Terror camp in Alabama, DHS, and gameday ops

Sgt. Lincoln Osiris

Lead farmer
Just had a rather startling conversation with a friend that works in the food business on campus. He stated that he just got out of a meeting with the Gameday Event team and shared some information with me that has me taken aback, frankly, and also confirms concerns that I've had for years.

He stated that DHS is setting up a 1 mile walking-only perimeter around the stadium on game days. It's been sort of like that already, but without federal involvement. DHS is saying that their Intel has found that Bama football home games are a new #1 target for mass terror plots.

This all makes sense considering there's been a known training camp in Marion, AL, just a short 40 miles from Tuscaloosa, for at least 15+ years. The ABC news article linked below was from 2002. How this place has been allowed to exist at all, but especially for this long, makes no sense to me.

Alleged Terror Training Camp in Ala.

Add to that fact that former DHS Secretary (now Trump's Chief of Staff) confirmed as recently as 4 months ago, that investigations into suspected terror camps within all 50 states (Bama included) has ramped up.

Is there an open terror investigation in Alabama? DHS Sec. John Kelly says yes - Yellowhammer News

What does this mean for the overall gameday experience? I would imagine not much as far as inconvenience. Most fans are accustomed to walking far greater distances than the proposed 1-mile perimeter. There might be a larger presence of federal vehicles around campus, including humvees and or MRAPs. But vehicle traffic outside of authorized shuttles, school dignitaties, and vendors, etc will be shut down completely. I'd also expect to see vehicle checkpoints scattered along all main roadways surrounding the stadium within the perimeter.

Sad state of the world we live in now, folks.
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All large attendee events are targets. College, NFL, MLB, NBA, concerts, parades, etc. We saw what happened at the Boston Marathon and the Ariana Grande concert.

It's almost impossible to distinguish the good buys from the bad guys.
All large attendee events are targets. College, NFL, MLB, NBA, concerts, parades, etc. We saw what happened at the Boston Marathon and the Ariana Grande concert.

It's almost impossible to distinguish the good buys from the bad guys.

Yeah, but the fact that BDS is the #1 target now is a bit unsettling.

Agreed on the Manchester/ Grande concert bombing bringing bigger awareness. The fact that it's not in England, France, or New York... It's now right in OUR front yard... Is the really unsettling part.
I caught hell a few years back on another board because I posted what I felt was alarming info.

I saw a beat up van, with 2 obvious muzzies in it, driving up and down Wallace Wade a couple times, checking out BDS. Not in a sightseeing kind of manner. It appeared to me like they were casing it out.

People laughed it off. It appears NOW that I may have been onto something.
Always a good idea to keep your eyes open and pay attention. I'm a firm believer in the 2nd amendment.


What worries me is let's say the perimeter prevents a muzzy with a Penske truck full of exolosives driving up to the stadium. That's all well and good.

But there is any number of HUNDREDS of pockets of crowds anywhere from 100-1,000 people in a 50-100ft radius, well within the blast range of an explosive vest that can be easily concealed under an oversized Walmarks Bama jersey... Well outside the 1 mile stadium radius.

How are the checkpoints going to prevent THAT?
Not sure you can prevent everything, but you can be alert and notify authorities when you see things that don't add up.

I don't get worried about this kind of stuff, but I will say North Korea has my attention.
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