| FTBL So what new player are you looking forward to see on the field this year?


The Rowdy One
I think the QB battle is going to be fun to watch and expect both to play a good bit this year but I am going to go with Dee Hart as my player to watch the most, i have a feeling this kid is going to be running all over the field


Bama already has the best Defensive Backfield and the best Linebacking corp in thes SEC. That means that opponents need to be able to pick up 4 yards via the run to keep the chains moving. With our 3-4, we need an answer at the NT position to suck up blockers like Cody did. Jesse is the unknown with the potential to be that answer. If he plays like I suspect that he can, then this D will be really special and will keep games close enough for TR and the gang to out score everyone.

Plus, the sport in general needs to have the "Jesse"s of the world succeed so that it gets exposure.
i first thought of vinnie but figured with our depth at LB he may not play much this year....at least not early in the year. Like LBS said i see jessie having a huge impact on the overall success of our defense...much the same way cody did.

Bama already has the best Defensive Backfield and the best Linebacking corp in thes SEC. That means that opponents need to be able to pick up 4 yards via the run to keep the chains moving. With our 3-4, we need an answer at the NT position to suck up blockers like Cody did. Jesse is the unknown with the potential to be that answer. If he plays like I suspect that he can, then this D will be really special and will keep games close enough for TR and the gang to out score everyone.

Plus, the sport in general needs to have the "Jesse"s of the world succeed so that it gets exposure.

Really, the comparison I've heard with Jesse is Marcell Dareus where he can play inside and out. Regardless I would imagine Josh Chapman remains our Nose the majority of the time...

Im lookin forward to seeing Mark Barron Jr... I mean HaHa Dix lol and Dee Hart.
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I am curious to see if Cyrus Kouandjio is as good as advertised and, if so, whether he is good enough to crack the starting line-up. There are also four new guys on D who aren't getting much chatter, but that I suspect may be able to make early impacts and they are: Pagan, Dickson, Petway, and Fanning - especially Pagan and Dickson.
The whole damn team :hyper::hyper::dazed::dazed::panic::panic::lol:......but if I had to pick one player....offense will be Hart or Carter. Defense will be DePriest...without question. Special Teams......Sunseri...hes gonna be a headhunter.
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