| LIFE Life expectancy by state. What the hell is going on in the South?

I eat more than my share, but I believe refined flour is not good for anyone's health. I seldom make biscuits, but I get my quota elsewhere.
I know. No doubt I eat too much bread as well. I had a couple of sandwiches and two biscuits yesterday—although I eat five or six meals a day.

Reminds me...I've thought of trying Quinoa flour. There's a bakery/pastry in West Ashley that brags about their use. And they should.

...and now I can't get my mind off of their Sausage, roasted Red Pepper, and Goat Cheese Frittata...I don't want on the other side of the Cooper this morning.
...thread starts off with startling stats showing how Southerners die younger than people in other regions.

The consensus seems to be:

"We die younger? OK, maybe it has something to do with out diet - but you ain't taking away my biscuits and gravy. Tell ya that right now..."

This is part of why I love being Southern.
Self rising flour with heavy whipping cream added makes a decent biscuit. Frozen biscuits seem too crumbly for me.
Heavy Whipping cream (instead of milk or water) is what I add to my rue (bacon grease and White Lilly flour), for my gravy.... salt and pepper, let it simmer for about 20 minutes, keep it stirred often and cook it to the consistency you like, and you're good to go. Of course, you can add sausage, tomatoes ('mater gravy), or anything you like, but the plain and simple for the "Sawmill" gravy is where it's at. :)
I have never been much a fan of biscuits and gravy. However, I will fry some boneless chops in a mixture of olive oil and butter until about 3/4 done and remove them from the skillet. I then add onion, mushrooms and garlic to the pan and fry for a few minutes. then maybe add a little more butter and flour and beef or chicken stock to make the gravy. Add salt and pepper to taste. Then put the chops back in the skillet to finish cooking.
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