said:
TerryP said:
Strength of Schedule was still a major part then...and out of their 11 regular season games, only 3 teams had winning records.

Tennessee (times 2), Georgia, LSU.

Out of their 13 games played, they beat 5 teams with winning records.

USC? 5.

Oklahoma? 6 I believe.

Regular season, 3.

OU had 5 and USC had 4.

Of course, just to make if fair considering BCSNC invitations it would make AU at 4 and OU at 6.


Neither school (OU and USC) had a non-Div 1 team like the Citadel on AU's schedule. I don't think the Citadel was the fatal blow, but it definitely served as the final nail in the coffin.

The only argument I've seen that I thought was interesting was a comparison (bit of a stretch, mind you) but one I did think was interesting.

AU beat UT twice that season. 24 the first time, 10 in the SECCG. That same UT played Texas A&M in the bowl game and won by 31 points. A team that OU played and managed to win by a touchdown over half-way through the 4th quarter.

Auburn takes on OU, hard to say who wins that one.

Auburn takes on Southern Cal? Would it be different than their other two meetings the two years previous to '04?
TerryP said:
Outlaw said:
TerryP said:
Strength of Schedule was still a major part then...and out of their 11 regular season games, only 3 teams had winning records.

Tennessee (times 2), Georgia, LSU.

Out of their 13 games played, they beat 5 teams with winning records.

USC? 5.

Oklahoma? 6 I believe.

Regular season, 3.

OU had 5 and USC had 4.

Of course, just to make if fair considering BCSNC invitations it would make AU at 4 and OU at 6.


Neither school (OU and USC) had a non-Div 1 team like the Citadel on AU's schedule. I don't think the Citadel was the fatal blow, but it definitely served as the final nail in the coffin.

The only argument I've seen that I thought was interesting was a comparison (bit of a stretch, mind you) but one I did think was interesting.

AU beat UT twice that season. 24 the first time, 10 in the SECCG. That same UT played Texas A&M in the bowl game and won by 31 points. A team that OU played and managed to win by a touchdown over half-way through the 4th quarter.

Auburn takes on OU, hard to say who wins that one.

Auburn takes on Southern Cal? Would it be different than their other two meetings the two years previous to '04?

AU beat 5 times with winning records that year. UT twice, Georgia, LSU, and Va Tech.

OU six because they lost (or got embarrassed) by USC.

USC 5.

I have a feeling if you went back and compared opponent's records, it would come out pretty close, maybe even giving Auburn the nod because they played a lot of 6-6 teams (somewhere between 3-5 I believe), us being one of them.

Am I saying Auburn should have played for it? Dunno if I could legitimately bump one of the top two out for winning.

That would have been a perfect time for the PLUS 1 option.
Not to knock the lower tier conference champs, but 8 teams is plenty. Off performances over recent years I'd say SEC, Big 12, Big 11 and PAC 10 get automatic bids, the other four teams to be selected at large.

Keep the bowls involved. Let the 8 teams selected play their first round games in the Rose, Fiesta, Sugar and Orange Bowls. Select separate sites for semi finals and the NC game.

I don't like the home field idea of the writer. No offense to the writer, but there would be something wrong with playing Ohio State in Columbus in January with a driving snow storm going on. Play these games at sites where the weather isn't likely to affect the outcome.
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