| LIFE Pictures from the weekend


The Rowdy One
Just a few while out hunting the last day









Universe 2, turkeys 1, Che 0 was the final tally this beautiful Sunday.

Hunted this AM and had 4 different gobblers blaring their heads off at 0600.

These turkeys have henned up quickly my last 2 x here, so I setup on edge of hay field that they have cut across the last 2 mornings.

Of course, they skirted the field and went around me onto the neighbors property. Wet, cold and dejected I listened to them gobble until 815 and tried helplessly to lure them away from their ladies.

After breakfast, I headed to a blind on the other end of the hay field and setup the decoys. About 1145 two young gobblers strolled out in full strut and took about 20 min to close 150 yds toward my decoys.

After some purring and a bit of patience they finally closed with 35 yds. I flipped the safety and "click!" First misfire my trusty old moss berg has ever had going on 23 yrs of slaying turkeys.

Now, I was in a predicament, but managed to cycle in a new shell. The birds ran away about 20-25 yds, but some soft yelping got them back on azimuth toward my blind and decoys.

However, not fully convinced, they hung up at about 50 yds. Full strut, just tempting to push the limit of where I feel comfortable shooting. AGONY, as this lasted what must have been 3 lifetimes.

Finally, the lead bird broke from strut and started feeding toward me. At about 45 yds, I was ready to end this torture ... just when, the neighbor and his grandkids drive down the easement through the hay field to enjoy the fishing pond on such a lovely day.

Foolishly, I squeezed off a shot at the bobbing, half trotting head of the closest bird as it moved toward the woodline.

Not a feather was stirred and 2 young turkeys just got a bit smarter.

First misfire and first turkey missed with my old friend ... both on the same day.
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