| CURRENT EVENTS Wall to Wall: Russia, Russia, Russia. This Ukraine mess, what's your feelings on the matter?

None of our business. That is the only acceptable answer on every action after WW2.
None of our business attitudes allowed Hitler to gobble up most of Europe. If not for Japan’s Pearl Harbor attack that allowed Roosevelt to declare war on all of the Axis Powers, Hitler would most likely have succeeded. Power abhors a vacuum … so if America abdicates being a global super power, China and Russia will step into the vacuum. Between them, they will strangle America’s economy as they overtake one ally after another and one trading partner after another.
The one thing that has allowed America to prosper in spite of being a huge net importer, is that the dollar is the global reserve currency. China already wants the Yuan to replace the dollar and that will most certainly happen if America adopts the none of our business attitude on the world stage. Once that happens, America’s economic power will wane and the depression that follows will at best only rival the Great Depression but more likely will far exceed it in terms of the suffering of its citizens. If America isn’t leading the world then China and Russia will. At that time, either America and the West will acquiesce to their marginalization globally and regionally as the world slides into authoritarian rule much like the 1930’s or they say no more like they finally did the 1940’s … something that will inevitably result in WWIII.
None of our business attitudes allowed Hitler to gobble up most of Europe. If not for Japan’s Pearl Harbor attack that allowed Roosevelt to declare war on all of the Axis Powers, Hitler would most likely have succeeded. Power abhors a vacuum … so if America abdicates being a global super power, China and Russia will step into the vacuum. Between them, they will strangle America’s economy as they overtake one ally after another and one trading partner after another.
The one thing that has allowed America to prosper in spite of being a huge net importer, is that the dollar is the global reserve currency. China already wants the Yuan to replace the dollar and that will most certainly happen if America adopts the none of our business attitude on the world stage. Once that happens, America’s economic power will wane and the depression that follows will at best only rival the Great Depression but more likely will far exceed it in terms of the suffering of its citizens. If America isn’t leading the world then China and Russia will. At that time, either America and the West will acquiesce to their marginalization globally and regionally as the world slides into authoritarian rule much like the 1930’s or they say no more like they finally did the 1940’s … something that will inevitably result in WWIII.

Basically you’re just filled with blood lust. You want our sons and daughters to die to fulfill the bullshit idea that the US MUST enforce our globohomo agenda on the rest of the world. America caused this in Ukraine by constantly dangling a NATO membership under their noses knowing that Putin would not sit still for it. We have funded biolabs there. The US ran the color revolution that installed the current puppet.
Basically you’re just filled with blood lust. You want our sons and daughters to die to fulfill the bullshit idea that the US MUST enforce our globohomo agenda on the rest of the world. America caused this in Ukraine by constantly dangling a NATO membership under their noses knowing that Putin would not sit still for it. We have funded biolabs there. The US ran the color revolution that installed the current puppet.

Blood lust? Seriously? Myself and many members of my family are the furthest from being filled with bloodlust as anyone can be yet still want America to be a force for good in the world. Our family members have received Purple Hearts, Silver and Bronze Stars among other a number of other medals. I lost an uncle in the Pacific theatre in WWII, another uncle in Korea and two cousins in Vietnam.

How about counter my points instead of accusing me of being something so abhorrent and absolutely false? Speaking of which where did I mention one thing about America intervening in Ukraine? My whole point was that since at least half of our nation’s citizens and one political party essentially believe as you do, I do NOT want our young warriors to ever again be sent into combat. Both parties used to agree on Americas vital role on the world’s stage as did a majority of the people. That’s no longer the case.

