| FTBL some general observations about our QB commitments/players


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JPW will probably only be legitimately challenged by GM in the off season.

looking back at tape reels from high school (unless there's been some dramatic change on their part) this is what i noticed about the underling QBs.

1) Fanuzzi looks like a softer throwing JPW. He doesn't appear to run any faster than JP although does appear to have better pocket presence and awareness. He's bigger by a little which will help in taking an SEC beating. He has good upside in both footwork and armstrength.

2) Star Jackson looks like he could be twice as fast as he is. He looks soft in general both in throwing and running. the S&C program along with a crapload of throwing at Alabama will have him looking very dangerous at QB after 1 or 2 years but i doubt before then. He lofts the ball a lot even on short passes. His pocket presence/awareness is the best of all the QBs we have at this time. He has tremendous upside in the speed/running area and i'm sure his arm strength could be a lot better.

3) Greg McElroy appears to have a stronger and more accurate arm than all of the QBs on our roster... though arguably not stronger than JP? His footwork is enough to get by but not anything to write home about. Better feet than JP, but not much upside in that part of his game i don't believe.

from seeing what i've seen on video and last year's spring game and what little time these guys had on the field, GM is definitely #2 followed by NF and SJ.

of course this doesn't at all take into consideration leadership or other intangibles which are just as important at the college level so... i wish all these young men the best and i hope they work their butts off and make Alabama proud.
i think right now JP is def. going to be the starter next season (unless, god forbid he suffers an injury). Star Jackson is our future imho. alot of ppl want to see Fanuzi or McElroy start next year (my pops including) but i just dont see it. the thing about JP that just pisses me off all the time is how he NEVER sets his damn feet. everytime u see him throwing a pass its off his back foot. i figured that Major Applewhite would be able to fix that, but i should've known better since Shula wasnt able to do it seeing how Shula is one of the better QBs Coach there is (imo).
Good observations.

Not trying to detract from what I see being good summation of our QB's, but everybody always states the same thing about arm strength.

I understand it is important and that we don't need a lame duck coming out of the QB's arm everytime he throws the ball. Having said that. Arm strength I don't think is an issue with any of our QB's. Granted we haven't seen a bullet come out of the pocket that even resembles anything close to what Brody could do, but So What IMO the issue with our QB's dating back to Brody is accuracy and not arm strength. I have seen enough from our starter and two back ups to see that we need guys that can hit the receivers while being pressured. All I heard from announcers the last few games on TV was how piss poor JPW's footwork was once he got pressured and got his bell rung once or twice. Granted it is really easy for me to say this from the comfort of my living room couch, but it was painfully obvious to all that watched to see the validity of that statement.

We need accuracy more than anything else from whomever steps behind the center next fall. I don't care if it is Star Jackson, John Parker, or freakin Jimmy Johns. I want to see our QB get whiplash on one play and get up and throw a strike on a rope on the next. (granted that is an exaggeration, but you see my point)
Re: some general observations about our QB commitments/playe

jdpas29 said:
JPW will probably only be legitimately challenged by GM in the off season.

looking back at tape reels from high school (unless there's been some dramatic change on their part) this is what i noticed about the underling QBs.

1) Fanuzzi looks like a softer throwing JPW. He doesn't appear to run any faster than JP although does appear to have better pocket presence and awareness. He's bigger by a little which will help in taking an SEC beating. He has good upside in both footwork and armstrength.

2) Star Jackson looks like he could be twice as fast as he is. He looks soft in general both in throwing and running. the S&C program along with a crapload of throwing at Alabama will have him looking very dangerous at QB after 1 or 2 years but i doubt before then. He lofts the ball a lot even on short passes. His pocket presence/awareness is the best of all the QBs we have at this time. He has tremendous upside in the speed/running area and i'm sure his arm strength could be a lot better.

3) Greg McElroy appears to have a stronger and more accurate arm than all of the QBs on our roster... though arguably not stronger than JP? His footwork is enough to get by but not anything to write home about. Better feet than JP, but not much upside in that part of his game i don't believe.

from seeing what i've seen on video and last year's spring game and what little time these guys had on the field, GM is definitely #2 followed by NF and SJ.

of course this doesn't at all take into consideration leadership or other intangibles which are just as important at the college level so... i wish all these young men the best and i hope they work their butts off and make Alabama proud.

I think McElroy indeed has the stronger arm over JPW.
In warmups? I would like to make a better observation with someone breathing down his neck, or after he gets knocked down a couple of times and see how strong his arm is, before i say his arm is stronger!!
rammerjammer said:
Good observations.

Not trying to detract from what I see being good summation of our QB's, but everybody always states the same thing about arm strength.

