| FTBL Things I saw in Knoxville that I've never seen in T-loosa


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1. A guy on a streetcorner on the Strip selling white T-shirts with orange letters that say "I've Had My Phil" (Please Retire!)

I don't ever recall seeing shirts calling for Shula to be fired.

2. Large numbers of Bama fans in every section of Neyland, including the high rent, fat cat booster sections. Two years ago, I did not see many Auburn fans outside of their allotted sections. And you can be sure that Vol fans here in middle Tenn. noticed that the fat cats sold off their tickets to Bama fans...one more reason they say Phil should go.

3. The Tennessee fan sitting beside me yelled for Alabama very loudly the whole game from the opening kickoff. I remember seeing us up on Auburn at halftime and being excited and really yelling for our team, but I also was telling myself that if we won, Shula saved his job. I am not condemning this Vol fan, because I know how he felt. I just couldn't bring myself to pull against our kids two years ago.

The amazing thing to me, however, is not that this Vol fan was yelling for Bama. The amazing thing is none of the Vol fans around cared. Can you imagine the reaction from Bama fans if one Bama fan in their midst was yelling for Auburn from the opening kickoff?
Re: Things I saw in Knoxville that I've never seen in T-loos

BamaGradinTN said:
Can you imagine the reaction from Bama fans if one Bama fan in their midst was yelling for Auburn from the opening kickoff?

That is definitely disturbing.

I would think if that happened here, that fan would be removed from the section simply because if they continued, then a riot might break out and a severe lashing :lol:
Wow. Not sure who went to the game, but my experience was great. VOL fans from our Hotel, to the "Bar" and at the game were all mostly cordial. The bama fans were great as well. Everyone that I met or passed by greeted you with a "Roll Tide".

We sat at section JJ on row 31. All of the Bama fans were awesome and making some noise. More so on the Rammer Jammer for some reason. ;scr

If time permits today, I will upload some some video/audio from the game off of my phone.

Wow. Not sure who went to the game, but my experience was great. VOL fans from our Hotel, to the "Bar" and at the game were all mostly cordial. The bama fans were great as well. Everyone that I met or passed by greeted you with a "Roll Tide".

Thats called 'season concession'

Every Vile fan I talked to acted like a spoiled kid thats not getting their way. As far as I'm concerned, they can all kiss it...
The UT campus was DEAD!!!! Very unlike any UT game Ive ever been too. It was like UT fans knew what was coming and they seemed relieved when it finally did come. :?

We told our UT fan buddies that we thought this was a rivalry game and unfortunately it seemed like a Sunbelt contest. No excitement at all!

Tickets were everywhere (Way unlike my previous trips to Neyland) we had an extra and literally couldnt find anyone to TAKE the thing. :oops: I finally gave it to another Bama fan holding up 2 tickets he was also TRYING TO GIVE away! Parking lots NEXT to the stadium (big money lots) were half full. It was just unreal at the amount of apathy within the UT people.

We had 7 people with 8 tickets (the freebie never showed up) also the 2 people in seats 1&2 on our row didnt show up....So we had 3 extra seats on our row and yet by the 2nd quarter we had one of our crew having to sit on the steps! :lol: Typical Neyland

and finally.... I at least got to have my piece with Phat Phil (at the very least a parting shot if you will)

We parked/tailgated near Vol Walk (thanks to prominent UT friends) So we stroll over to watch as we always do.....Well im about 6 or 7 people deep in line waiting to catch a glimpse of the Phat one when all of a sudden the crowd surges forward.....I find myself pushed all the way to the VERY FIRST row! (very weird and complete luck as I wasnt trying to be there) Anyway Phil leads the team down the hill and I calmly slap/(Pat due to the throng of cops only) him on the shoulder and tell him "youre going outta bidness Phil" :wink:

Props to the Bama nation..TONS of crimson throughout Neyland! cool8)
The fat-so stabbed Johnny Majors in the back to get the job, then he did all he could to take down 'Bama.

This is all poetic justice, my friends. Vol fans cheering for 'Bama is justice served in my book.

See 'ya Philly, don't let your butt get caught in the closing door.

the pics i saw around calhouns sat. of fat phil made me almost wet my pants , stayed overnight in pigeon forge and awoke to fat phil on the morning show looking like he had a bad case of hymroids and all there top 5 plays was taken from them trying to takle ,what a joy i recived this weekend
RollTide1980 said:
The fat-so stabbed Johnny Majors in the back to get the job, then he did all he could to take down 'Bama.

This is all poetic justice, my friends. Vol fans cheering for 'Bama is justice served in my book.

See 'ya Philly, don't let your butt get caught in the closing door.

Well said. :D
It's as bad in knoxville as it's been in many years. I, for one, think it's freakin' hilarious!! It is truly poetic justice. It's a classic case of "he who laughs last..."

Fullmer is due to be gone. He had a good run early on, mostly due to Manning and all that good recruiting that came afterwards. Ever since Cutcliffe left for Ole Miss, they've been patchwork and very shaky. He came back, they were more competitive, and now he's gone again. So long SUCKER!
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