| FTBL Should the SEC adopt instant replay challenges?

Should the SEC adopt instant replay challenges?

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What say you guys? I just saw a stat that said since the BigTen has been using it this season 20 calls were challenged, and of those 9 were over turned. That's 45% of the challenged calls.
No! TV games are long enough as it is! Plus man you just know that calls will go your way and against you and hope there are more for you than against you, as far as stripes missing calls!!!!

All I really want is some more consistency in calls, like holding and interference! Those are very subjective/judgement calls! Like tonights interference call against Robinson, I really felt that ball was not catchable!! Plus there were about 5 hold calls that were missed! But I don't think that Instan RePlay would do nothing but disrupt the game even more!
irratated as usuall, but as long as the calls were made with consistency, then you can't complain that much. If you are going to use IRP, then why even have the stripes on the field. Just get all the cameras going and review each play from upstairs!
I would vote for it if the coaches could decide which plays to challenge, as in the NFL. I think it will make it a more even playing field but I dont like the way the Big Ten is reviewing calls.
I'm gonna so no. What the league really needs is stricter consequences on officials who make obviously poor calls. :?
irratated as usuall, but as long as the calls were made with consistency, then you can't complain that much. If you are going to use IRP, then why even have the stripes on the field. Just get all the cameras going and review each play from upstairs!

Ok that makes no sense what so ever. No stripes on the field. How are you even going to have flags at all if ther is no one there to call it.
RollTideRandy said:
I'm gonna so no. What the league really needs is stricter consequences on officials who make obviously poor calls. :?

I think they should go back to the way it used to be before kramer took over. Where the top refs were on the big games and they got graded.
I think it takes away from the game if you put in instant replay. Its college football, the greatest sport around. Bad calls are a part of the college game, to me the raw aspect of the game is what its all about. In other words, why go the pro route, I like being able to place blame on a college ref. :D
I still think that any game...college or pro...should end one way or another directly due to the results of a botched call! Fla would have beaten tenn. earlier! I'm sure there are other examples and even some yet to come. Remember one of those td's given to hawaii last year when the receiver bobbled the ball,or the td given when the receiver clearly ran out of bounds w/o being forced? Just something to consider!RTR :roll:
...you just know that calls will go your way and against you and hope there are more for you than against you, as far as stripes missing calls!!!!

This is some horrible reasoning. Also, bad calls are part of the game?? Then I guess we should just take the * off of Barry's homers 'cause steroids are just part of the game...

This play alone shows why there should be instant replay in sports....& why this particular kind of call (or no-call) should be allowed to be reviewed....


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