And as I said earlier … and history has proven time and time again … power abhors a vacuum. If America isn’t filling that role then China and Russia will. That will lead to what I wrote above so I won’t repeat it now. And once it’s lost, the only way America could get “it” back would mean a global war. None of us want that … so my hope is we don’t let it come to that. Though, there’s something else history has shown time and time again and that is “the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”. That will always be true … true for individuals and true for nations and groups of nations. And no one … no one … will recognize America or the world if America abdicates its role as the world power for good.
Basically you’re just filled with blood lust. You want our sons and daughters to die to fulfill the bullshit idea that the US MUST enforce our globohomo agenda on the rest of the world. America caused this in Ukraine by constantly dangling a NATO membership under their noses knowing that Putin would not sit still for it. We have funded biolabs there. The US ran the color revolution that installed the current puppet.
Originally, you said Russia was only attacking these biolabs, which of course is not true, and is just Qrap. No one is talking about sending our sons and daughters there, just joining dozens of other democratic nations providing material to keep Ukraine's sons and daughters from dying quickly. Ukraine should be able to choose whether to be NATO, independent, or a Russian puppet without being invaded.
According to them this is the Putin Gas Hike and Biden can't do anything about it. These are the same folks who told us that electric cars are better for poor people, as if poor folks can afford $30k+ cars and $1000 or more charger installations (assuming they don't live in rentals and can actually get it installed).
You know where a $30k fueled by coal car is?
Originally, you said Russia was only attacking these biolabs, which of course is not true, and is just Qrap. No one is talking about sending our sons and daughters there, just joining dozens of other democratic nations providing material to keep Ukraine's sons and daughters from dying quickly. Ukraine should be able to choose whether to be NATO, independent, or a Russian puppet without being invaded.
Your opening statement is bullshit. The second one sounds like talking points from Biden’s puppet master. How many slippery slopes have you seen this country step on in your lifetime? Ukraine is already a puppet of our deep state and many corrupt politicians in both parties. We don’t need that. I would point out that Ukraine is greatly benefitting from our intel and funding.
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You know where a $30k fueled by coal car is?
Nissan Leaf is the only one that cheap that isn't niche but it is still only about 150 miles to a charge. To get it up to 200+ miles per charge you gotta go up to the $32K version. There are a lot of them between $30 and 40k that would be right at $30K after the federal tax kickback. But you only get that if you make enough to actually owe $7500 in taxes each year after deductions and all so no poor people (and a lot of the middle class) won't get back much if anything. Prices are all MSRP so your mileage may vary, but there are electrics in that price range especially if you can get any of the federal tax credit for them.
Nissan Leaf is the only one that cheap that isn't niche but it is still only about 150 miles to a charge. To get it up to 200+ miles per charge you gotta go up to the $32K version. There are a lot of them between $30 and 40k that would be right at $30K after the federal tax kickback. But you only get that if you make enough to actually owe $7500 in taxes each year after deductions and all so no poor people (and a lot of the middle class) won't get back much if anything. Prices are all MSRP so your mileage may vary, but there are electrics in that price range especially if you can get any of the federal tax credit for them.
Pretty sure where I work doesnt have a charging station and TVA just took the stacks down next door at the Colbert County steam plant a few months back...hell, the plant I started at is not there anymore....trying to figure out how they're gonna generate power for all these charging stations...pretty sure they have zero concept on how electricity is generated. You can tell as soon as they open their mouth to explain where it comes from. :D
Your opening statement is bullshit. The second one sounds like talking points from Biden’s puppet master. How many slippery slopes have you seen this country step on in your lifetime? Ukraine is already a puppet of our deep state and many corrupt politicians in both parties. We don’t need that. I would point out that Ukraine is greatly benefitting from our intel and funding.
You are correct, it was another post that stated Russia was only targeting the biolabs, not yours. You're in good company pushing the biolabs angle, though, right there with Russia and China. Ukraine is not a lily white, pure democracy, but again does that mean they should just be fodder for Putin's ambitions? I'd rather send material to Ukraine than fund many social programs here.

I've seen many things go awry in my lifetime. Slippery slopes, mission creep, unclear goals, nonexistent exit strategies, yeah, it's usually a cluster. And sometimes the best humanitarian intentions are twisted and starved to make them really screwed. Somalia's a good example. I have a friend who was a crewman on one of two AC-130's that was assigned to Somalia. They exercised absolute control, down to telling warlords when and what room would be targeted in their homes. Their sister ship headed out one morning out over the Indian Ocean to test fire before a patrol and it went down with no distress call. Over a cost concern, my buddy's ship was recalled. It was just a short time later that the event known as Blackhawk Down occurred. He's been bitter about that, knowing that an AC-130 on scene (instead of a Kiowa with two incredibly brave soldiers) would have prevented the loss of life. He said that whole incident would've never happened. Then, the loss of life caused us to retreat, emboldening those who intend to harm us. For years, he hated Les Aspin for making that call, but later found out Colin Powell had actually done it. Admittedly, it's an expensive piece of equipment that costs a lot to support, but we lost those guys because of a cost measure.

I find it truly interesting that Poland's dirt may start another world war.
Pretty sure where I work doesnt have a charging station and TVA just took the stacks down next door at the Colbert County steam plant a few months back...hell, the plant I started at is not there anymore....trying to figure out how they're gonna generate power for all these charging stations...pretty sure they have zero concept on how electricity is generated. You can tell as soon as they open their mouth to explain where it comes from. :D
Wind from unicorn farts.
I made a comment early on in this thread about dreading the influx of so many "experts" in the field of Russia, Ukraine, and the like. All these experts who have proven to have little to no expertise in the past.

In a related observation here's another thing I've tired of all too quickly: "officials say."

Last week, or perhaps it was the week before last, I saw KT McFarland questioned about "proof of the facts" we're seeing, hearing, and reading. Her response was "the Pentagon said" so it's now factual.

US officials say...the Pentagon said...are now all indisputable facts? Take a few minutes and look for how often these are referred to as evidence to back up suppositions and forecasts. It's one of those "once you see it, these can't be unseen."
Why is there a difference? Because Americans like me have finally conceded we can’t make a difference in the Middle East. The culture and religious differences proved too much to overcome in a few years without having total control of just about every aspect of government and civilian life for an extended period of time. It would have taken a very long occupation on the order of Japan following WWII to see long term results. So, we know our government and at least half of our people are not willing to do what it would take in making a difference in that part of the world. And due to that fact, the other half of us refuse to lose our young warriors in hopeless causes anymore. It has zero to do with race or ethnicity or anything like it. To say otherwise is just plain wrong. My heart was broken over how Sadam on the one hand and the Taliban on the other treated the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan. I supported our involvement wholeheartedly until I saw how weak of a resolve our nation’s government and half of its people were showing. Once I saw we haven’t changed since abandoning South Vietnam, I wanted our warriors out. Victory in that war was certainly close at hand (the Tet Offensive had effectively destroyed the Viet Cong and the unrestricted bombings of the North had shown its effectiveness but only if we had the resolve to finish the job. Of course, like Japan, it would require a long term commitment to occupation for true change to take root.
"Because Americans like me have finally conceded we can’t make a difference in the Middle East" sounds a lot like John Kerry several years ago and then we saw peace accords agreed to in Middle Eastern countries. I don't believe there will every be long standing peace in that area like many others. And, at the same time, the same can be said for Ukraine and its surrounding area. How long have we seen fighting in this region? Throughout our lives, yes. And going back 500, 800, how many years?

In an effort of our refusing to lose our young warriors in hopeless causes we're integrating our young warriors in another hopeless cause? Therein lies a part of my skepticism. It's okay to intervene in a European crisis but not a Middle Eastern crisis? The distinction is found in ethnicity. "We've not seen war in Europe in how many years" was an early mantra and we (USA) were in this middle of this shit less than a decade ago.

If you want to label this "whataboutism" that's good with me. I believe it bears noting because there's no denying most are identifying with the victims of this in Ukraine more so than any other event like it over the last twenty or more years. Where's the distinction? The Western media has basically ignored the other atrocities while giving this undivided attention.

The duplicity here shouldn't set well with anyone. I wonder how people hear "Putin's forces bombed a hospital and it should be a war crime" and then hear "oops" when other forces have done the same; including our own.


And look where we are today. Saudi Arabia's oil = good. Putin's oil = bad. And both countries are doing things how much differently other than the race and ethnicity of those being attacked?
And look where we are today. Saudi Arabia's oil = good. Putin's oil = bad. And both countries are doing things how much differently other than the race and ethnicity of those being attacked?
Saudi ARabia gets the benefit of being a Muslim country. Some religions are allowed to act however they want according to a lot of folks on the left and in the media (mostly a redundancy to list both).
Saudi ARabia gets the benefit of being a Muslim country. Some religions are allowed to act however they want according to a lot of folks on the left and in the media (mostly a redundancy to list both).
We're back to an earlier thought of mine when I mentioned "white, European country" but you're using Muslim versus Orthodox Christianity.

This has been mentioned a few times in this thread.

You know what, I think this is a long-term tragedy,” he replied. “We’re watching people get slaughtered. And we’re going to watch it for years to come.
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