| CURRENT EVENTS Some of these protest, and protesters, fascinate me to no end.


I'm trying to wrap my mind around the thought process some of these people walk through.

As example: "I'm convicted about this situation to the point I need to go there and join fellow protesters. BUT, I don't want anyone to know it's me that's protesting?"

What the .... why cover your face is your conviction is this strong?

No keyboard to hide behind when you actually show up. The only courage they muster is by being in a crowd of those of like mind.

Everybody's a badass on fakebook and twitter. Say what you want without fear of consequence. Not so much in real life.
#1: get that bullhorn out of my face when you're standing 2 feet from me. talk to me like a civilized person or get the fuck outta my face

#2: i've noticed, too, that they all hide their faces. i guess they don't want anyone to know who it really is. i have no trouble showing my ugly mug in public, whey do they. if i have something to say, i'll say it without a mask on to hide my identity. i have nothing to hide when i speak. and if my words or actions make you sad or piss you off, so be it.
#1: get that bullhorn out of my face when you're standing 2 feet from me
It's eerily similar to the Mizzou professor blocking reporters from covering the mess they dealt with a few years ago. IE: We're here protesting but we don't want you here, covering our protest. Color me confused.

I still wondering if I'm actually seeing this clearly. They are there protesting but they don't want anyone to know they are there protesting.

What makes it even more peculiar is when we see people making comparisons with ICE to slavery and a few other human rights endeavours.
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