| FTBL We’re starting early with….


Vigilate, et audax
The sky is falling
Milroe sucks
Backup QB is better
Oline sucks
Formby sucks
Dbs and safeties suck
No discipline
Am I missing anything?

Let me reassure you that the sky is not falling.

Milroe is a darn good qb and needs to hold onto the ball better but if you’re running for your life it may get a bit hairy.

The backup qb is the backup for a reason.

Oline has had to shuffle and it’s hard to gel.
Formby has issues but when the other team is playing all out, hair on fire, balls to the wall, got nothing to lose, they’re going to exploit any weakness(understandably) and the coaches need to do a better job at recognizing said issue quicker and either rotate guys in To alleviate or improve said situation.

Opposing offense is playing fast and furious you have to grow up quick. All you can do is coach them up, keep it positive and build confidence with every success and analyze the negative and help them improve.

No discipline comes from frustration over something, coaches need to figure that out and alleviate that frustration.

These reactions weigh on me a bit. On one hand, I love this place and the conversations we have about Bama.

And then there are those days when I don't want anything, nothing, to do with some folk. I see people bitching about getting off the field on third...and they were 2-18. What the hell?

My analogy this morning? It's like someone bitching about the color of the paint when it's still wet.
On the bright side, this performance was yesterday and not in two weeks, it’s only game two obviously losing proctor has cost some issues on the offensive line, yes, I know understatement of the week. However, it gives them game time to figure shit out, I feel like we were slinging the ball around yesterday a lot more than necessary. Just trying to get Milroe and the receivers in some kind of sync perhaps. Again it’s a very good thing we did that yesterday and did not try to do that in two weeks, I think this game was used as , a very tough game scrimmage if that makes any sense, so I’m not really worried because I feel like the ends will justify the means
These reactions weigh on me a bit. On one hand, I love this place and the conversations we have about Bama.

And then there are those days when I don't want anything, nothing, to do with some folk. I see people bitching about getting off the field on third...and they were 2-18. What the hell?

My analogy this morning? It's like someone bitching about the color of the paint when it's still wet.
I hear ya. I know you don’t like to ignore people but I’m not the master debater that you are so there are a few that I just don’t have time or energy for.
I still think this is a good team capable of making the playoffs and winning some games. However, I think one of the biggest problems last night (other than penalties) was the fact that our OC had no answer for what the SF DC was throwing at Milroe. They had 8-9 guys in the box most of the night. Where were the jet sweeps? Where were the screens and throws to the backs out of the backfield? When they crowd the box you attack the perimeter and force them to defend side to side. We have the speed to out run them. We didn't use it.
I still think this is a good team capable of making the playoffs and winning some games. However, I think one of the biggest problems last night (other than penalties) was the fact that our OC had no answer for what the SF DC was throwing at Milroe. They had 8-9 guys in the box most of the night. Where were the jet sweeps? Where were the screens and throws to the backs out of the backfield? When they crowd the box you attack the perimeter and force them to defend side to side. We have the speed to out run them. We didn't use it.
The pass after pass down the field was puzzling. Not sure if Milroe was missing reads or the play calling. To many deep shots instead of shorter throws to try and give Milroe something easier to deal with. 4th qtr there were a few out routes that were completed that seemed to help. Also a screen thrown in there. Needed more of that in my opinion. The blue print for DC's is to stop the run and make Milroes arm beat you. Makes sense to me. That is what we will see so a lot of improvement needed in this area. Play calling or execution? Gotta be better.

With that said, 13 penalties and playing behind the chains most of the night as well as 3 turnovers does not help. Hard to get into a rhythm.
I still think this is a good team capable of making the playoffs and winning some games. However, I think one of the biggest problems last night (other than penalties) was the fact that our OC had no answer for what the SF DC was throwing at Milroe. They had 8-9 guys in the box most of the night. Where were the jet sweeps? Where were the screens and throws to the backs out of the backfield? When they crowd the box you attack the perimeter and force them to defend side to side. We have the speed to out run them. We didn't use it.
Here's what I don't understand.

While I know a lot of you guys don't follow the forum daily...Brandon specifically pointed to a very bland offense and defense scheme before this game. That's what we saw.

I mentioned last week there were over sixty players on that team that were Jr.'s, Sr,'s or Grad students. Their front seven? All seniors as I recall.

In the "predict the score" thread @UAgrad93 nailed the final.

USF is a good football team. Not playoff worthy, in my view, but a solid football team. When you play four years in D1 football...you tend to be pretty sound your senior year.
Here's what I don't understand.

