None of our business attitudes allowed Hitler to gobble up most of Europe. If not for Japan’s Pearl Harbor attack that allowed Roosevelt to declare war on all of the Axis Powers, Hitler would most likely have succeeded. Power abhors a vacuum … so if America abdicates being a global super power, China and Russia will step into the vacuum. Between them, they will strangle America’s economy as they overtake one ally after another and one trading partner after another.
The one thing that has allowed America to prosper in spite of being a huge net importer, is that the dollar is the global reserve currency. China already wants the Yuan to replace the dollar and that will most certainly happen if America adopts the none of our business attitude on the world stage. Once that happens, America’s economic power will wane and the depression that follows will at best only rival the Great Depression but more likely will far exceed it in terms of the suffering of its citizens. If America isn’t leading the world then China and Russia will. At that time, either America and the West will acquiesce to their marginalization globally and regionally as the world slides into authoritarian rule much like the 1930’s or they say no more like they finally did the 1940’s … something that will inevitably result in WWIII.