| LIFE ***Official Daily Dose of Ineptitude*** (enter at own risk)

However, I did get a little worried myself last night. I took a few hydros about 8:00. At 9:30ish I wasn't feeling much, so I took a few more. Got in bed about 10:00 and began noticing that I had to remind myself to breathe. I would lay there and all of a sudden gasp for a breath, because I had stopped instinctively taking them. This feeling continued for quite a while. I got pretty freaked out. I forced myself to stay awake because I was afraid I'd die in my sleep. Finally went to sleep around 2:30.
However, I did get a little worried myself last night. I took a few hydros about 8:00. At 9:30ish I wasn't feeling much, so I took a few more. Got in bed about 10:00 and began noticing that I had to remind myself to breathe. I would lay there and all of a sudden gasp for a breath, because I had stopped instinctively taking them. This feeling continued for quite a while. I got pretty freaked out. I forced myself to stay awake because I was afraid I'd die in my sleep. Finally went to sleep around 2:30.

Wait, so you're against heavy drinking, but pro-pills?
However, I did get a little worried myself last night. I took a few hydros about 8:00. At 9:30ish I wasn't feeling much, so I took a few more. Got in bed about 10:00 and began noticing that I had to remind myself to breathe. I would lay there and all of a sudden gasp for a breath, because I had stopped instinctively taking them. This feeling continued for quite a while. I got pretty freaked out. I forced myself to stay awake because I was afraid I'd die in my sleep. Finally went to sleep around 2:30.

Hope you're not serious.
To be honest, it's kind of weird to me my wife reassured me a bunch afterwards that nobody was offended or anything about me doing that and she hasn't made fun of me at all. So either she was in on it, or being unusually kind. Now I don't think she was in on it, only in my most paranoid thoughts, but just to put it in perspective: That other incident where I threw up after the cheap vodka, oj, and stop and go traffic? She loves to tell this story to people repeatedly, even these many years later and talks about how her friends called me "Pukey." So I'm just going to go with she's being kinder this time.
Tabs are awesome. But seriously, I can't lose my biggest e-fan. Biff1, don't get hooked on them. It's easier to get hooked than you think... and much more difficult to stop.
Guys, tell me if this seems right or wrong to you, but not as a joke:

Have you guys any knowledge or heard anything about stuff commonly being put in drinks with oj in them? Because I know I'm paranoid, but that's what I had a couple of, and when I starting looking up articles and stories about drugged drinks, just about every one of them mentions an orange juice concoction.
Say it aint so champ! Broke, rustled jimmies, and now popping pills. Why must our heroes always fall?
I believe he has stated they are his sons.

So what I have learned today is that Biff1*'s children are naked and one of them is hurting.

I would start a go fund me for them but for fear it will drive him further into his addiction. Would rather try an intervention first.
Guys, tell me if this seems right or wrong to you, but not as a joke:

Have you guys any knowledge or heard anything about stuff commonly being put in drinks with oj in them? Because I know I'm paranoid, but that's what I had a couple of, and when I starting looking up articles and stories about drugged drinks, just about every one of them mentions an orange juice concoction.
Minute Maid?
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