I understand it is important and that we don't need a lame duck coming out of the QB's arm everytime he throws the ball. Having said that. Arm strength I don't think is an issue with any of our QB's. Granted we haven't seen a bullet come out of the pocket that even resembles anything close to what Brody could do, but So What IMO the issue with our QB's dating back to Brody is accuracy and not arm strength. I have seen enough from our starter and two back ups to see that we need guys that can hit the receivers while being pressured. All I heard from announcers the last few games on TV was how piss poor JPW's footwork was once he got pressured and got his bell rung once or twice. Granted it is really easy for me to say this from the comfort of my living room couch, but it was painfully obvious to all that watched to see the validity of that statement.

We need accuracy more than anything else from whomever steps behind the center next fall. I don't care if it is Star Jackson, John Parker, or freakin Jimmy Johns. I want to see our QB get whiplash on one play and get up and throw a strike on a rope on the next. (granted that is an exaggeration, but you see my point)

I agree that accuracy is key to the position as well as toughness. However I am concerned that JPW may have irreversible psychological issues dating back to last year. I mean he had the living hell knocked out of him. Our line play was improved this year but it was pretty evident that all it took was one blown assignment, resulting in a blow to the sternum, and we began to see happy feet again. His inability to step into the throws were the root cause of inaccuracy. This seemed to get worse as the season wore on. I also think he lacked the ability to put a mistake behind him and move on.

I think its unreasonable to think that he won't be the starter in 08 because of his experience. I really hope that he can get his head back on straight and have a hell of a year. I know this may sound like a stretch but DJ and Brown leaving may actually benefit JPW mentally if he can step up and take ownership of the offense. Atleast he won't be staring down DJ anymore straight from the snap.
BamaJay73 said:
Sorry guys, but JP will be the starter for 08. You really think a frosh with no experience will jump a starting senior?

I think there is a very good chance that when spring practice ends, the QB position will be "open", and I don't think that will be coachspeak. In the end it will be hard for any of the other guys to unseat Wilson, but certainly not impossible. The thing that Wilson has going for him is experience, but he does not seem to be progressing like he should. He has left the door wide open in my opinion. My darkhorse in the race is Fanuzzi though, I think he has the best chance to win the job at this point.
I see JPW starting next season, but any sign of getting rattled and playing like he is running for his life will be Coach Saban letting others getting a chance at it.

I think other than JPW's footwork it is also his field vision, looking receivers off along with his rolling out of the pocket being his problem. Far to many times did he roll out only to throw the ball away or stare at the first receiver waiting on him to get open. I agree with Bran, Fanuzzi IMHO will be next in line.
Porterhouse said:
BamaJay73 said:
Sorry guys, but JP will be the starter for 08. You really think a frosh with no experience will jump a starting senior?

I think there is a very good chance that when spring practice ends, the QB position will be "open", and I don't think that will be coachspeak. In the end it will be hard for any of the other guys to unseat Wilson, but certainly not impossible. The thing that Wilson has going for him is experience, but he does not seem to be progressing like he should. He has left the door wide open in my opinion. My darkhorse in the race is Fanuzzi though, I think he has the best chance to win the job at this point.

Dead on. JPW better get his feet on the ground and his head in the game. We want competition on the practice field. That being said, I hope competition, progression and leadership skills earns someone a starting role not just because they are a Jr or a Sr.
Porterhouse said:
BamaJay73 said:
Sorry guys, but JP will be the starter for 08. You really think a frosh with no experience will jump a starting senior?

I think there is a very good chance that when spring practice ends, the QB position will be "open", and I don't think that will be coachspeak. In the end it will be hard for any of the other guys to unseat Wilson, but certainly not impossible. The thing that Wilson has going for him is experience, but he does not seem to be progressing like he should. He has left the door wide open in my opinion. My darkhorse in the race is Fanuzzi though, I think he has the best chance to win the job at this point.

I think it was the plan this year to work Fanuzzi in to the rotation and transition to him. It did not happen because he was hurt in practice.
If our Oline improves then any QB will become better even air ball Wilson. :lol: Although it would be nice to see someone make him work harder for the position. Plus, it would also be nice for us the fans to know that we do have a good strong back-up QB in waiting.

Giving the fact I myself don't know much about our new receiver core. Our Oline/Dline has to improve massively or we will have another so-so season. The WHOLE team has got to improve not just the QB. We've got to score "WHEN" we make in the red zone.

I would not mind seeing an option from the QB position. Hell, everyone we play knows JPW is not going to run on you. Right? So maybe like most teams have a little mix up every now and then. Guess well see what CNS can come up with.
I do agree we need some type of change up player or some packages for certain playes behind center.

Something to force defences to adjust in game.
kudzu said:
I do agree we need some type of change up player or some packages for certain playes behind center.

Something to force defences to adjust in game.

Didn't we do it with Palmer? I remember him playing some QB sometimes.
Optimus said:
kudzu said:
I do agree we need some type of change up player or some packages for certain playes behind center.

Something to force defences to adjust in game.

Didn't we do it with Palmer? I remember him playing some QB sometimes.

Yup, Palmer caused headaches for opposing defences.
QB,RB and kick returns. We need that type of player and plays in a bad way.
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