| FTBL Thinking about Va Tech a bit this morning...and a few things jump out at me.


There are two ways to look at this Va. Tech team for 2013.

One view is based on last season that finished with a record of 7-6.

Another is going farther back and seeing a team that had eight, consecutive, 10 win seasons.

Should college football expect a "bounce-back" from the Hokies in 2013? Perhaps, but I tend to lean towards one other point that you can find in all of those 10 win seasons.

If we drop back to the 2000 season we can only find four seasons where VT didn't lose back to back ball games. Yeah, that's a staggering eight seasons—including the four years before the 2012 season—where they drop a ball and and then proceed to lose the game the following weekend.

What does that tell me? VT is a team that has a hard time putting a loss behind them and focusing on the new "task at hand."

Setting records aside. Setting the last context versus Bama aside. What was the struggle this past season for the Hokies?

One can certainly point to the offensive side of the ball and specifically point to production from the QB position. Logan Thomas finished the year with 16 interceptions while completing a whopping 51% of his passes.

Now, in any other year with any other team a change in the QB coach would seem to be a smart move. Va Tech made the move by hiring Scot Loeffler. Loeffler has been tasked to work on things like Logan's flawed throwing mechanics.

Should that move be something that causes pause? Before answering that question ask his former employer, Auburn. How did their QB position work out in 2012? Anyone? If you'd like a broader base to sample perhaps go to the employer before Auburn, Florida? And just how did Tebow's mechanics improve under Loeffler's tutelage?

You'll find a good number of Hokie fans point to their offensive line as a primary cause of the lack of production last season. It's still a unit in flux with a lot of positions left to be won. Jeff Grimes has that task.

Yes, that Jeff Grimes.

Oh, and changing the subject just slightly.

The Hokies were allowed to chop block for two quarters this spring. Chop blocking...you know, that thing we've heard Auburnites claim wasn't taught to their offensive linemen?
They have a solid program, and a great coach who specializes in special teams. But I don't think this team is better than the one we saw in 2009 when we beat them 34 to 24. We held Tyrod Taylor to under 100 yards passing and under 50% completion. I don't see them hanging with us this year... I just don't. History is an indicator of the future for common problems, world epidemics and other statistical categories. But with the turnover that college programs see in players, it's tough to say because they did this over 10 years, they can do that during the upcoming year.
There are two ways to look at this Va. Tech team for 2013.

One can certainly point to the offensive side of the ball and specifically point to production from the QB position. Logan Thomas finished the year with 16 interceptions while completing a whopping 51% of his passes.

Now, in any other year with any other team a change in the QB coach would seem to be a smart move. Va Tech made the move by hiring Scot Loeffler. Loeffler has been tasked to work on things like Logan's flawed throwing mechanics.

Should that move be something that causes pause? Before answering that question ask his former employer, Auburn. How did their QB position work out in 2012? Anyone? If you'd like a broader base to sample perhaps go to the employer before Auburn, Florida? And just how did Tebow's mechanics improve under Loeffler's tutelage?

Loeffler got a lot of experience a year ago working with mediocre qbs.
I think one thing Beamer has always missed at V-Tech is a physical offensive line. Look back in 09 when we beat them, there was a huge disparity in our d-line and their o-line. Logan Thomas also isn't their typical QB like Tyrod and Vick that can run east and west and create more time, he is more North-South when running. I can't really say much about Logan other than his mechanics are not that all impressive. Just get in his face and he'll for sure throw to the opposing team.
Thankfully, despite all the arguments to the contrary, I know Saban - and therefore the team - will take them seriously, which should ensure a victory for us. And that's all that matters.
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