🏈 Merged threads on Miles, LSU and Michigan

Honestly i wanted the LSU job to be open just so i could see what kind of a man Saban really is, i wanted to see if he would stick to his word and stay with us or take off to LSU.
TerryP said:
Kc Bleeds Crimson said:
remftu said:
Saban was not in Baton Rouge for some recruiting trip. He is lobbying for the L.S.U. job.

:roll: keep dreaming

First of all, it was a student newspaper, the Reville, that reported this happening Weds. Soon followed by your own Athletic Department, when asked, said his visit to the state of LA had nothing to do with LSU.

Back to the Reville and I quote, "According to anonymous sources." LOL. As in, here's a note for you but I won't give you my name or how I know. It's a student newspaper, so we'll just chalk that one up to "learning curves within the journalism department."

NOW, you also have news organizations in the BR area reporting that it was just a rumor and the earlier reports were false.

Just to add to you vast knowledge of who and where we are recruiting, you might try Tuesday as the day the staff was in LA.

As to Spurrier, that's something I've known about for more than a month and shared it with the other staff here. I find it quite ironic that you post here telling us where Saban is and then go into details about Spurrier and word around LSU...when, in fact, it appears the staff here knows more about what is going on in BR than you as a fan do.

Just as a heads up, you might be better off served to be worried about some of your players leaving state than what and where our coach is, or has been.

If I were to guess, if you do post again in this thread, it'll be how Terry doesn't like T-town. But, then again, you'd be shooting blanks.

Why is this directed at me? :?
Kc Bleeds Crimson said:
TerryP said:
Kc Bleeds Crimson said:
remftu said:
Saban was not in Baton Rouge for some recruiting trip. He is lobbying for the L.S.U. job.

:roll: keep dreaming

To add...

First of all, it was a student newspaper, the Reville, that reported this happening Weds. Soon followed by your own Athletic Department, when asked, said his visit to the state of LA had nothing to do with LSU.

Back to the Reville and I quote, "According to anonymous sources." LOL. As in, here's a note for you but I won't give you my name or how I know. It's a student newspaper, so we'll just chalk that one up to "learning curves within the journalism department."

NOW, you also have news organizations in the BR area reporting that it was just a rumor and the earlier reports were false.

Just to add to you vast knowledge of who and where we are recruiting, you might try Tuesday as the day the staff was in LA.

As to Spurrier, that's something I've known about for more than a month and shared it with the other staff here. I find it quite ironic that you post here telling us where Saban is and then go into details about Spurrier and word around LSU...when, in fact, it appears the staff here knows more about what is going on in BR than you as a fan do.

Just as a heads up, you might be better off served to be worried about some of your players leaving state than what and where our coach is, or has been.

If I were to guess, if you do post again in this thread, it'll be how Terry doesn't like T-town. But, then again, you'd be shooting blanks.

Why is this directed at me? :?

It wasn't...
Best news I have heard today. Now only for LSU to lose and have them stuck with a guy that has no hardware. Well, it seems like they managed to keep a wheel on when all the others were coming off.

Problem is, that wheel looked this year to already be busted.
Not so fast. ABC just stated that Miles has not signed an agreement yet with LSU. It may be a plot (lie) to remove distractions from his players before the game. I think he may be playing possum. I say he is off to Michigan. ABC sure is stirring the pot.
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