You lost me on comparing Russia and Saudi Arabia. One’s a major global power and the other’s not. That you’re saying it’s related to race or ethnicity is stunning. However, one thing I know … there’s little chance changing opinions once race is thrown into the mix. People who view events through the prism of race are like those Bama fans who view everything through Crimson colored glasses. Both only see what they want to see and they always attribute nefarious motives to those with whom they disagree."Because Americans like me have finally conceded we can’t make a difference in the Middle East" sounds a lot like John Kerry several years ago and then we saw peace accords agreed to in Middle Eastern countries. I don't believe there will every be long standing peace in that area like many others. And, at the same time, the same can be said for Ukraine and its surrounding area. How long have we seen fighting in this region? Throughout our lives, yes. And going back 500, 800, how many years?
In an effort of our refusing to lose our young warriors in hopeless causes we're integrating our young warriors in another hopeless cause? Therein lies a part of my skepticism. It's okay to intervene in a European crisis but not a Middle Eastern crisis? The distinction is found in ethnicity. "We've not seen war in Europe in how many years" was an early mantra and we (USA) were in this middle of this shit less than a decade ago.
If you want to label this "whataboutism" that's good with me. I believe it bears noting because there's no denying most are identifying with the victims of this in Ukraine more so than any other event like it over the last twenty or more years. Where's the distinction? The Western media has basically ignored the other atrocities while giving this undivided attention.
The duplicity here shouldn't set well with anyone. I wonder how people hear "Putin's forces bombed a hospital and it should be a war crime" and then hear "oops" when other forces have done the same; including our own.
And look where we are today. Saudi Arabia's oil = good. Putin's oil = bad. And both countries are doing things how much differently other than the race and ethnicity of those being attacked?
So, to be clear, my reasons have absolutely zero to do with race … period! They have everything to do with America’s national interest and America’s role as a stabilizing force for good in the world. If you don’t see how Russia invading Ukraine is different because it has negative implications for both then I’m at a loss … just as I am with your labeling of what I laid out as “whataboutism”. I didn’t try to change the subject and I certainly didn’t try to avoid discussing your assertions. Your claim is Americans as a whole base their support about where America should intervene militarily on race isn’t supported by the post WWII historical record. Americans support intervention when our leaders make a clear and compelling argument for why our intervention is in our national interest and is the right thing to do. Both components must be true or most Americans won’t support it. Taking control of Canada and their economy would certainly be in America’s interest but it wouldn’t be right. Intervening in Saudi Arabia wouldn’t be in America’s national interest even though it’s the right thing to do. Getting involved in two SE Asia wars were in America and the free world’s best interests and were the right things to do. Not finishing both turned the right thing to do upside down … especially in Viet Nam. At least in Korea we were willing to persevere in winning half of the war … but the North Korean people have paid a heavy price for only half a victory. Many of us thought America and Americans had learned our lesson until we once again saw our nation’s inability to see victory through in Iraq and Afghanistan. So, as I said, I don’t support sending our young warriors into combat anywhere, including Ukraine, if our nation doesn’t have the resolve to complete the job and make the lost lives mean something. Race and ethnicity don’t come into play.
Those Americans who want America to stop being the global leader for good will eventually see just how badly that turns out for the world and for America. History shows us that the lessons of the past repeat themselves over and over again in the future with only the actors changing. Allowing China and Russia to fill the vacuum left by America’s withdrawal from the world stage will usher in dramatic and far reaching negative results for the free world and for America. Western Europe and America sat back in the 1930’s and allowed Germany, Japan and much less so Italy a free hand to serve their own despicable aims and it took 60 million lives and a world war to restore some semblance of order. Though the mistake made by the left to coddle Stalin and the Soviet Union in the aftermath cost millions upon millions of people their freedom and America tens of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.