| PICK 'EM 🚨 2021's "Pick 'em" - Through Week 11, three still remain standing.

I'm Not pulling against Bama of course, but I couldn't go through another tie like year 1.
Also when I changed my strategy, UGA was locked in and Bama wasn't so I had to make a choice. You're strategy let you keep both until last week. Unfortunately mine didn't.
I hope I lose, but when I compete, I use all the data I have and make the best choice.
I honestly hoped most of you would eliminate yourself. I guess too many champions in the room 😎
Good luck everyone!! Wish I could have made the last game interesting but Jimbo laid an egg for me. I'm guessing it will be a 3 or 4 way tie now. Still not sure why we aren't down to 3? Maybe rules changed. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I guess I never read the fine print that you aren't allowed to pick against an SEC team. Welp.
That a bit on me. I had that written in on every page last season. When the software pushed it last update that code would work within this edition. I've not added it back in (among a lot of other things I haven't done.)
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