BamaBullies said:
Easportsbama said:
Swamptick said:
*sigh*. One cool thing I can say is that I have played the finnished build over and over.
Thats the first thing i would look for if i could see the finished version!!!
Yea I would look at the ratings too. The problem is Swamp has not actually played it and he would just have to make up numbers. You could at least guess and get close...
LOL!! You tickle me Bullies. How do you know I have not played it? I have played it. There are a couple of problems with the requests to get player ratings. The first and foremost is that the games we play are not entirely up to us in terms of the teams we get to use and the places we get to play. I have had to play as a number of teams in a variety of stadiums and weather conditions. EA Tiburon is pretty cool about letting locals (primarily friends of employees) come in and play, but they keep you on pretty tight rails as far as what you can and cannot play. That being the case, it is not just like they let you sit down in a private room with a system all your own and just play as you will. Even the testers don't really get to do that very much. They certainly do not allow the public to come in and start copying stats and features so that they can be leaked ahead of the game being released.
The second problem is that in the environment they put us in, playing another person and all, no one else wants the "dude from Alabama" really scouring the playbook and the player ratings. Doing this would postpone EVERYONE else in the room from playing for that much longer. Even if I COULD browse those types of features, the people that we play against do not want to wait for me to examine those details.....even if EA Tiburon allowed us to see them. I can't say I blame them. If I was had access to that part of the game I would love to see it, but in the company of 15-20 other gamers on 7-8 machines, it would be bad form to say "Hey guys, please wait while I check all of this out". I know y'all don't know how the situation is there, but for games that are not out yet, there are alot of things they DON'T want us to see.
For instance, they will not let you see the title screen or the bonus feature screens. They won't let us have ANYTHING to do with the Capmus Legend feature and the new recruiting system. Essentialy all they let us do is play the actual game itself. I have played a finnished copy, but what you might not understand is that the copy we play is played on a development kit. It is not like we just pull a shelf copy out of a normal display case and pop it in a production 360. The machines they let us play are for the testers and public to play. Even the disc just says "NCAA Football 2008: 360 Pre-Release" and also has some other numbers and esoteric gibberish on it that I do not understand. When the Tiburon guys say that this is a "finnished" copy, what they mean is that the coding will undergo no further changes.
I am sorry that my information has caused such vitriol from Bullies. I do not understand why he seems so upset that I claim to have played it. I am not sure why me saying I have played it bothers him so bad but oh well. :shock: