| FTBL ULM, come get some!



I don't know about you guys but I'm past my 24 hr pissing and moaning over the loss. It's time to move on! It's the beginning of a brand new week and it's time to recompose ourselves as Bama fans.

I almost feel sorry for the ULM team coming into our home. I know CNS and staff are going to teach our boys a lesson from last weekend. I know they are also going to put some fire back in their eyes. but I think Bama is going to come in and play lights out. This last home game is going to be a great moral booster for Bama. It might just be the game we needed to regroup and refocus as a team. Two games left in the regular season. This game should be almost a scrimage for us. Hopefully nobody will get hurt and hopefully we will have a stellar performance. This is what we need to fuel us into going to the Plains to finally and hopefully end the dreaded losing streak.

I say lets not dwell on the coulda, shoulda, and woulda's of last weekend anymore this week and start to prepare for the beatdown we are going to hand out to ULM!!!! :ele

RTR a$# a$# a$# a$# a$#

TidePride50 said:
If you lived in MS like me, you wouldnt be past it yet. It was a rough morning today. :cry:

I work with several MSU fans. Thankfully most called in sick. Probably still hung over from celebrating :oops:. Just pat them on the back and tell them "you're welcome" since we gave them that game :lol: . I for one was not impressed by MSU regardless of forced turnovers or their ONE drive.

But enough about them :lol:

My gut is telling me the Tide is going to steamroll ULM!! a$#
BamaDelta said:
kudzu said:
Hopefully! We can use this game as a tune up game to the big one.

I sure hope so! If we don't..... :shock:

I should of added a disclaimer to my initial post :lol: ....

"This thread is intended for positive reinforcement only"

I sure hope nobody goes on suicide watch if we don't go over 7-5 this season :lol: . Based off the pre-season predicitions, surely you guys included AU as one of the possible losses and ULM as a def. "W". So far, the season is about in-line with the pre-season predicitions, if not exceeded mine (not by score). If we lose to the Barn, the season is not a wash for me. If we win, its glorious icing on the cake. But until then, I'm done worrying about it. I don't know about you guys but I'm counting down the days to it (12 more days)!

Let's all keep a level head and try to stay positive guys/gals! We as fans need to keep our head up and put the past in the past. Might as well face the storm head-on and make ther most of it! This season is NOT over and there is no reason to quit on your team as a fan now, or ever for that matter! Without believing you can do it, chances are slim to none for success.

reger60 said:
Tider 27 said:
We absolutely needed this game going into Auburn. This should put some fire under our players, and hopefully be a big win.

I'm starting to think you're right. This might a terrific blessing in disguise.

Just now starting to figure out I'm right? :D
reger60 said:
Tider 27 said:
We absolutely needed this game going into Auburn. This should put some fire under our players, and hopefully be a big win.

I'm starting to think you're right. This might a terrific blessing in disguise.

i most certainly agree.

here is how i see it playing out:

ULM comes to T-town this weekend and bama is pissed. i believe we absolutly run these guys in the dirt and take that energy to that dump in auburn.

meanwhile the barn is still moaning over their loss to UGA and are kind of down in the crapper still, so we commence to running them in the dirt.

just the way i see it. :lol:
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