| FTBL We’re starting early with….

People just don't realize this stuff, also people calling for Pritchett to be starting and never see Formby again are beyond asinine.

I get it, he definitely produced this week while injured in a small sample size, but Formby outplayed him last week anyways.

If anyone is calling for Milroe to be benched at this point, I'm done. The issues were apparent across the board this game and I can do a little write up if it would help people see the issues but man I feel like half this fanbase is living in a bubble and the moment some type of adversity hits they just wilt. At least the team doesn't have that mentality.
What I find amusing is this is one case where we can legitimately make a comparison between two sports: basketball and football.

In B-ball, I don't care how much talent you have...when you run across a team that is loaded with upper-classmen you are going to have a 'ball game.' How many times have we seen this in March Madness?

When you move to the football field it seems people dismiss this fact.

Seriously. You have a fifth year senior going against Redshirt freshman...no matter whether it's FBS to FCS...the senior is going to win some.

I will beat this into the ground like a dead horse for glue: look at their roster. 75%+ upperclassmen.
I will beat this into the ground like a dead horse for glue: look at their roster. 75%+ upperclassmen.

These upperclassmen weren't pushovers either, some of these guys transferred in from P5 schools to find more playing time with a team that is trending upwards.

I can't agree with it more, I thought of this recently, with the way things are you're going to have more of a BBALL type of situation where you have these insane 1 and done or 2 and done teams with incredible talent top to bottom and then these teams that build solid, good players on both sides of the ball and make a push for the playoffs with 20-30 4th and 5th year seniors..it's an interesting thought.
I thought of this recently, with the way things are you're going to have more of a BBALL type of situation where you have these insane 1 and done or 2 and done teams with incredible talent top to bottom and then these teams that build solid, good players on both sides of the ball and make a push for the playoffs with 20-30 4th and 5th year seniors..it's an interesting thought.
In my opinion...

The G inclusion in the playoffs isn't because of the talent or ability to win a game or two. It's due to that talent rising to a point one year: largely due to the portal.

IE: Rich Rod. Bowden. You could put a hell of a 22 together from kids that left the power five's.
These upperclassmen weren't pushovers either, some of these guys transferred in from P5 schools to find more playing time with a team that is trending upwards.

I can't agree with it more, I thought of this recently, with the way things are you're going to have more of a BBALL type of situation where you have these insane 1 and done or 2 and done teams with incredible talent top to bottom and then these teams that build solid, good players on both sides of the ball and make a push for the playoffs with 20-30 4th and 5th year seniors..it's an interesting thought.
Said it earlier, maturity is a great equalizer vs talent. Remember 2018 Clemson…….
I still believe they would be middle of the pack at best in the SEC. No way to truly prove that just an opinion. Lets make this about Bama and what we did or did not do. The main problems are fixable - 13 penalties and ball security. D played a pretty good game in general. They had a few busts and tackling issues but that should improve. The penalties and ball security are also fixable. Fix those things and the game would not have been close just like the last 5-6 minutes of the 4th qtr.

One other observaton that I have stated a couple of other times, the OC and game plan/play selection did not do Milroe any favors in my opnion.
I hear ya. I know you don’t like to ignore people but I’m not the master debater that you are so there are a few that I just don’t have time or energy for.
I've been thinking about this. That said, it's worrisome that I'm thinking about this. 🙃

There is an ignore option here. I don't like it, but it is there. I just don't understand ignoring someone's opinion when it's easily disregarded. How easy is it to say, "okay." It's a lot like the "I don't click on AL.com" content. Why? I read content, then look to see from whom. A lot look at the name and never read the content.

Master debater. This is what was the slider, with a curve, at 104 mph, from a lefty. Wiffle Ball shit.
Regarding some of Formby's holding calls. If he is blocking his man and his man goes to the ground, whether he slips or is blocked or thrown to the ground; is it not a holding penalty to fall down on top of him essentially Holding him down not allowing him to get up? I saw W Formby do this at least twice, maybe three times and draw a flag each time. The proper way is to stand there with your man on the ground and DO NOT let him get up. Shove his ass back to the ground. Damnit, it used to me so much harder for OL to block when they could not use their hands in any way. But they managed.
One thing we have to remember is that CKD and the OC will add new twists as the season progresses. We should see shifts and motion with the offense but it is going to take a little time to get that worked in, especially, shuffling the OL the last 2 weeks due to injuries. We will be alright.
One thing we have to remember is that CKD and the OC will add new twists as the season progresses. We should see shifts and motion with the offense but it is going to take a little time to get that worked in, especially, shuffling the OL the last 2 weeks due to injuries. We will be alright.
When Grubbs split, I worried if CKD and the OC would be on the same page..Maybe he should try Shepard (the CO-Oc) making some calls..
Regarding some of Formby's holding calls. If he is blocking his man and his man goes to the ground, whether he slips or is blocked or thrown to the ground; is it not a holding penalty to fall down on top of him essentially Holding him down not allowing him to get up? I saw W Formby do this at least twice, maybe three times and draw a flag each time. The proper way is to stand there with your man on the ground and DO NOT let him get up. Shove his ass back to the ground. Damnit, it used to me so much harder for OL to block when they could not use their hands in any way. But they managed.
I am getting old (actually 69 today). Definitions of holding, pass interference, roughing the passer, targeting, etc., have changed. I really wish they could fix the targeting calls.
I am getting old (actually 69 today). Definitions of holding, pass interference, roughing the passer, targeting, etc., have changed. I really wish they could fix the targeting calls.
Targeting should not be an ejection, unless it is very blatant.. Some of these targeting calls are on accidental helmet to helmet contact....Sometimes the so called victim causes the targeting by lowering their head..Defensive players should seek legal representation for being removed from a game for this call.. Facemask, Chop blocks, Tripping, Horse collars ect, ect are just as dangerous….
it’s very prejudicial against defensive players..
Now, as far as the unsportsmanlike penalties, there should be a penalty box and a timeframe for the offender to sit in it..
I've always been of the mind that if a defender can be called with targeting then so can the offense. If the runner lowers the head and initiates the contact in that manner, they should also be given a penalty and ejected for targeting. Will stop runners like Brown last week that lowered his head multiple times and got Jefferson ejected as part of it.
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