While I know a lot of you guys don't follow the forum daily...Brandon specifically pointed to a very bland offense and defense scheme before this game. That's what we saw.

I mentioned last week there were over sixty players on that team that were Jr.'s, Sr,'s or Grad students. Their front seven? All seniors as I recall.

In the "predict the score" thread @UAgrad93 nailed the final.

USF is a good football team. Not playoff worthy, in my view, but a solid football team. When you play four years in D1 football...you tend to be pretty sound your senior year.
I had 45-10 so not far off. I just did not expect the way it played out. I do expect some struggles as you know for the first year in a new system with new coaching staff. I did not realize the USF roster was as experienced as it was. That certainly makes a difference.
Here's what I don't understand.

While I know a lot of you guys don't follow the forum daily...Brandon specifically pointed to a very bland offense and defense scheme before this game. That's what we saw.

I mentioned last week there were over sixty players on that team that were Jr.'s, Sr,'s or Grad students. Their front seven? All seniors as I recall.

In the "predict the score" thread @UAgrad93 nailed the final.

USF is a good football team. Not playoff worthy, in my view, but a solid football team. When you play four years in D1 football...you tend to be pretty sound your senior year.
I agree that USF is a really good team. And I understand that the game plan was vanilla. There was not a lot of motion and shifting formations yesterday. However, if your offense is struggling that badly and your QB is getting smacked around, and you only have a 1 point lead in the fourth quarter, I would think you might dig into your playbook a little more. Bama could very easily have lost last night. And for the record, I think we will beat Wisconsin, probably by 2 scores. They are not a good team and they don't match up well with Bama.
Second game of the 1st year of a new coach and a new system. I'll always give a pass to that scenario. And what a lot of people forget is what happened in 2007 (Coach Saban's 1st year at Alabama)...

W - Western Caroline
W - at Vanderbilt
W - Arkansas
L - Georgia
L - Florida State
W - Houston
W - at Ole Miss
W - Tennessee
L - at Mississippi State
L - Louisiana-Monroe
L - at Auburn
W - (bowl game)

But what happened after that is all that most fans seem to remember. And they got so used to that, that even if they have 2 losses, they want someone fired or half the starters replaced. The guys finished that season by losing their last 4. But they bought into that system and it took them to heights most teams only dream of. And Alabama wound up with one of the greatest coaches to ever walk the sidelines. And that's the 2nd time it'd happened at Alabama.

Will there be a third? I don't know. But I'm not going to let 1 game or even 1 season, especially the very 1st season under a new coach/system, define the team or my expectations as a fan.

And as a fan, I only care about 1 thing...winning. Looking at the score, you'd think they ran all over USF. But looking at the stats, you'd know that isn't true...for 3 quarters and most of the 4th, anyway. However, I only care about that score when the clock hits 00:00 in the 4th quarter. Yes, playing like shit will get you beat a large majority of the time. But if they play like shit and win, I'll be happy. And I'd be happy with a 1 point win. I know they guys wouldn't be happy. I know the coaches wouldn't be happy. And that's how they should be. They're the ones out there doing the job. They don't have the luxury of sitting on the couch or in a recliner watching young men hit each other over and over and over and over and over again, play after play. We get to sit in comfort (a/c in the beginning, heat at the end) while those young men have to endure that heat or that cold and do things most of us have never done. We look to them to give us something to be happy about. And when they fail, we want them gone, or coaches fired.
With regards to the OP, I didn't get on here until much later in the game. I believe it may have been towards the end of the third quarter. But I didn't see any posts condemning Milroe. They must have been earlier in the game. In addition, if someone is able to stay calm and rational during the game, that's great and good for those people. Others however get more emotional during the game. It isn't that what this forum is about? A place for people to vent with like-minded people. I know I can get emotional during the games. I'm actually working on that. But if there are posts that are particularly extreme, then just ignore them.

As it pertains to the game itself, there were several things for me. For example I don't know why they did not put Pritchett in earlier. That one befuddles me because it seems like such an obvious simple thing to do. Also, as others have mentioned and I was talking with my friends throughout the game, I cannot understand why they simply made no effective adjustments to account for the crazy amount of blitzing USF was doing especially blitzing defensive backs from the edges. It seems the whole game we were running plays that were long developing and nothing to really counter their aggressive blitz package. I would have liked to have seen some quick developing plays, like a quick hitch, slants, screens sweeps etc. I hope that proctor can return next week and that should make a big difference.

Last thing, it would be hard for me to believe that they were simply looking ahead to Wisconsin because if it were me I would have wanted to exact massive revenge for how horribly we played against USF last year.
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