| FTBL Merged threads on Miles, LSU and Michigan


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ESPN Reporting Miles to Michigan next week.

Just saw Kirk Herbstreit report that Miles will be announced as Michigan's Head Coach next week. Guys and Gals if that happens, I am going to be as nervous as a virgin on prom night, with all the rumors about Saban starting up this week. He can say all he wants, but until they hire someone else, I will be a nervous wreck. I know if he doesn't want to be here let him go, but I don't want to start over with another staff and be behind another year, I want us to move forward with Coach Saban.
Re: ESPN Reporting

If you are getting nervous you need to relax. I knew weeks ago we were going to start hearing different loads of crap all over the 'net.

I communicate with a fan of a rival school of our on a regular basis. We discussed in length about an email that was circulating telling some of the fans to start spreading as many rumors as possible. The intent, and I quote, "Let's murky the recruiting waters as much as we can over the next few months."

Just relax, kick back, and watch some football today. Hopefully, we'll see some good games this afternoon and tonight.

bamabarney said:
Just saw Kirk Herbstreit report that Miles will be announced as Michigan's Head Coach next week. Guys and Gals if that happens, I am going to be as nervous as a virgin on prom night, with all the rumors about Saban starting up this week. He can say all he wants, but until they hire someone else, I will be a nervous wreck. I know if he doesn't want to be here let him go, but I don't want to start over with another staff and be behind another year, I want us to move forward with Coach Saban.
Re: ESPN Reporting

TerryP said:
I communicate with a fan of a rival school of our on a regular basis. We discussed in length about an email that was circulating telling some of the fans to start spreading as many rumors as possible. The intent, and I quote, "Let's murky the recruiting waters as much as we can over the next few months."

bamabarney said:
Just saw Kirk Herbstreit report that Miles will be announced as Michigan's Head Coach next week. Guys and Gals if that happens, I am going to be as nervous as a virgin on prom night, with all the rumors about Saban starting up this week. He can say all he wants, but until they hire someone else, I will be a nervous wreck. I know if he doesn't want to be here let him go, but I don't want to start over with another staff and be behind another year, I want us to move forward with Coach Saban.

If Saban leaves, he leaves.... But what if he is using this to his advantage at UA in the recruiting aspect? He knows LA recruiting pretty well, Miles jumps ships and so could many of his committments, to us! Maybe thats why he jetted off to LA so fast!
No school in the nation has enough money to buy out the rest of Saban's contract, which is I think about 28 Mil. right about now. They couldn't possibly buy that out and then offer a new 40 million dollar contract. @ Least I don't think any school is that rich
Bishop said:
No school in the nation has enough money to buy out the rest of Saban's contract, which is I think about 28 Mil. right about now. They couldn't possibly buy that out and then offer a new 40 million dollar contract. @ Least I don't think any school is that rich

The buy-out of Saban's contract is ZERO. However, our coaches would not be hitting the recruiting trail as hard as they are and wrangling big time commits if they planned on leaving, so everyone relax. Saban's contract is $32 mil to him guaranteed as long as he stays here 8 years with no buy-out. That's the kind of deal you have to work to sign a coach like Saban and the bottom line is, few teams other than Alabama have the resources to work that kind of deal, that's why we should all relax.
Bishop said:
No school in the nation has enough money to buy out the rest of Saban's contract, which is I think about 28 Mil. right about now. They couldn't possibly buy that out and then offer a new 40 million dollar contract. @ Least I don't think any school is that rich

There is no buy out in Saban contract.
I think that has been standard for him. I think.
Re: ESPN Reporting

The story about Saban being in BR that was reported in the LSU student newspaper is BS. He was in LA this past week, talking to Edwards, Tolliver, Edwards parents, and a few '09 prospects. Miles rumors don't have anything to do with him visiting there. But, then again, it doesn't hurt.

Miles told Edwards that he was going to be his coach a long, long time. So, if Miles does opt to got North I like where it puts us.

Atlanta_Tider said:
If Saban leaves, he leaves.... But what if he is using this to his advantage at UA in the recruiting aspect? He knows LA recruiting pretty well, Miles jumps ships and so could many of his committments, to us! Maybe thats why he jetted off to LA so fast!
Not a Saban fan, I'm a Bama Fan. If he leave he leave. That not going to stop me being a Bama Fan. But until he leave I'm a fan of his and the whole staff.
Come on dude, RELAX. Sabans not leaving. He just got here and has alot to prove just to save face.. Also, the LSU athletic director is not going to risk losing his job over hiring someone that quit him just a couple years ago. Saban wouldnt go in the first place. Give Saban some of your trust, I am sure he would appreciate it.
Saban was not in Baton Rouge for some recruiting trip. He is lobbying for the L.S.U. job. However it is apparent down here that Steve Spurrier will be the next head coach of L.S.U. He has hired a real estate agent and played golf with "key" L.S.U. boosters this week.
Just ran across a post about a truck pulling into the Georgia Dome's parking lot for an early start on the tailgate.

On the back of it was written, 830 miles to Knoxville, 630 miles to Atlanta, 1 Miles to Ann Arbor.
Come on, guys. Show some class.

Sure we've had our heart broken before, but quit expecting it again. We have the best head coach in America (IMO), one of the best coaching staff in America, the best facilities and soon to be best stadium in America, THE most rabid fan base in America, and an AD and BOT that are willing to do whatever is necessary (legally) to return this program to the upper echelon of D1 football.

Think about it...Saban could not dream of a better situation. I'm sure he didn't expect the program to be in the condition that he found it in, but he sees the potential of all of the above.

I am convinced, as I was on the day he was announced, that the only way CNS leaves in less than 4 years is if the FANS run him off.
Kc Bleeds Crimson said:
remftu said:
Saban was not in Baton Rouge for some recruiting trip. He is lobbying for the L.S.U. job.

:roll: keep dreaming
To add...

First of all, it was a student newspaper, the Reville, that reported this happening Weds. Soon followed by your own Athletic Department, when asked, said his visit to the state of LA had nothing to do with LSU.

Back to the Reville and I quote, "According to anonymous sources." LOL. As in, here's a note for you but I won't give you my name or how I know. It's a student newspaper, so we'll just chalk that one up to "learning curves within the journalism department."

NOW, you also have news organizations in the BR area reporting that it was just a rumor and the earlier reports were false.

Just to add to you vast knowledge of who and where we are recruiting, you might try Tuesday as the day the staff was in LA.

As to Spurrier, that's something I've known about for more than a month and shared it with the other staff here. I find it quite ironic that you post here telling us where Saban is and then go into details about Spurrier and word around LSU...when, in fact, it appears the staff here knows more about what is going on in BR than you as a fan do.

Just as a heads up, you might be better off served to be worried about some of your players leaving state than what and where our coach is, or has been.

If I were to guess, if you do post again in this thread, it'll be how Terry doesn't like T-town. But, then again, you'd be shooting blanks.
remftu said:
He is lobbying for the L.S.U. job.

Excuse me, but really......what is it about LSU that makes it such a better job than anywhere else, including Alabama? Is it the one national championship they've had the past 50 years? Is it that they consistently underachieve? Is it that they currently have alot of talent - which can easily change in the span of 2 years? Why is everyone "afraid" LSU may come calling? Screw LSU, I ain't scared.

NEWSFLASH FOLKS................LSU just lost another coach, and it wasn't because they're so great.
I agree with a previous post, show some class. The BEST thing about this board is that 99% of the people on here are level-headed. Let's not start a meltdown. There will be so many rumors floating around over the next few weeks, we see this every year, don't start believing everything you see on the 'net.
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