| FTBL These announcers for the Sugar Bowl suck!!!

The announcers have been pretty funny tonight. They SO wanted a track meet to validate Hawaii's BCS participation. They didn't get it, so now they've been badmouthing Georgia for running up the score and playing to aggressive with their fourth quarter backups.


I heard the same talk at the end about UGA's aggressiveness. What do these announcers expect? You've got kids that may not get to play that much that get an opportunity to play in the Sugar Bowl and they expect them to go half speed? Let them score because they feel sorry for them? pfft, please
More fuel for the we hate the SEC fire.

I'm surprised they didn't start blaming this attack on the Hawaiians on George W. Bush and CNS's 3.5 million dollar salary.
Do they not get the fact that Georgia felt they should be playing for the BCS title? They wanted to make a statement to the committee that they once again got the wrong team in (IMHO)
Even the announcers in the Viles game were really slamming the SEC and talking about what a great conference the Big 10 really is.
No one wanted to admit that Hawaii did not belong in this game. Sorry, they just didn't have it. This is, after all, the same team we beat in our opener last year, and I never really bought in to all that crap about them. Go Dawgs!!
And to Hawaii's #29, you made a cheap shot on Mikey Henderson, and I wish you would have gotten what you had coming. Kweer.
Was I the only one who watched the Rose Bowl yesterday? How many times did Herbstreit tell us what a “young” team Illinois is? Talk about a broken record. OK, we got it, they’re young, we know. :roll:
Did you guys see USC rocking the bus before they got off? :shock: That was wild! I thought it was a commercial until I saw Pete Carroll stepping off the bus.

I've never thought this before but with Carroll decked out in a suit and shades he looked just like one of the players. I swear he could have passed for 21!
I heard one of the guys on ESPN Radio make this statement this morning....

"And who has played better than USC this bowl season..." He went on to talk about how they destroyed Illinois.

The same folks get upset when Georgia rocks Hawaii.

To me it's obvious that ESPN is in love with USC.

Do you think it's just by chance that "SC" shows up on every SportsCenter?
We now see why Hawaii should not have been playing in the NC game....no defense. At least not enough of one to handle a physical team like Georgia.

USC vs UGA - would have been the best NC game to watch imo.
BamaDelta said:
Did you guys see USC rocking the bus before they got off? :shock: That was wild! I thought it was a commercial until I saw Pete Carroll stepping off the bus.

I've never thought this before but with Carroll decked out in a suit and shades he looked just like one of the players. I swear he could have passed for 21!

Sounds like someone has a crush on Petee. Or holiday jet lag :wink:
CrimsonPirate said:
Speaking of announcers, I just now realized that Keith Jackson didn't do the Rose Bowl game. I figured he was a shoo-in for that gig.

Could it be his health? I hear his voice a lot now but never see him anymore? Loved listening to him call Bama games growing up.
The topic of discussion that really got my goat, was the bs about how it was disappointing Hawaii didn't get there offense going because people wanted to see it. NOT ONCE did they say what a great job Georgia did to shut it down!
So sorry... but Fran Tarkenton looked terrible... Can I donate a couple of bucks for him to get a haircut and some sun on those pasty white cheeks?
The topic of discussion that really got my goat, was the bs about how it was disappointing Hawaii didn't get there offense going because people wanted to see it. NOT ONCE did they say what a great job Georgia did to shut it down!

FOX obviously wanted another Boise/OU-type contest this year at UGA's expense and it didn't work out for them. Poor widdle things! :roll:
bamafan4ever said:
The topic of discussion that really got my goat, was the bs about how it was disappointing Hawaii didn't get there offense going because people wanted to see it. NOT ONCE did they say what a great job Georgia did to shut it down!

FOX obviously wanted another Boise/OU-type contest this year at UGA's expense and it didn't work out for them. Poor widdle things! :roll:

I just don't understand it. I watched the USC vs Illinois game and all I heard was how great USC was and that they were one of the best teams. However, flip on the Hawaii vs Georgia game and all you hear is how mean Georgia is.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is football, right? Hawaii was terribly overrated and Georgia exposed that. If I walk down the street, my buddies and I can play the local 100 pounders and I'm sure we can rack up 50 points and look amazing, but when we step on the field against a college team, we'd be exposed for the phonies we are. I'm really disappointed in FOX for ruining a great game for the SEC by villainizing Georgia for beating them. Should they have put in their backups from the get go and let Hawaii play their kind of football? Ugh. Sickening.

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