Tomorrow I will accomplish something that I started 36 years ago . . .

Congrats fellow Alum. I also recentl graduated from UA after a 20 year break. I went my freshman year (1 semester) then joined the Army. I graduated Aug 2010.

Oh, and one more thing. I assume you are doing the walk. You should. When you are sitting there among all those young ones take it all in. Its probably the first time I've ever felt like something was all about me. It was worth it. Enjoy the time for you.
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Congratulations Factor! Are you walking at the ceremony?

Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. First of all, I've already spent enough money in the process, and with it being so close to Christmas and all, I've decided to pass. Second, my daughter has a Cotillion Lead Out & Ball tomorrow that I need to attend.

Thanks for the congrats and for asking.
Congrats fellow Alum. I also recentl graduated from UA after a 20 year break. I went my freshman year (1 semester) then joined the Army. I graduated Aug 2010.

Oh, and one more thing. I assume you are doing the walk. You should. When you are sitting there among all those young ones take it all in. Its probably the first time I've ever felt like something was all about me. It was worth it. Enjoy the time for you.

Thank you RTinGA for the congrats and also for your service and duty. RTR! I do know that the walk would have been special but other circumstances won't allow it. I've walked two other times, so I have an idea of exactly the feeling you were able to experience. I'm glad you got the opportunity.
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Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. First of all, I've already spent enough money in the process, and with it being so close to Christmas and all, I've decided to pass. Second, my daughter has a Cotillion Lead Out & Ball tomorrow that I need to attend.

Thanks for the congrats and for asking.

I didn't walk at mine either... kinda regretted it afterwards, but that was mainly because Namath walked at that particular graduation, so it would have been neat to be out there just to witness that. Anyway, hang that diploma proudly! You earned it!
Thanks Jeff, Lance, and BamaPride for the congrats--they're greatly appreciated.

@ Porter: Hate to hear that you missed out on that opportunity. Yep, walking during the same ceremony as Namath would have been memorable, indeed.

I believe GMac walks tomorrow.
Thanks Howard, Phil, and AFF for the congrats.

It felt good to go to a social function last night and not feel like I needed to be home working on a paper or project.

Looking forward to enjoying the MLB season without feeling guilty about watching a game for a change!
Congratulations! Noting and celebrating a great accomplishment, particularly one that's been a long time coming, isn't prideful. This is a place to celebrate joyous events.

Besides, we can have only so many threads about our mediocratic, slouchy, overpaid coaching staff.
Congratulations! Noting and celebrating a great accomplishment, particularly one that's been a long time coming, isn't prideful. This is a place to celebrate joyous events.

Besides, we can have only so many threads about our mediocratic, slouchy, overpaid coaching staff.

Thank you, Tim. Too bad I'm not closer to Tuscaloosa & B'Ham, you could show me that watering hole in Greensboro you've talked about . . .that is if it's still around.
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